More shots of the Hearts

Detail: Mike Stax of the Tell-Tale Hearts (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Cyndie Jaynes’ TV eye catches the Tell-Tale Hearts looking smart in a variety of venues, including more outdoor performance footage from the Che Cafe.

Could the black-and-white shots on the patio of the Che date from Dave Fest 3? (I’ve uploaded those photos at maximum resolution; the cast of characters populating the background itself represents a San Diego greatest-hits compilation!)
Detail: Ray Brandes of the Tell-Tale Hearts (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Mike Stax of the Tell-Tale Hearts (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Eric Bacher of the Tell-Tale Hearts (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Ray Brandes of the Tell-Tale Hearts (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: David Klowden of the Tell-Tale Hearts (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Mike Stax of the Tell-Tale Hearts (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Bill Calhoun of the Tell-Tale Hearts (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Eric Bacher/Mike Stax of the Tell-Tale Hearts (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Eric Bacher of the Tell-Tale Hearts/Lou Damien (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Bill Calhoun of the Tell-Tale Hearts (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Ray Brandes/Mike Stax of the Tell-Tale Hearts (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)Detail: Tell-Tale Hearts group shot (photo by Cyndie Jaynes)

Another side of Dave Klowden

Dave Klowden in Mystery Machine/5051To celebrate the diversity of the early-’80s San Diego underground (and shamelessly solicit contributions to Che Underground’s Related Bands page), here’s a double-decker salute to David “GI” Klowden, nimble navigator of the San Diego scene and keystone of 5051, the Mystery Machine and the Tell-Tale Hearts.

Side One: “El Salvador” from 5051’s 1981 seven-inch. David Klowden (vocals); Sam Topper (guitar); Squirrel Oberg (guitar); Scott Harber (bass); Joel Roop (drums)

Side Two: “She’s Not Mine,” recorded in 1983 by the Mystery Machine. Ray Brandes (vocals, tambourine); Carl Rusk (six-string Guild Starfire, 12-string Rickenbacker 370-12, vocals); Mark Zadarnowski (bass); Bill Calhoun (Vox Jaguar); David Klowden (blue Japanese Majestic drumset).

What a difference two years make!

Wild in the Streets of Slow Death

Detail: 5051 single coverDavid Klowden — 5051 and Tell-Tale Hearts veteran turned author and professor — kindly sent me the manuscript of “Wild in the Streets of Slow Death,” his novel about coming of age in the San Diego punk scene ca. 1980. I read it in one sitting and enjoyed it immensely on several levels.

It’s a great portrayal of teenage alienation and redemption; an authentic memoir of our own youth culture, full of characters and events based on that time and place; and a crime thriller informed by the police excesses, white-supremacist fringe elements, bad drugs and internecine battles that made the San Diego underground such treacherous terrain. I’m glad David and the rest of us negotiated it!

The Che Underground