3 Guys Called Jesus
at North Park Lions Club, 1986

smallveg_frame01Here’s a cut from the only extant video I know of 3 Guys Called Jesus, the band I formed in 1985 with Steve Duke (bass, vocals) and Robert Labbe (drums, vocals) and played in until I left San Diego in February 1987.

Detail: Specimen/Tell-Tale Hearts/3 Guys Called Jesus flyer, May 16, 1986This performance of my song “Small Vegetables” dates from May 16, 1986, when 3 Guys opened for Specimen and the Tell-Tale Hearts at the North Park Lions Club. (Ray Brandes and I have swapped anecdotes about Specimen’s antics that night; the conditions were just awful at the time but made for a funny story in retrospect.)

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at North Park Lions Club, 1986

The Che Underground