Crawdaddys/Unknowns reunion flyers
from Kristen Tobiason

(To celebrate Labor Day weekend’s 30-year reunions of the Crawdaddys and the Unknowns at San Diego’s Casbah, longtime graphic artist and Che Underground blog contributor Kristen Tobiason has prepared a striking pair of flyers to feature each night’s lineup. Here’s the story behind the art and a glimpse of the sociology of music flyering.)

The Unknowns, the Sidewalk Scene, the Comeuppance; Casbah, Sept. 3, 2011 (Kristen Tobiason)It seems like yesterday I was drawing a flyer for the Wallflowers’ first gig with a black Sharpie.

Twenty years later, here I am putting together a poster for the Unknowns, while listening to one of their songs on YouTube.
I still sketch my preliminary ideas on paper, but my medium has evolved, becoming less primitive and infinitely more digitized.

Buy your tickets now for the Crawdaddys and the Unknowns at San Diego’s Casbah, Sept. 2-3!

The Crawdaddys, the Amandas, the Baja Bugs; Casbah, Sept. 2, 2011 (Kristen Tobiason)Some girls love shoes, I love color and typography. I was never patient enough to learn guitar, but drawing came naturally. I loved record albums as a kid, and some of my earliest memories are of studying the covers from my dad’s collection. As a teenager in the San Diego music scene, flyering was a way that I could contribute to the music without having to actually be in a band. When I was 16 I got my first box of rapidograph inking pens, which I had seen Jerry Cornelius use for his illustrations. Jerry’s art was intimidating, but inspiring too. I learned by emulating his style, and used to sit and copy Tennielle’s drawings from “Alice in Wonderland,” or the covers of H.P. Lovecraft, to learn how to do the crosshatching/shading.

Read moreCrawdaddys/Unknowns reunion flyers
from Kristen Tobiason

Darren Grealish in Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

(On the heels of Mark Neill’s Grammy win, more news of national recognition for an old friend. Poster artist extraordinaire Darren Grealish describes his inclusion in the forthcoming Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum’s Library and Archives.)

I have been selected to join the permanent display with other rock artists, album artists and rock literature/book authors who made an important impact on rock-‘n’-roll history. I will have my own permanent exhibit that includes tons of my art framed in all its glory, along with a detailed biography, interviews, personal photos, and an in-depth look at my career with influential artists and performers.

Read moreDarren Grealish in Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Punk flyer blow out from the Seibert Collection

Detail: Dead Kennedys flyer (collection Jason Seibert)You asked for it, we’ve got it: The recent success of the PDF set of mod-themed flyers from the Ken Fugate Collection prompts a 31-page volume of punk classics from early ’80s San Diego, courtesy of our beloved Jason Seibert.

The Seibert flyers reference a variety of venues, including Fairmount Hall, North Park Lions Club and the Adams Avenue Theater (many of them organized by Marc Rude’s Dead or Alive). San Diego acts include Personal Conflict, Men of Clay, No Age Limit, the Skullbusters, Social Spit, Manifest Destiny, Catch-22, Moral Majority, V-5, 5051, the Nutrons, the Middle Class, Battalion of Saints, District Tradition, the Front, Sacred Lies, the Injections and Black Tango.

When Garris met Cornelius

Detail: Tell-Tale Hearts/Manual Scan/Trebles, Syndicate; April 28, 1984 (art by Steve Garris/Jerry Cornelius, collection Tom Goddard)I find the pedigree of this flyer in the Tom Goddard Collection colorful enough to stand on its own: an advertisement for the Tell-Tale Hearts’ April 28, 1984, appearance with Manual Scan and the Trebles at Point Loma’s Syndicate that appears to bear the imprint of two of San Diego’s most intriguing flyer artists and raconteurs.

Signatures: Tell-Tale Hearts/Manual Scan/Trebles, Syndicate; April 28, 1984 (art by Steve Garris/Jerry Cornelius, collection Tom Goddard)The side-by-side signatures at the lower right of the flyer indicate the piece was signed by “SFG 84” as well as the protean Jerry Cornelius. While “SFG” and the style of the Edward Gorey/Alice in Wonderland imagery point to Steve “Fuckin’ ” Garris, Tell-Tale Heart Ray Brandes expresses certainty that the band never commissioned San Diego’s self-proclaimed “King of the Punks” to create a flyer on its behalf.

Read moreWhen Garris met Cornelius

More Answers (and questions) in flyers

Detail: Manual Scan/Answers Anders flyer, July 18, 1983 (art by Jerry Cornelius, collection Dave Fleminger)The Answers’ busy gigging schedule (at the Headquarters and other venues) between 1981 and 1984 generated myriad flyers by a variety of artists, many of them masterworks of psychedelic imagery. Much of the art was created by two towering figures: Jerry Cornelius and Answers guitarist/vocalist Dave Fleminger.

Of Jerry, Tom Ward writes, “Sooner or later, one way or another, we’ll have all of Jeremiah’s flyer illustrations. My junk is in storage on the other side of the country, but I made a point at the time of saving all the Cornelius flyers. You could see that each was an effort to top the previous one, and it was good work. I had the feeling a day would come when they’d be needed in an archival sense. … To me they were, after awhile, like the expressions of a local Aubrey Beardsley. … [T]hey added a real measure of class to the events they heralded, and were a distinct part of the flowering of our particular underground.

Read moreMore Answers (and questions) in flyers

Saving Bobby Lane

Detail: Dead Kennedys/Raw Power flyer (collection Kristen Tobiason)The Che Underground flyer collection is overdue in giving credit to Bobby Lane, one of the greats of San Diego rock-‘n’-roll graphics. While I hope we can open a complete (and pristine) Bobby Lane Wing in our online gallery, I like the personal history behind these two well-loved examples, courtesy of Kristen Tobiasen.

Detail: Minor Threat/Husker Du/Skullbusters flyer (collection Kristen Tobiason)“What flyer gallery would be complete without the art of Bobby Lane?” Kristen writes. “Probably the most ‘iconic’ of San Diego punk flyer artists, definitely the most prolific. Years before I ever met him, I remember seeing his flyers posted around.

Read moreSaving Bobby Lane

Pictures in an exhibition

Detail: Wallflowers/Rockin’ Dogs/Neophytes flyer (collection Dave Fleminger)Aside from rock-‘n’-roll music and tattoos, flyer art was one of the highest forms of expression in our circle. Today, the Che Underground flyer gallery welcomes new show pieces from the collection of Dave Fleminger.

“The Greenwich Village West one is a Kristen Tobiason work (including initials),” Dave writes, “the Che is Kristin Martin’s (initials again), the Pandoras gobble is mine, and the Rain Parade/Tell-Tale Hearts is certainly one of the most inscrutable of Jerry Cornelius’ flyers.”

Detail: Noise 292/Wallflowers/Hair Theatre flyer (collection Dave Fleminger)Detail: Pandoras/Answers/Odds/Noise 292 flyer (collection Dave Fleminger)Detail: Rain Parade/Tell-Tale Hearts flyer (collection Dave Fleminger)

Read morePictures in an exhibition

New flyers! New fun!

Detail: Hair Theatre/Rockin’ Dogs flyer: Oct. 5, 1984As the Che Underground history tour gains speed, I keep getting the greatest stuff from all you wonderful people! Thank you for every beautiful audiovisual scrap of it — my biggest challenge is finding the time to move it all online and the technique to present it to its best advantage, but it’s all appreciated and will ultimately have a happy home here.

Detail: DaveFest 3 flyer: July 20, 1985Our flyer gallery is picking up steam, as is our performance history page. (To create a nice frame of historical reference while keeping things manageable, I’m concentrating on the years 1981 through 1985 … But I want to hear about what years and what assets are important to you.) The related bands section is also slowly gaining traction; authors and bands welcome. Please visit — and please help fill in the many gaps that still exist!

The Che Underground