Facebook fatigue? Sound off here

Facebook thumbs down iconThis is a bit of a detour for Che Underground: The Blog. I started the site back in 2008 with some friends to revive and preserve our memories of our San Diego music scene from the early ’80s … And while it’s slowed down in recent years, I intend to honor that mission for the long run.

For the short term, however, I’d like to offer this platform as a halfway house for people who are disturbed about how Facebook’s recent enforcement of its “real names” policy is likely to eliminate many friends who live under names other than the ones on their birth certificates. Whether it’s noms de punk, drag names or other pseudonyms, people have a right to identify themselves as they want. (Meanwhile, Facebook has a right to make its own rules — but it will have to assess how those rules affect participation among those of us who don’t like those rules.)

Read moreFacebook fatigue? Sound off here

The Che Underground