The Tell-Tale Hearts on ‘It’s Happening’

Tell-Tale Hearts Peter Meisner, Mike Stax on "It's Happening"During its run from the mid-’80s to early ’90s, Audrey Moorehead’s and Dominic Priore’s cable series “It’s Happening” hearkened back to an earlier era of music television. The show featured clips from Priore’s video library as well as a cavalcade of the era’s garage bands.

“Priore and Moorehead choose the bands, design the Spartan sets, and write and edit the show, which is financed by Priore and grants from various cable companies,” the Los Angeles Times described in a 1990 article. “The equipment and crews are provided at no charge through the companies’ local access departments.

“The most striking element about the 30 low-budget segments that have been produced is their glaring, and oddly endearing, roughness. There are no jump cuts, computer-generated special effects or other MTV slickness.”

Crawdaddys/Unknowns Labor Day
showcase from the McMullen Collection

The Unknowns; Casbah, Sept. 3, 2011 (Sean McMullen)San Diego photographer Sean McMullen is a true friend of Che Underground: The Blog and of most of the participants featured here. He’s also a friend to anyone who cares about preserving gorgeous images of the town’s most exciting gigs.

Sean McMullen, Dave Doyle talk photography

The Crawdaddys; Casbah, Sept. 2, 2011 (Sean McMullen)I’m very grateful to him for his latest contribution: this wonderful set of photos from our recent showcase at the Casbah, which ran Sept. 2 and 3 and featured the 30-year San Diego reunions of the Crawdaddys and the Unknowns, supported by a galaxy of local stars.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for video and audio from Labor Day Weekend 2011!

Flyer; Casbah, Sept. 3, 2011 (Sean McMullen)Heather Vorwerck, Dave Fleminger; Casbah, Sept. 3, 2011 (Sean McMullen)

Here are the acts, in chronological order:

Read moreCrawdaddys/Unknowns Labor Day
showcase from the McMullen Collection

It’s 1985: Do you know
where your bell-bottoms are?

(Ray Brandes reopens the case of People vs. the Che Underground.)

Thursday morning, during the last week of August, 1985, I arrived at work at 4:00 a.m. to begin my shift collecting and baling the cardboard boxes left scattered on the floor of the Food Basket on Washington Street. As I donned my apron, the hoots and catcalls began. “Hey, Hollywood!” shouted one of the night-crew guys as he leaned back in the seat of the forklift, a smug look on his face. In one hand he held a can of New Coke; in the other was the latest copy of People, emblazoned with the headline, “Madonna Weds Sean.”

A few weeks earlier, my bandmates and I had made the trek to Los Angeles and endured a several hours-long photo shoot at the Cavern, music maven and cult impresario Greg Shaw’s modest live-music club located in an alley off Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood. The article, we had been told, would put Bomp! Records on the map and catapult the Tell-Tale Hearts to stardom. This would be my ticket to fame and fortune, I believed. I would quit my job bagging groceries and baling cardboard, take a few semesters off from college, and enjoy the good life.

Read moreIt’s 1985: Do you know
where your bell-bottoms are?

Cyndie Jaynes: An evening with the Wallflowers

Detail: Paul Howland, Wallflowers (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Cyndie Jaynes’ amazing gift to Che Underground: The Blog continues giving with this wonderful series of photographs from a late-era Wallflowers concert featuring Todd Lahman on guitar and Matt Johnson on drums. As always, Paul Howland (pictured in these photos) and Dave Rinck loomed large in the lineup.

MC/guest vocalist Jerry Cornelius, Tony Sanchez, Kristi Maddocks, and Audrey Moorehead also make the scene. What was the venue? The little picket fence and trellis evokes a freaky ice-cream parlor vibe. Who can ID this magic moment?

Detail: Todd Lahman, Wallflowers (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Matt Johnson, Wallflowers (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Jerry Cornelius fronts the Wallflowers (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Kristi Maddocks dancing (photo: Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Audrey Moorehead at the Wallflowers (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Tony Suarez at the Wallflowers (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)

The Che Underground