Bruce Joyner: Che Underground regards

(Ray Brandes leads a karmic rally on behalf of a local hero.)

Unknowns’ Bruce Joyner (photograph by Tim LaMadrid; all rights reserved)Che Underground hero Bruce Joyner, lead singer extraordinaire of the Unknowns, is a classic Southern Gentleman. He has graced us here with his insight and keen wit and has answered our questions with a Southern hospitality as rich and famous as sweet sun tea.

Bruce’s chronic health problems, originating with a string of accidents in his youth, have been well-documented. He has weathered years of painful operations and recurring complications like a Georgia oak: steadfastly, firmly and proudly. Bruce will soon be undergoing a series of surgeries that will keep him from performing until at least early springtime of next year.

Read “Dream Sequence: The history of the Unknowns”

Che Underground: The Blog would like to provide this page as a place to offer our old friend Bruce our kind thoughts, prayers, positive energy and sincerest wishes for a quick recovery.

— Ray Brandes

33 thoughts on “Bruce Joyner: Che Underground regards

  1. I understand all too well what living a life with health problems is like.
    I’ve never met you Bruce.
    But I’m in your corner..and I wish you the best

  2. Also, Bruce I don’t know if you need this kind of help, as you will be out of work for awhile, but I can contact my friend Victoria Williams about the Sweet Relief and pass on info if you need.

  3. Bruce, wishing you all the best. Hope you feel better soon!
    Your songs have touched our hearts and our thoughts are with you.

  4. I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting you Bruce, but am sure we’ve bumped shoulders at a show. Besides…we are all connected through this blog!
    Am sending you positive, healing thoughts, a calm attitude and tibetan prayer flags -- with my mind.

    I hope you are able to read some good books. Let us know if you need some and we will bring you a care package. xo

  5. >>I hope you are able to read some good books. Let us know if you need some and we will bring you a care package. xo

    Nice point, Kristen!

    Bruce: I’m drawing a blank on anything tangible we can do to make your convalescence more palatable … But anything you’d enjoy, like reading materials or anything else — it’d be my pleasure to help wrap it in a bow. 🙂

  6. We’re all getting too old for this kind of shit…certainly hope you weather your surgeries well, and with as little discomfort as possible. Just know you have a host of fellow musicians and friends who wish you the best. A lot of people don’t have that.

  7. Bruce, the best of luck to you on your surgeries. I’ve enjoyed hearing your new music projects on Myspace and was hoping to see you perform, but haven’t got over to that part of the country. I hope you have a speedy recovery and that we can see you perform soon!

  8. Bruce,
    All the best hopes and wishes for a speedy recovery. You were a huge part of what made the early scene great, a shining combination of talent and humility. I’m sure my late brother would join me in sending mojo your way. The Love Train is waiting patiently at the station.

  9. damn…mom ‘n’ dad STILL don’t understand

    almost 30 years later that voice still sings in my head

    for the record…every time I meet somebody named Suzanne I break out in song

    real fans will understand

    the man rocks (rocked?) harder from a chair than most any will (did) on two good feet and legs…

    GAWD the depth of that voice!

    Man…you gave me the fearlessness to sing on the bus in Jr. High.

    I got mah white ass kicked, but it was worth it!



  10. ok people listen up…bruce need our help…enough of the talk …you guys need to reach into your wallets and help a brother out…those you in contact with matthew need to get your shit together and donate now …if everyone that reads the board only donated 5.00 it would help…thats what 2 beers…damn it wake up…i send this with fierce love…heff

  11. Bruce my friend my thoughts and prayers are with you (sounds corny but dude ya got to get better!!

    ps:Matt you need a bass player or dummer i’m in for a tribute session (I play both)


  12. Thank you..all of my friends…for your prayers,encouragement,help and kind words..I played my first show in a long time in May of this year and my second one in September…My health has improved and i can finally do what i love the most…play live shows.As Mikel’s e-mail says..Sometimes things work out and life gets better…but without the love i got from you folks(and still get) would not have happened…The bio Mikel received was put together by some fans so pardon the zeal..Ray Brandes, i love your magazine Che Underground and the benefit you held for me ,thank you, …Gary sir, are a true friend.For everyone who donated..God, bless you!..My surgeries did not only go well..they are helping me thrive…I am on facebook under my birth name Bruce Leonard Sumler..come and say hello..and be my facebook friends too.My e-mail is…For all the people i didn’t single out by name i apologize and i…thank you so much for caring…I miss all of you..

    sincerely your friend always…Bruce Joyner…

  13. Always loved your band, Bruce. Still watch the videos…Very glad to hear you’re well.

    Bruce Injection


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