The Morlocks: “My Friend the Bird”

(Morlocks drummer Mark Mullen comes through with the video goods.)

Detail: Leighton Koizumi, Morlocks, 1986 (collection Mark Mullen)This was a show we did at The Stone on Broadway in San Francisco in 1986 with Jordan Tarlow from the Fuzztones on rhythm guitar. It’s a 23-year-old VHS tape, so no complaining. I believe we did a real wild show somewhere the night before, so this was a little lackluster for The Morlocks.

The Morlocks are really a myth, cult, fantasy and intrigue to a lot of people across the US and around the world. I wish they all could have experienced the many great shows we put on, but that’s not the case. I wish I had excellent video footage of these times for everyone to see. This was a wild, wild time, and not much survived from the era. (I challenge anyone out there to cough up any footage if you have it.)

So I do have this whole show to share with everyone; now they can see what they have been listening to. Sit tight for the rest of the show — you will like it.

When you see the little moon floating around in “My Friend the Bird,” just know this is just the beginning. The club was experimenting with a new Video Toaster they just got, and it gets worse throughout the show. Please understand it was out of our control, and just enjoy. Hearing is sweet, and seeing is believing.

— Mark Mullen, Morlock

Morlocks MP3s:

48 thoughts on “The Morlocks: “My Friend the Bird”

  1. OMG, Mark! What a find. :: Buried Treasure :: I LOVED this song “My Friend the Bird.” (Still do.) I was at this show. ’86 was the year Cole & I moved to SF. [I am just dumb-struck. I’ve already played this 3 times!!!] Look at Leighton — all Joey Ramone and shit. And that little “flying moon,” you mean that wasn’t intentional? 😉 It’s kinda cool.

    PLEASE tell me you guys are playin’ the “Games” next year!?

    Alas, The Stone is long gone, like the Mab. It used to be “Boys Toys” and now “Showgirls.” (And the difference is?) Don’t get down to Broadway much anymore — nothing left.

    In case you weren’t aware, here’s some love given to The Morlocks online: < you guys are in Wikipedia! < wow! this is classic! hahaha…what year is it?

    You guys were the big deal!!!

    Oh, and hi Mark! How are ya?

  2. Thanks for sharing that great footage Mark. One of favorite Morlock songs. Even with “Pacman” trying to munch the band members it really is a snapshot of the talent and energy you guys had together.

    Hee. Jeff and Jordan look a bit like the ‘Hairbear Bunch’.

  3. I will reply more later, I have to hit the road at the moment. I’m glad everyone digs it. I have the whole show being made into these clips. Eventually you will get to see them…….It gets really rockin.

    HearBear……………Ha Ha thats great.

  4. It’s great to see Tommy in action again. When I met him he had a great beat up Fender Mustang, a giant Fender amp with a 6X10 speaker cabinet and played seemingly hours a day in a little room of a little house. He always liked to play and hear it LOUD. We used to play together and hang out a lot back in those days….before the Morlock San Francisco Exodus. Hey Mark, Hello.

  5. Hey Matt, I do not think this not the footage I am working on getting, still…….

    Very cool! I did not know the stone every had good bands.

    groovie moon.

  6. Mark, I think the footage from my friends tape might be a mixture of this stuff and some other footage. I will get on it for ya, sorry!

  7. It’s awesome to see Tommy playing like that -- do you know where more of these videos are? I’m his little sister and would love to get a hold of these.


  8. Hi Mary! I remember you very well. I think you were about 12 when I first met you.
    There are lots of pix of Tommy on this site. Just search “morlocks” or “wallflowers”.

  9. Mary! Wow- I remember drinking Sunny D and watching cartoons with you in the PB apartment when you were very young and adorable. How are you?

  10. I’m doing well, thanks for asking. :o) It’s just crazy to absorb all this, ya know? I had some random inspiration to google Morlocks YouTube last night… Found this in my search and can’t stop saying “Oh my god, Tom is going to trip out on this!”

    I remember you both very well, man we were all so young….

    I’m going to pass this on to Tom. Can’t promise anything, not sure what his mind is on this, but will definitely chat with him tonight. I think it would be great for him to be in touch with everyone again.

    I’ll keep in touch and so good to hear from you both! Man, that PB apt, holy cow that was a long time ago. I remember kicking back with Tom and his friends in his room and jammin’ out to what I learned later was some seriously cool music.

    Kristen -- remember the apartments we had in the same bldg in North Park near Park Blvd? Mom and Bob lived on the ground floor and you and Tom lived in an upstairs apt? Also Charlene at that old 2nd hand store? How’s Susan?

    Anyhow, this is long and I’m at work -- will keep in touch!

  11. Wow! You remember my sister Susan. She’s doing great. She’s a flygirl hiphop dancer and pilates teacher in SF. I’m still in good ole Diego. I just can’t seem to leave this place! Those apartments that you mentioned were bulldozed years ago to be replaced by a carwash. I go shopping at Henry’s, a health food grocery outlet, that is across the street in the building that used to be Liquor Barn.

    How is your dad? and mom and brother Bob?

  12. And Susan used to say, “Stop calling him that. I don’t like when you kids call him that.” Then he’d answer to it and she’d say, “Bob!” and roll her eyes.

    She was driving me and Tom to OB one night. Elbow was in the front. She and Bob were in giggle fits about something- couldn’t stop laughing. Tom was being very serious just to be contrary. He said, as if it were an argument against giggling, “You might…You should…It gets really residential up here in a minute.” Then Susan really cracked up and said in a mock authoritative tone,”Straighten up there, Bob, it’s about to get Really Residential.” They were lost in laughter the rest of the ride. To this day, I replay that and start cracking up in the middle of residential neighborhoods.

  13. OK, Just chatted with Tom, he’s excited to reconnect and will do so shortly.

    LOL~! I love those memories, thank you for that! So cool to find you guys.

    I’ll let Tom fill you all in on his gig. Bob is married and has two beautiful children, currently resides in San Francisco. Pops is Pops, renagade, anti-social, tree planter… Mom, I’m sorry to say, this may be a shock, passed away last October. Me? I’m in a tiny town south of Seattle working as a bookeeper for a Market Research firm, in school to get my AA degree, maybe go on to my BA.

    Love that Kristen, about Susan, so perfect, LOL. Robin, thank you for that, those memories are so precious to me now.

    I will keep in touch and look for Tom here shortly!

  14. Thanks!!!

    This is great. I think we lost the vinyl copies of Emerge and Submerged Alive, I’m working on getting those from Ebay and other sources.

    I want to put some kind of ‘thing’ together about the Morlocks -- pics, vids, vinyl, cds… Have a lot to add just from this site alone.

  15. >>>Mary, I’m very sorry about your mom.

    Oh thank you, I appreciate that and so does she. I know she’s hanging out, lol.

    BTW -- Funky happenstance… The Time Machine in on Turner Classic Movies tonight. I remember going to the Ken with Kristen and Tom when this was screened there, the audience went a little kooky when the first Morlock was shown on screen.

    Ahh, that was a fun time…

  16. >>Btw -- has Tom shown himself to anyone yet???

    Mary: Not yet for me or on here … But man, I realize there’s a LOT to absorb on this blog by now! 🙂

    I dropped Tom a line offering a quick recap about what all us old fools have been doing here. …

  17. Hey all,
    I’m sitting here looking at Puget Sound and the Seattle skyline,
    thinking about all the crazy times we’ve had. There’s a lot more
    info, comments and nostalgia than I can wrap my mind around!
    Anyhow, I’m married no kids working in construction and remodeling.
    I travel a lot [Tanzania, Italy, French Polynesia and most recently Boston. I’m looking forward to catching up w/ any or all who care to

  18. >>I’m looking forward to catching up w/ any or all who care to

    Tom: An official welcome this time … We’ve been saving a place by the fire for you! 🙂

    PS: Anybody who wants to reach Tom privately, please contact me via; I’ll happily forward messages.

  19. Tommy! It’s been quite a while and I hope things are well. In retrospect, through many years, you and I and Dee had many, many fun times together. I’ll be hollerin’ at you….

  20. thanks eric,
    i can’t remember if i put you on the long list of people i’d like to talk to
    are you still makin git boxes? love to talk to you on the phone, catch up etc. are you still eatin solopeno peppers best damn slide guitar player i ever had the pleasure to meet. talk to you soon?

  21. chicken claw pipes…gold flakes…”COLD…READY TO DRINK!”

    Tammy West…

    aw shit…so much cool shit…

    yer still my favorite Irish Revolutionary

    Patrick Works
    Still Sucks on Harmonica

  22. It was 15 years after I last saw you before I could grasp how amazing you are. I’m grateful for a chance to thank you now for everything I took for granted then. You were one hell of a good friend. Thank you.

  23. >I’m just another foolish asshole

    That might be a convincing argument if you had romantic history with only me or Kristen. But there’s no way anyone could get two such hot and fascinating women without some serious assets. Please.

  24. Pat, on the subject of harmonica.
    sucking is only half of being a great player
    blowing is the other half.
    i suspect your a pretty great player.

  25. ahhh yes

    ah do indeed blow hard

    have been, as a matter of fact, referred to as a blowhard on more than once occasion by more than one, ahem, acquaintance….and indeed told that I suck

    never did disagree on either point

    being an honest man it would not do to disagree with anything stated in truth…

    ah must also say, that my only harmonica lesson was given me by Chris…he told me

    “Pat…you gotta SUCK on it”

    He was the best player I ever knew. I got better when I learned to suck harder.

    As Aaron Neville used to sing…”tell it like it is”.

    Patrick Works
    My Kids Suck More Than I

  26. OK Tom, you made me think a lot about this…(thanks)

    I gave up playing for shooting, and learned my camera far more completely than I ever was going to learn any musical instrument. ‘Twas always really my gig, I just couldn’t find a way to finance the equipment when I was a kid…lots of folks trading guitars, but try to find the ones trading cameras…I looked high and low and never did find them…until SF.

    So (all due respect to your due respect) I still kinda suck when I play, on more than one level. But I hit bullseyes when I shoot, and I can’t imagine how, but I’ve managed to make most of my living from that for a long long time now.

    After a burnout phase, I’ve returned to a day job in town to support the fam, and just shooting for my creative giggles and yes for some cash. I am conflicted as to which I value more.

    Kids to feed = cash valued higher.

    Soul to feed = creativity valued higher.

    Killing two birds with one stone = priceless.

    My friend the bird indeed.

    Patrick Works
    Bird Killer

  27. suckin’ and blowin’ blowin’ and suckin’ it’ thats what life is all about right? I don’t know, saw a bird kill a fish today bald eagle vs salmon
    eagle won .
    dinner for the kids

  28. Hey Pat, speaking of birds…do you remember that photo you took of me holding a picture of two ravens? I was driving in an underground parking lot recently and it reminded me of it.

    Trick is to find a bird that will ride on the back of a cash cow.

    “oh can’t you see. there’s a bird on me?”

  29. Tom…NW is cool. Before my dear departed grandad died he was on a bald eagle tracking project N of SeaWash.

    He told some eagle stories.

    My bro is in Ranier Heights, my aunties and uncles and cousins all around, so next time I’m NW I’ll check you out. We’ll talk.


  30. Pat, I’m lucky to own a house right on the sound eagles is my neighbors. your welcome to stay got plenty o’ room.

  31. Hi all…i’m from Italy…looking on the web to find the lyrics of? ”My friend the bird” and ”Killing floor”…can you help me?thanks


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