Opening Kings Road Cafe

Detail: Kings Road Cafe opening party flyer (collection Jason Seibert)Jason Seibert’s generous donation of early-’80s San Diego flyers offers a prime opportunity to open discussion of the Kings Road Cafe (née the International Blend), a small venue that played an enormous role in fostering and showcasing an eclectic mix of bands.

Detail: International Blend flyer, Dec. 22, 1981 (collection Jason Seibert)The Seibert Collection represents a slice of life at Kings Road in the summer of 1982, starting in June when the club morphed from the I-Blend under the management of Peter “English” Verbrugge. Other artifacts, including a July 1982 calendar (with membership card offer!), highlight the variety of performers that visited 4034 30th St. that summer, both San Diego regulars and up-and-coming out-of-towners.

Detail: Kings Road Cafe flyer, June 25, 1982 (art by Bobby Lane, collection Jason Seibert)Detail: Kings Road Cafe July 1982 calendar (collection Jason Seibert)Detail: Kings Road Cafe flyer, July 3, 1982 (art by Clayton Colgin, collection Jason Seibert)Detail: Kings Road Cafe flyer, July 9, 1982 (art by Clayton Colgin, collection Jason Seibert)Detail: Kings Road Cafe flyer, July 31, 1982 (art by Bobby Lane, collection Jason Seibert)


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