Photos from the Coleman Collection

Detail: Sergio and David Rives, Che Cafe, 1983 (collection Carol Coleman)Carol Coleman (née Anderson), Encinitas Pannikin manager extraordinaire and all-around rockin’ scenester, recently digitized some photographs that include shots tracking paths we took from Hair Theatre and Noise 292.

Detail: Sergio and Dave Fleminger, Che Cafe, 1983 (collection Carol Coleman)These pictures include Hair Theatre vocalist Sergio, Noise 292 guitarist David Rives (and Answers guitarist Dave Fleminger) at one of the occasions when the former drummed for us at the Che Cafe; several shows by 3 Guys Called Jesus, the band I formed with bassist Steve Duke and drummer Robert Labbe in 1985; and 1995 photos of Joy Bomb, San Diego’s successor to Hair Theatre.

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Resurrecting 3 Guys Called Jesus

Detail: 3 Guys Called Jesus’ Robert Labbe, Matthew Rothenberg, Steve Duke (collection John Stees)Another reunion dinner in New York last weekend, when North County music operator-turned-North Carolina operations director John Stees arrived at Vynl on 9th Ave. armed with a disc of photos and flyers from 3 Guys Called Jesus, the band I played in from spring 1985 until I left San Diego in February 1987.

These images feature bassist Steve Duke and drummer Robert Labbe as well as guitarist Ryk Groetchen, who played with the band in 1985. All were taken by the marvelous Margarat Nee.

Detail: 3 Guys Called Jesus’ Steve Duke, Robert Labbe, Ryk Groetchen, Matthew Rothenberg (collection John Stees)Detail: 3 Guys Called Jesus’ Robert Labbe, Matthew Rothenberg, Steve Duke (collection John Stees)Detail: 3 Guys Called Jesus’ Robert Labbe, Matthew Rothenberg, Steve Duke (collection John Stees)Detail: Clipping from Oct. 28, 1985, UCSD Guardian

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The Che Underground