“Why are the $^%%$&# comments switched off??”

Urgent Che Underground alert: It’s just come to my attention that sometime last night, commenting was disabled on every one of the hundreds of posts on Che Underground: The Blog.

That means that nobody has been able to add new comments to any posts. It also means that some poor soul(s) with administrative privileges will have to open each post and click the little “Allow Comments” box. With more than a year’s worth of history now, that’s an ugly task. … And this is (I believe) the fourth time that gremlins have inflicted this glitch.

For now, I’ve reactivated commenting on the most recent posts, so you-all can start chatting again. And once I stop crying, I’ll gather a posse and go fix all of them.

Apologies! We’ve got a creaky old version of WordPress, a lot of content and limited technical resources.

While I’m at it (and with comments enabled on this post!) do you have any other questions about or issues with the technical side of the Che Underground online empire?

36 thoughts on ““Why are the $^%%$&# comments switched off??”

  1. Matt,
    Thanks for doing all this. It is a huge undertaking to manage this and you are most gracious to allow us this opportunityto play. Thanks again.

    PS I wondered why the che blog was so quiet.


  2. Matt -- come on now. You don’t hear me talking about Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, That Easter day with joy was bright…..


  3. I was having a problem embedding YouTube’s earlier. I thought maybe it had to do with having to take the less than and more than signs off the beginning and end. I’ll try it w/the signs on:

  4. >>So Matthew, did you do some whammy to turn the URL I put up into an embed?

    Paul: Yes. I have a whammy bar. Lemme get on e-mail with you, and maybe we can fix you up right nice.

  5. Ray, I like the videos. I got to see Sly with an updated version of the Family Stone a couple years ago in San Jose. He was pretty good except he forgot some of the lyrics and seemed a little paranoid. At the end of the show he said the reason he had to leave is because of the cops. I got some video of it but haven’t wanted to post it on YouTube because they should be remembered by their earlier incarnations. I also got to see Roy Head recently in a little club. Matthew…

  6. Jeremiah: I believe some elements of Dave Ellison’s very wonderful design would snap, crackle and/or pop if we were to upgrade.

    I would jump around and sing if this obstacle could be overcome.

  7. I am writing a new song. The lyrics so far:

    WordPress two-point-three-point-two,
    Fu-u-u-u-u-uck you!

    I really wanna upgrade to WP 2.7+ really, really BAD.

  8. By the way, this happened again. I’m reactivating commenting on all the posts by hand … Everything back to February 2009 should be fixed by now. Thanks for your patience!

  9. “When I find myself in times of trouble, I say boy you gotta carry that weight. I am he and you are he and you are me and we are altogether, speaking words of wisdom. Come together, right now, Amen…”

  10. This just happened again. I am very unhappy.

    I’ve restored commenting privileges back to summer 2009 and will continue until they’re all switched back on. Apologies for the interruption!


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