So how’s your summer?

Mungo JerryHere’s  an easy one (at least for those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere): What are you up to this summer?

Summertime feels different to me now than it did when I was a kid and had a solid block of vacation to savor … But in some ways, the time I do take is all the more precious.

Right now, I’m sitting at a picnic table at P.J. Hoffmaster State Park in Muskegon, Mich. Pop-up camper to the left of me … Cellular modem to the right … Here I am!

What’s cookin’ with you this summer?

We know what you did last summer!

Oh! And a bonus question: What songs evoke summer for you?

24 thoughts on “So how’s your summer?

  1. Mungo Jerry! “Have a drink, have a drive…” -- gone are the days when you could deliver that line. And despite liking any era that lets you wear those sideburns, that’s a good thing.

    My summer? The big item is getting ready for our daughter, who’s due in October. Summers won’t be the same again. And that’s a good thing.

  2. >>We don’t have summer here in Nairobi.

    Dave Rinck: I’ve always wondered about institutional schedules near the equator. Is there a sizeable school vacation in Kenya? It seems like school holidays would have been modeled on the British schedule back in the day — but now?

    BTW, I’ve had that silly Mungo Jerry tune in my head ever since I posted it. Wikipedia claims that in 1970, they were hailed as the biggest British phenom since Beatlemania! Wonder how much that song’s made in licensing over the years?

  3. What a weird coincidence… I was just thinking of this song on my way to work this morning… mainly because it’s totally overcast today, and I was thinking about how the weather was not very summery… so then of course I thought of “when it’s summertime and the weather is fine.”

    I still feel like I’m entitled be on vacation all summer. I don’t think I ever got over that. 🙁

  4. Summer is high wedding season, so I’m working a lot. Vacation time is late winter.

    That said, cousins are visiting, so I just got off a road trip in a mercedes passenger bus with 7 kids. I am a sitcom.

    Patrick Works
    bad uncle patrick

  5. >>I still feel like I’m entitled be on vacation all summer. I don’t think I ever got over that. 🙁

    Dave Ellison: Yeah, totally. Last summer when I was between jobs was stressful on one level but totally liberating on another. (Glad to be working now, though!) 🙂

  6. >What’s cookin’ with you this summer?

    Work. Working until my eyes bleed. At a time when it’s especially unbecoming to whine about employment. At a job I need that really couldn’t be any better. Unless it could involve going to the beach or climbing trees or lying on the grass staring at the sky.

    Sometimes I duck out of the office for 15 minutes to go to the playground down the street.

    Weekends are good. Bare feet and lemonade on weekends.

  7. Playing Gershwin and reading Bennet Reimer and Elliot Eisner.

    Beach on weekends. Lots of pho.

    Where is the source of flutes being found before combs?? not on any archeo or anthro link on internet.

  8. >>Where is the source of flutes being found before combs?? not on any archeo or anthro link on internet.

    Bruce: Recently discovered flute crafted from a vulture’s forearm dates back 35,000 to 40,000 years. Oldest comb I was able to find was 5,000 years old … Although I assume early combs were wooden and unlikely to have survived.

  9. Hmmmm…confounding. I need a scholarly citation for a paper.

    I hope you’re having a nice summer MATT. Coming up to RI for any seafood in the future??

  10. Bruce! Actually, we’re going to Boston for a wedding Labor Day weekend … Gotta figure out the trajectory. 🙂

    Check it out — this was on billboards all over western Michigan:

    I love a region that can display something like this unironically!

  11. so our comments are being moderated now?
    that does kinda take the spontaneity out of things doesn’t it?!

    well…in that case could you sheck my spelling for me?

  12. My summer started ruling extra rad about two weeks ago, when I moved to the other side of the island. WAY better locale for me- lots of sand and salt water, not a lot of tall buildings and traffic.

    Plus I got away from the most toxic roommate ever, without suffocating him under a pillow! Two birds>>>one stone!

  13. Its been raining here between two to three days a week in Southern Ontario, Summers half over so i havent been able to work on my all over tan much, Oh well it could be snowing……

  14. My kid just won a book of prizes from the community library- stuff like a free round of mini golf, free ice cream, free admission to the water park. (I looked and looked for a coupon for the Viennas Matt saw, but no such luck.) So, she’s taking us out on the town this weekend. Now it’s starting to feel like summer.


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