(Joey Miller, a k a P Gargoyle, f k a Joanne Norris, drummer extraordinaire for the Injections as well as Noise 292 and Everybody Violet, shares scans and recollections of the legendary punk band, which also featured Lou Skum on vocals, Bruce Perreault on guitar and Lisa Acid on bass and helped propel the San Diego scene at the turn of the ’80s.)
Like fine wine, we have all aged, and here we are almost 30 years later on Che Underground: The Blog. I had some old flyers and other things left over, and the ones that I did not discard I scanned. (I never thought they would get their just due, but I was wrong.)
Some of the things I had were easier to scan than others. Some of them I have seen in other places on the Web, like Lou’s Facebook page, but I haven’t seen them all together. Not yet.
I think it all speaks to who we were as people and a band. Three of us were in the military, and Lisa was an active musician in the local scene when I first met her. I was trying to learn to play guitar, I was in a music store, and they introduced me to her.
Read more about San Diego’s punk pioneers!
She came on base one day to meet with me, and she saw a sign up in the barracks that there was this band looking for a drummer. I had bought an old Ludwig kit from someone on base that was giving up playing. It had no cymbals. She prodded me to contact those posters and try out for the band. I told her I didn’t know how to play drums. She insisted that I contact them. I did.
— Joey Miller
Injections MP3s:
Real People was someone’s fanzine. I think it might have been a project of Rogers.
They were loud and always surrounded by packs of dangerous-looking boys. I went to every show I could sneak out to.
People are making $$ off the Injections and it sure isn’t the Injections.
I don’t know who that Robin woman is but her remarks are right on.
People used to spit on us, throw bottles at our heads, try to pull us off stage into that pit… We had FONO as friends/bodyguards -- I never felt safer.
One night Chris Neutron wanted to kill me for ___ing his girlfriend so FONO came with us to NPLK. Needless to say Chris and I just talked,actually he was such a nice kid.
Wow! That was also the first night I went out with that short, cute, jewish girl with the swastika carved into her head! I picked her up at her house. Prince charming and Leni Reifenstahl. God, her poor parents cowered in the corner.
At that nights party the cops came and I was caught with a pair of brass knuckles, (for Chris), and ended up spending the weekend in SD city jail. Fine bunch of lads in there. Especially when you’re wearing leather coat, spiked hair, etc….
“Those were such happy times and not so long ago….” KC
Bruce Injection
The leather jacket I am wearing in that picture was given to me by Marc Rude. I think he must have been my one and only psuedo leather daddy. 🙂 He gave me some basic “rules” about wearing it and was a bit protective of me at times.
Terry Marine just sent me an email about waiting with me to catch the bus back to coronado and watching somebody at a clown shop throw fire around. Dangerous times.
Hey Joanne, how are you and how is Terry M?
I am good. Terry seems to be doing well. I recently reconnceted with him through this blog. I was glad to find out that he is alive and well. How are you Tom? What are you doing?? Where are you living??
PS Have you heard from Lisa? I have seen Cindy around , have you seen her recently?
>>I don’t know who that Robin woman is but her remarks are right on.
That’s because you know me as Captain Peril.
>>They were loud and always surrounded by packs of dangerous-looking boys.
… Like most of the girls I was attracted to! 🙂
Me too Matthew and still am. 🙂
P Gargoyle: Your entourage of leather-jacketed female admirers was hands down the bad-assest element of Noise 292’s extended circle! I totally liked rolling with your crew … Always made me feel way cooler than I was.
HA… you were/are pretty damn cool. As well as being humble.
I have a vague memory of a guy showing me brass knuckles, then giving a series of unsatisfactory answers to why questions. Wonder if that was Bruce. If not, then my underage self was too damn close to brass knuckles at least twice.
>>my underage self was too damn close to brass knuckles at least twice.
My underage self had brass testicles — but I think that’s a pretty common physiological trait among boys that age!
>>but I think that’s a pretty common physiological trait among boys that age!
Indeed Matt. Feel free to delete the word “think” and make the statement with total confidence.
If Robin was there it would have to have been 1980, I believe. Almost certainly North Park Lions Club, or party before or after. I only had brass knuckles once in my life!
There were a lot of girls around then -- hard to remember one little cutey from another.
Need more memories to confirm this cosmic meeting.
And I only saw brass knuckles at a party once in my life. It was a party. The fight was still anticipated. I don’t remember the guy’s face because as soon as he presented the weapon, everything else faded into the background. I’d been to Injections shows; so it seems strange that I wouldn’t remember talking with Bruce Injection as opposed to “guy who scared the crap out of me.” However, I might not have recognized you off-stage and looking shaken.
This guy was not surrounded by groupies at that time. It was definitely a one-on-one conversation. I offered a detailed description of the results of hitting someone with those things and asked the guy how he’d feel if he did that to someone. There was nervous laughter about getting someone else’s snot on your hands. Sorry I don’t have more details now. Except I think I was wearing tai chi shoes embroidered with dragons. It’s mostly reduced to The Night Some Punk Showed Me His Brass Knuckles.
I can’t imagine “scaring the crap out of ” anyone ! I would have looked like this then. “the all night drug prowling wolf who looks so sick in the sun”.
God I hope it was you….. We’ve known each other for 30 years.
Anyone seriously intending to assault with a deadly weapon would have alarmed me. Wouldn’t matter if he looked like a Tiepolo cherub. I remember your face from shows. From that night, I remember the weapon in a guy’s hand, not a face. I might recognize your lifeline or love line. My attention was all taken by what seemed to be essential- staying calm and finding some convincing argument for not assaulting with a deadly weapon. If it was you, that was probably the only time in my life a cute guitarist face escaped my attention. By the end of the conversation, you/he seemed more scared than scary.
Why’d you get arrested that night?
Uh……possession of brass knuckles???? The picture above shows me in the shirt I was in jail in, ironically enough. That pic could be from THAT weekend. It’s a girls shirt, borrowed from one of the mod girls.
Nice to go jail with spiked hair, leather coat, and a girls shirt.
The question is how did the police know you were in possession?
Cops raided party -- threw “knucks” in bush -- cops claimed they saw me. Represented self, ( a fool for a client), and got off. I LOVE beating the man, especially when you’re actually wrong!
Spent the night in a cell with killers and junkies instead of the warm embrace of the beautiful swastika girl.
I hope my reference to swastika girl doesn’t offend anyone on the site. She was jewish; it was her statement.
Her statement of what?
I remember her. I found her appearance very disturbing. Discussed that with a friend, who was 6 feet tall and blonde. Possibly your crush object? She was a lot of people’s crush object. One of the bikini girls on a classic San Diego beach post card.
Was your argument just denying the brass knuckles were yours?
Hi Joey,
Great job on the display of authentic Injection photos, flyers, artwork and music. I’ve really enjoyed reading the discussions in the comments on this posting. I was too young to catch the Injections live, rather my punk experience didn’t start until ’82, I think. What a drag…I’m sure I would’ve been bouncing off the walls. Plus, especially during my punk experiences, I was extremely militant about feminist rights. I would have gone crazy seeing a punk band with not just one, but two girls in it! I definitely would have been in the mosh pit, until I got hit in the eye or jabbed in the ribs one time too many.
Anyway-great posting Joey-you look so cute in your young punk duds!
We were so lucky you found your way to Everybody Violet….and I can’t wait to rehearse this Spring and rock the opening of the Che Games in May! Whoooopi!
Miss Kristi Maddocks
“Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains”
Robin ?? Obvious statement?? How else could a young girl “get back” at her ultra-orthodox parents??
“Your Honor, look at me, (all cleaned up), listen to the way I talk; I grew up in an affluent Episcopalian family………..morality, God. Surely there must be some mistake.”
Bruce- I get rebelling against your parents and authorities. Adolescent rebellion is about expressing yourself as an individual distinct from your parents. The swastika targeted her as much as her parents, categorizing her with them in the cruelest, most authoritarian way. I don’t get rebelling against your parents by expressing hate for everyone in your family including yourself.
I get it, Robin … It was never something I was comfortable with, but there was a punk tradition of Jewish punks reclaiming some Nazi imagery. … It got extra-dicey with the rise of Nazi skins and all that — I certainly found myself witnessing a few situations where shock value blurred into actual hate.
We’ve had some interesting discussions of Jewish identity in the context of rock ‘n’ roll, and specifically our rock ‘n’ roll, here and here.
OMG the Fabulous Stains… A CLASSIC !
hate for everyone in your family including yourself.
I don’t think this is uncommon in adolescents at all.
punk tradition of Jewish punks reclaiming some Nazi imagery. …
As a Frenchman with a Jewish grandmother I have at least some perspective. Nazi imagery and reference is as prevalent today as ever. The imagery speaks for itself as being iconically “cool” to kids for some reason, not unlike Ankhs and crucifixes. Symbols that illicit no emotional or historic signifigance, to them.
Jewish references from the “Great Rock and Roll Swindle” to Woody Allen to Sarah Silverman are constant and are usually used as humor.
I, too, cringe at a lot of this, but still believe keeping things in popular cultural context, is at least one way to never forget.
On a more INJECTION note. FOUND! THE only mastered tape that exists of three potential singles, and one more 45 with original xerox art. That’s how old I am, I say “Xerox.”
I wonder if anyone out there knows if a reel-to-reel tape will have anything on it after nearly thirty years?? Can these be digitally enhanced??
A master can be enhanced. Aw shit- anything can be enhanced digitally, but a master is the holy grail of audio finds.
Sound quality does degrade, depending on where it’s stored and what the temp and sunlight exposure is.
If you have unreleased Injections songs I’d think long and hard about how you want to release these- and with who. Given the rarity of the first single, I think there are probably a couple people out there who might be inclined to package that really nice and release it without compromising anyone’s DIY principles.
Thanks a lot Toby! I should have said a “mastered” tape; so almost the holy grail. Stored indoors, at least, but God knows under what conditions.
I’ve heard it could be blank by now but I’m hoping….
I’d want to make this available for posterity, not for money.
I also know of a live tape that exists -- have to twist some arms to get it though.
if I were a betting man..I’d say there is something still on that tape Bruce
as long as it wasnt subjected to magnatism of any sort..
quality on the other hand…
I dunno
I still have some cassette tapes from the 80’s that still work
but they kinda sound like crap now
good luck
>I don’t think this is uncommon in adolescents at all
Sure- but the point of underground/punk, etc. is to express something regardless of whether it’s common. The point of expression at all is to say something, something that you really mean. And you don’t use emotionally loaded symbols unless you’re trying to elicit emotion in someone else. people. There’s wanting to shock people, scare them like an old Bela Lugosi movie, pushing the boundaries of acceptability. And then there’s angrily pointing a swastika at Jewish people- inflicting pain just to show you have the power to do it. That’s common enough too. Among adolescents and everyone else. Common, hurtful, and disturbing.
Robin: I’ve told the story elsewhere on this blog how I briefly let my own pose of ironic cool extend to tolerating the founder of the American Front in my apartment. (He was making some claims that his involvement with Metzger’s bunch was itself an ironic gesture to epater la bourgeoisie.)
I’m not proud of my reticence to take a stand, and I never wore a swastika — and yeah, there was surely some self-loathing in there that probably doesn’t bear sharing in a public forum. But I do try to cut young folks a little slack on this account.
Who’s read “White Noise Supremacists” by Lester Bangs? I guess that article really pissed off a lot of the early NY punks, but it’s a hell of a read.
Quote: Bruce Injection says: “I’d want to make this available for posterity, not for money.”
Yeah- I get that. I just mean there are some small companies out there that are into that same idea (Felix at Havok Records comes to mind) and will do a neat job of it and make it a cool little package for a small cut.
Matt: I still love you even though you didn’t hit that guy in the face with your acoustic nylon string guitar and then draw hearts and flowers on his face in indelible ink pen. Tolerance is a cool thing.
I never had much tolerance for “organized” racists. I always wonder where that puts me on the scale of right and wrong- I’m damn near completely intolerant towards racists. I’m kind of like a nazi towards nazis.
I’m glad all these responses are appearing in an INJECTIONS thread.
There wasn’t a whole lot of any “movement” stuff in SD prior to ’78.
We were just lucky to be at a seminal place and time.
Before this we were all listening to ” Court and Spark”.
>>I’m glad all these responses are appearing in an INJECTIONS thread.
Bruce: Mad tangents are a hallmark of many of our best blog posts … It’s at least half the fun! 🙂
I hope I’m not responsible for any mad tangents !
Hidden within all this fun nonsense may be some truths though.
This is a great blog: talking with people I have never met and have no idea who they are. Never heard of anyone here…..
Toby- One of the main definitions of punk- the one I was using- is a young rebel. I know there are lots of ways to rebel and they vary between individuals, generations, cultures. And I know symbols like the swastika mean different things to different people. My point was about a specific individual Jewish girl who had close family members who had survived the holocaust, which is still not a century old and was less than half a century old when I saw her. She knew what the symbol meant to her family and how it hurt them.
Also, hate is not just an opinion to yawn about. It’s the most painful aspect of the human condition. We struggle with it in different ways- try to numb with shock, look the other way and plug our ears, pray for redemption. My personal approach is look at it face on, call it by its name, and say ouch.
Bruce- You are the king of the mad tangent. That’s why you my amigo.
You’ve given a pretty good demonstration of my first point- that things mean different things to different people, and everything is subject to interpretation.
I wasn’t in that girl’s head, so I can’t know if it was hate or irony or satire or parody or what was behind her decisions. So yeah- to me- it’s just one more opinion of some sort, which I will continue to “yawn” about.
>>First of all -- where are my tangents??
Uhhhh … The Carpenters?!? LOL
That whole Carpenters digression was one of the most deliciously random tangents in the ENTIRE HISTORY of Che Underground tangentry!! And I say that with complete, grinning approval. Well tangented! 🙂
Rothenberg, I don’t know you but I love you.
You are so gracious to approve of the Carpenters thread. I really like how you refer to it as “deliciously random”! To me, that is the ultimate compliment. Perhaps there was a hidden message in there that went by everyone??
So kind of you to let an old punk who crashed and burned well before CHE take part in all this.
The pleasure is all mine, Bruce.
(If you like glorious Dada ricochets, I’m still waiting for someone to map all the weird, wonderful turns in our recent X-ray Spex thread. I’m envisioning a complex system of nails and colored yarn would be the best medium to do it justice.)
Oh- visions of mrothenberg mapping out our conversations mathematically amidst many splendored paranoid delusions in “a Beautiful Mind”!
I was a carpenter, but I only attended like three Che gigs in my time- pretty much nearly none mentioned hereabouts.
and it was Ice Tea that wrote Cop Killer. But NWA beat him to the punch, I believe- but were still just sub-culture enough at the time to get away with it. Ice Tea bore the brunt of guys with good ideas going big time.
Thanks for the correction TOBY. What year though ?? Post-Injection 1979 Eldridge Cleaver??
MATT -- It will be a distant nail and a long piece of yarn to connect X-Ray Spex with Bix Biederbeke!! And where will you put Ethel Merman? In the middle I suppose.
Poly Styrene to the left of me/Beiderbecke to the right/Here I am! Stuck in the middle with Merman …
Holy Shit ! That is hilarious ! What a useless bunch of trivia we store in our exhausted brains.
Bix, Poly, Ethel, and Karen. ( Don’t cringe, I won’t hijack this thread too.)
Too much diversity for one site….
Quote: Bruce Injection: “Thanks for the correction TOBY. What year though ?? Post-Injection 1979 Eldridge Cleaver??”
For certain 1992.
I’m the first in the room to be the unpopular guy who says, “Rap couldn’t have done shit without punk paving the way in lost teeth, jail time, bruises and broken bones.”
And I respect rap for what it was- pure angst and unveiled dislike for the status quo, the government and the ruling class. Not too unlike punk- though they got identified, labeled and co-opted by the big corporations a whole lot quicker.
But yeah- you guys were way ahead of the curb job…. I mean curve!
>>I wonder if anyone out there knows if a reel-to-reel tape will have anything on it after nearly thirty years?? Can these be digitally enhanced??
Hi Bruce,
There is a phenomenon called “sticky-shed” which occurs in tapes manufactured between 1975 ad 1984. Basically, the manufacturers switched the formula of the glue in the tapes, they attracted moisture, and became gooey. When you try to play them, they come apart and gum up whatever tape machine you are using. Have no fear, however, there is a process called tape baking that most studios will use to salvage your tapes. They’ll take an electrical oven, usually a convection oven, literally bake the tape to remove all of the moisture, and then you can transfer the contents of the tape to another format. We had to do that with the Tell-Tale Hearts’ first album when Bomp put out some of those songs on CD in the mid-nineties. I’m sure someone on this blog will be more than happy to help you out in that regard. Good luck--I’d love to hear it.
Bruce- > Swastika girl had no cognitive ability to aptly judge the meanings of her actions. She was a kid!! Her prefrontal cortex, (specifically responsible for normal control of impulses), was not even developed at this age
The frontal lobe continues to develop into the early to mid-20s. But it is well enough developed by adolescence to allow sophisticated assessment of their actions and meanings. In fact, the explosion in ability to do so at that age is exactly why there is an explosion in that kind of expression and exploring the responses it elicits. There’s value in yawning. But that’s also why some kids scream louder. I was interested in why she felt a need to do that then, which is why I asked someone who had actually talked with her. And I remain interested in why loud rebellious kids do what they do now. Their intensity and urgency, their desire to be anything but a yawn.
If I got this right, recent neuropsych studies suggest that the decision-making circuits of the human brain aren’t fully developed until age 25. That sure got me revisiting all the crazy-monkey decisions we made as kids!
And if those physiological factors are for real, I wonder what the world would be like if people didn’t reach puberty until, say, 26? A lot less crowded, for one thing! 🙂
>>Most people on this blog are educated, upper-middle class professionals who have never experienced any real suffering other than those things that their idle lives allow.
When I first met Jerry and Paul my family lived in a one-bedroom apartment near Fairmount and El Cajon, furnished with a thrift shop kitchen table and a couple of foam mattresses. We lived between a pimp named Mike and a drug dealer named Arthur.
>>Most people on this blog are educated, upper-middle class professionals who have never experienced any real suffering other than those things that their idle lives allow.
Ooooh, veering into a minefield here … I’ve found that this socioeconomic discussion is the single murkiest corner of our little online memory palace.
Many of our members were very generous about telling their stories in this wonderful thread. I was surprised how many people’s families were less affluent than I’d suspected.
Full disclosure: I was raised on the up side of the economic spectrum … The only child of arteeeeests, don’cha know. Not the richest kid in our extended circle, for sure, but blessed not to worry about finances continually. (Mildly retarded in some ways, because I didn’t gain necessary adult understanding of the need to make ends meet until I actually had to do it myself!)
My wife grew up in a big, working-class family full of really smart, loving people who’ve made great lives for themselves. I feel soft and sheltered next to them. And Nancy and I have talked for 20 years now about the different ways our family circumstances shaped us.
It’s a very dicey subject: Those who had less wished they’d had more — and sometimes went to heartbreaking lengths to conceal that they had less. And those of us who had more were often embarrassed about it — and sometimes went to ridiculous lengths to appear more “authentic.” 🙂
At our best, we all shared what we could.
I grew up with next to nothing
and to this day I still have most of it…
MadMike…::clink:::Cheers to this sentiment.
whoops…the above was written by Pgargoyle on Kristi’s computer.
My family was broke throughout my childhood, but our homes were safe and civilized.
An aside on the development of neuropaths and the cerebral cortex and (my personal favorite) the Medulla Oblongata and all that fancy-schmancy stuff. I’ve always surmised that’s a big reason why so many from the punk scene at that time ended up with addiction issues- because a lot of us were running wild and uinsupervised, drinking and doing way too much controlled substances at a time when our adolescent neuropathy was still “learning” how we were going to be. I’ve read quite a bit about this (for the obvious reasons) and find it a fascinating topic (the brain and addiction.)
>>I’ve always surmised that’s a big reason why so many from the punk scene at that time ended up with addiction issues- because a lot of us were running wild and unsupervised, drinking and doing way too much controlled substances at a time when our adolescent neuropathy was still “learning” how we were going to be.
Toby: Wow, yeah.
I know a few of us have marveled over the past year at the crazy stuff going on just out of sight of our folks. I quit drinking for a few years at 15 ’cause the blackouts were scaring me!
No way do I want to sound smug about my own parenting — I’ve tried my best to apply this hard-won lesson, though, and I have tried to address these issues head-on as a father of adolescents. (Amoeeeeeeba! Amooeeeeeeba!)
(Bruce: According to Che Underground physics, the greater the tangentry, the higher the karmic Brownie points for the subject that originally spawned the tangent. By my reckoning, the Injections are currently in our Top Five all-time Tangent Hall of Fame!)
Matt -- Is it Matt??
The original tangentry started in another thread, Skeleton Club. So maybe if you can factor in the two we’ll move up to #4??
Anyway, for good or bad, I’ll make sure we achieve number 1 soon.
I’m glad and sad I found CHE…
Hitler was the “Sergeant Pepper’s” of 1940’s dictators used for unfavorable comparisons on the Internnets…
>>Hitler was the “Sergeant Pepper’s” of 1940’s dictators used for unfavorable comparisons on the Internnets…
Jeremiah: I actually hit the floor laffing that time! If we can work in a reference to Farrell’s ice-cream sundaes, it’ll be, like, a trifecta of tangentry!
Can I Drop A Zoo Here?
As long as it has a panther in it.
A newer, nicer Hitler makes for great parody!
Oh, oh, oh … This, too:
Che fought Godwin’s Law, and Godwin’s Law went down!!
The biggest Farrell’s sundae was called The Zoo. Brought to your table with blaring sirens.
If swastika girl’s parents had thrown more Farrell’s zoo parties for her, the walnuts and blueberries would have accelerated her neural development. She also might have felt more love, thus deciding not to shave hate symbols into her head.
If Hitler had been at a Farrell’s zoo party and experienced the delicious beauty of rum raisin melting into rocky road, he might have seen a metaphor for cultural diversity he could appreciate. He might have joined the Carpenters in asking the world to sing in perfect harmony.
I’m so sick of Hitler and Jesus. How about Injections and Carpenters.
BTW, part of the Hitler appeal is the incredible propoganda films and photography of Leni Reifenstahl. Anyone seen “Triumph of Will” , or 1939 Olympics.
Most iconic footage we have is due to her. She’s like the Ansel Adams of evil.
She was a great actress, writer, filmaker and photographer. Unfortunately a HUGE denier of her “part” in the genocide. Claims to not really have known Hitler or Goebells.
Many entries in Goebells diary read like this…”had Lunch wth Leni Reifenstahl today”…. etc….
She is still alive, has a lover 40 years younger than she, and does the most incredible underwater photography you’ve ever seen.
Go figure.
Nah, she died in 2003 at age 101.
Thanks for the update. Why should she get to live to be 101 though??
The world would undoubtedly be a happier place if world leaders discussed the relevant issues while collectively tucking into a Farrel’s Zoo Sundea- though the sirens might make them a little nervous.
Real, Nazi-fetishists?
The brown shirt and waxed-boots crowd? C’mon. They are either dupes used by the ADL to justify their misplaced sense of outraged persecution, or more often, they are repressed closet-cases.
Do you remember the “love confession” that occupies the final living moments of the two Illinois Nazis, plunging to their doom at the climax of the original Blues Brothers movie? Absolutely hits the mark -- with better accuracy than the same theme, as treated more lately, in American Beauty.
While we are on that cinematic diversion, I’m back in the church, letting the spirit move me, with the Right Reverend James Brown -- just after my “Amen!” for the Reverend Jeremiah All-Too-Right.
>though the sirens might make them a little nervous
That is why the sirens are an essential part of The Zoo Experience. It’s dangerous to let authorities feel too comfortable. Farrell’s knew what it was doing. They went out of business when The Man saw what a threat they were.
I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Karen Carpenter and Lou Reed
God Bless you Mr. Skum. You are still the REAL deal and the rest of us are just posers in your universe!!
I found the tape!
I should tell the story of how we met, with your approval. THAT’S historically significant, and appropriate, for an Injection Thread.
Matt fully believes in me and my diversions though, said so himself.
Quote: Robin: “They went out of business when The Man saw what a threat they were.”
Happy to say, not quite:
Two left. When you all head out to Hawaii we can enjoy one more trainwreck at Farrel’s. And to nudge this derailment back on topic- I think the Injections should play there.
Hitler always declined the Rocky Road at Farrell’s … The gelatin in the marshmallows wasn’t vegetarian. Goering always got his portion.
>>I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Karen Carpenter and Lou Reed
Noise 292 once played the Anti Club in LA with a very witty band called Earth Dies Burning. We all went to Canter’s Deli on Fairfax afterwards, and the lead singer told us how he’d transfixed an audience one night by solemnly intoning, “Tonight’s show is dedicated to a man responsible for so much of our musical heritage … A giant of the underground … A man who passed away today … Ladies and gentleman, Mr. Lou Reed!”
The audience gasped, and someone said, “Oh, my God — he’s serious!” Then the band broke into a (if I’m remembering this right) a disco version of “Heroin” while he somberly peeled and ate a banana.
(I liked that band. They did a song that went, “Pork yogurt — meat at the bottom!”)
Does anyone else remember the LA band Carousel of Death? Jim McGuinn’s son was in the band. This is relevant because . . uh . . they used to hang out at Canter’s a lot. And Josef Mengele played bass.
That makes sense- Bass players are weird.
OH!!!!! My new stage name:
Lemmy Riefenstahl
I wrote my nazi referenced stories in another thread to avoid this problem. :i HA
Joanne -- You are like a long lost sister to me. Remember when we used to ride around on my motorcycle?? I miss you and Lisa A_____, and those terrible good old days.
Karen Carpenter would have been 59 years old today.
This was a sweet note that I got from Terry Marine regarding our recording. He hung out with us a lot at shows and during the time we were recording. I remember that studio in La Mesa I thought it was in Spring Valley. The room where the drums were set up to record was in about 4 inches of water. We all had to chip in $5.00 each which at the time seemed unreasonable. I also just remembered the song Juan is Driving His Car to California. How time zips by.
Below is what Terry sent to me:
I remember the band recorded “Lies” and “Prison Walls” in a studio in a house in (I think) La Mesa. Lou called everyone in the house to help sing on “Prison Walls.” Clayton Colgin called the background “chirpy” in his ‘zine. They did look happy as they sang.
“Eldridge Cleaver” was recorded at Accusound. Lou let me help with the background vocals. You’re background singing was very good. I didn’t remember that track, was it added later? Your singing was good. Have you tried much singing?
Accusound hated Lou, that’s why he chose to record at their studio. That is how Lou reasoned. The engineer was snotty. He was imitating Lou’s singing in a mocking way; and said something like, “Let’s finish this pig,” when they were recording “Juan is driving his car to California”. Maybe that’s the attitude Lou was trying to create. I don’t know, I never really understood his reasoning. What do you think?
God bless you, and congratulations on the nice blog entry and your musical accomplishments.
Peter New York?
Lou would know his alias. He’s been referred to on this site as someone else. HUGE early part of scene.
I think Injection thread is moving up?? And we’re slowly moving away from all that nazi shit too…
You are restoring history Rothenberg!
I had to put this back on top and say thanks to that Robin chick for making this happen.
What a nice compliment !
# Mmrothenberg Says:
February 28th, 2009 at 9:30 pm
>>First of all -- where are my tangents??
Uhhhh … The Carpenters?!? LOL
That whole Carpenters digression was one of the most deliciously random tangents in the ENTIRE HISTORY of Che Underground tangentry!! And I say that with complete, grinning approval. Well tangented! 🙂
I have to say thanks, Bruce, for sharing Chucky Jesus with the world. That’s freakin’ genius.
And, please, please have an Injections show at Hawaii Farrell’s. (The fact that they are open in Hawaii means The Man hasn’t gotten there yet.) I will start saving for that trip today.
Sweetheart, you totally started the Nazi tangent.
I don’t think it’s possible that I started any Nazi tangent. I started the Karen Carpenter tangent.
>>I hope my reference to swastika girl doesn’t offend anyone on the site. She was jewish; it was her statement.
Which begs the question: What statement was she trying to make? Which started the tangent. I’d so love it if she found Che and answered for herself.
That wasn’t the start of a nazi tangent. Others co-opted that sweet, sticky, little touching memory of youth and turned it into something else.
BUT anyone who can use the words “sweetheart” and “nazi” in the same sentence is truly my idol.
Totally the root of the Nazi tangent. Sorry, I had to ask the question, even at the risk of invoking Godwin’s Law. That girl left an impression on me. You are the only person I know of who ever talked with her. I would have asked myself. But at the time I was totally focused on some kid who wanted to be talked out of using brass knuckles.
One who brings news of Chucky Jesus to the world is a latter-day prophet.
“Talked with her”?? I kissed her carved head !! How many of us can say been there, done that??
Thank you for saving me from getting beaten up.
Joseph Smith
Don’t underestimate yourself. Joseph Smith never displayed so much wit.
If this is the situation I remember, you probably would have “won” the fight. Then spent the rest of your life hopelessly lost because you’d inflicted traumatic brain injury on someone else.
Do you remember talking at all? I have no photos I can post. You might not remember the face anyway. A lot of guys never saw much above the disproportionately large breasts.
Joseph Smith led a people….. I spend most of my time with diapies and wipies.
Maybe it wouldn’t have been so dramatic…. perhaps I would have just given him a boo-boo?
Yours?? or swastika girls?? I don’t ever recall being interested in anything disproportionately large.
It’s a mystery how many people you influence and how in any given moment. Who knows what the legacy of the diapies will be?
Mine. 5’2″, 36D at the time. However, I don’t think the girls got a second glance that night. It was probably the least flirtatious discussion I’ve ever had with a guitarist.
The question, O Tangent Master, was do you remember talking?
A boo boo? Chucky Jesus, do you remember those brass knuckles?! One adrenaline-infused jab and you could have crushed his skull right through a temporal lobe and crippled him for life.
The legacy of the diapies?? Man or Superman.
5’2″, 36D … you poor thing.
I do remember talking… in some ways like it was yesterday. But I must say there are some things, let’s say attributes, that I certainly would have remembered.
Your kid. Who will grow up. Influenced by what you are doing now. Your legacy.
I got a little taller.
Oh, Matt, never never regret a velvet codpiece! I know I haven’t.
My favorite codpiece was the blue-and-white Star of David number I wore for my bar mitzah. Take that, swastika girl!
>How else could a young girl “get back” at her ultra-orthodox parents??
>>My favorite codpiece was the blue-and-white Star of David number I wore for my bar mitzah.
How I love a great answer to a rhetorical question!
Robin -- How do I thank someone who has taken me from crayons to perfume??
Who, me? Please don’t write my name in the sky- bad for the environment.
We even, baby. You my amigo. Can’t improve on that.
Plus, do you have any idea how many times over the years various delinquents have confided ill-advised plans to me, then disappeared without telling me what happened next? I’m ecstatic to hear at least one walked away from a stupid fight.
Of course, if it’s someone else who took you from crayons to perfume, please excuse my presumption. In that case, maybe a book with a gracious inscription. Something deep but not sad. No “Sufferings of Young Werther” or “Notes from Underground.” Maybe John Gardner’s “Freddy’s Book.”
Are you comparing me to your various delinquents??
I have no strength for ill advised plans -- nor the ability to disappear.
You’re not a various anything, Mr. Injection-Smith. However, you were breaking the law on the night in question, planning to commit worse. And I didn’t know the outcome until 28 and a half years later.
Professor Winesnap, or Doctor Winesnap. ( I can’t remember EVERY character from every book.) I prefer Doctor Pangloss anyway!
Eco-friendly skywriting is just a way to openly admire my uberamigo. No harm in that.
I remember you as the second cutest girl in the early SD scene. The first was swastika head; but to further confuse the issue I now recall two !! Mine was the super short and cute one, J______. Lou Skum knows her name too but we will keep that confidential out of respect. She could be a Rabbi now. Are women Rabbis?? My ignorance overwhelms me…
Yes you were instrumental in keeping some of us safe, Robin, and your contributions to the Carpenters thread is what made it soooooo cool. It was really you who started the Nazi tangent too. I just mentioned swastika head and your responses fueled the rest.
As far as the psych stuff you have an obvious advantage, although I do eat the DSM-IV for breakfast. No fool there.
CHE is better with you, and Matt has given his grinning approval to our hijacking tangents.
Any idea why my last post was moderated out??
Robin, Professor Winesnap, or Doctor Winesnap. I can’t remember EVERY character from every book. I prefer Doctor Pangloss anyway.
You give me too much credit. It was you who latched onto my first Sonic Youth/Carpenter post and took it so far. It was also you who started the nazi thread. I just casually mentioned swastika head and you replies prompted THE tangent.
An aside: My memory now conjures up two swastika heads !! Mine was the short cute one. (This makes you the second cutest girl in the early SD Punk scene.) I remember her name, J______. Lou Skum knows her too but we will keep that confidential out of respect. Perhaps she’s a rabbi now. Are there women rabbis?? My ignorance overwhelms me sometimes…….
So it was you that thwarted the brass knuckle fight for sure and you have secured your place in Injection history. Although the other young mans terminal demise was soon to happen anyway. So you saved bruce injection, at least.
High five on the psycho-babble tangent; I’m no stranger to this either though. I eat the DSM-IV for breakfast.
I know Matt concurs with me that you are one COLORFUL poster, to say the least.
BTW, Matt can SEE us as we type. Creepy… in a giggly way!
Probably already mentioned but wasn’t “swastika girl” a song by Eno/Fripp?
I’m coming in way too after-the-fact on this post. I can’t wrap my head around the tangents here…I’ll just tiptoe away…quietly.
Don’t tip-toe away. Eno was/is a huge influence. The Injections are probably the only punk band to cover him. “Burning Airlines”.
I’ve always wanted “Spider and I” played at my funeral. Probably my favorite song for too many personal reasons for this forum.
“Baby’s on fire
Better throw her in the water.
Look at her laughing
Like a heffer to the slaughter.”
And, yeah, there are women rabbis. One officiated Wendy’s bat-mitvah in 1988.
LOVE Enos voice on “Babys On Fire”!
The “Spider And I” reference would almost disturb me if it wasn’t made by my twin. Too close.
I only had two cassettes in my player at this time. “Taking Tiger Mountain”, and “Rastaman Vibration”. I obviously didn’t listen to a lot of punk.
I did appreciate stuff like this though!!!
>>I only had two cassettes in my player at this time. “Taking Tiger Mountain”, and “Rastaman Vibration”.
I treasured my Fripp/Eno/Disney mix tape: “The Wonderful Thing about Taking Tigger Mountain by Strategy.”
I never know when you’re kidding MATT. Are you a comedy writer?
Should be…..
BTW, where does Injection thread rank lately??
It’s no longer PC to call them “Tiggers”- we now say “orange cats with black stripes with rubber heads and springs in their tails”. Of course if two of them meet on the street it is allowable for them to say (to each other), “What up my Tig-Gar!”.
Tokyo Breakfast: (warning- not really politically correct in some circles, but it’s parody)
Now back to our regularly scheduled Injections tangents.
Toby -- maybe it’s because we are the adults now.
I really, REALLY like this thread!! It makes its own gravy.
YOU make the threads, we just make the gravy!!
How much longer until we dominate CHE??
You have been dominating Che since you started contributing. Always a pleasure, man.
Bruch you dominator you. Call Lou.
CRIKEY… I meant Bruce. Same message…call Lou. oh and yeah…you dominator.
Quote: Bruce Injection said: “Toby -- maybe it’s because we are the adults now.”
I agree to some extent, but really how much of a demographic do we make up? I’m the first to admit that in most ways we (collectively, meaning whatever- the generations of punks from day one forward) didn’t make a damned bit of difference. But I like to think that we actually did make a tiny bit of difference here and there- that the people who were offended and afraid of us eventually got it just a little bit, and maybe some people looked at us and listened to us and if not agreeing with anything we said, at least started asking some pertinent questions about issues that mattered which maybe were being overlooked before.
That’s reading a lot into a musical subculture, but when I talk about my earliest memories of “the punk scene” that I remember, I remember a lot of egghead misfits who didn’t fit in anywhere else, not fitting in together. A big dysfunctional family, with bullies and paternal and maternal characters, and we may not have all agreed or even liked each other, but we sure did protect each other against that scary outside world where we didn’t fit in.
And maybe as punk got co-opted and homogenized and watered down and marketed and sold as “the next big thing”- maybe all of that made it a little easier for some egghead misfits down the line a ways.
And yeah- we run shit now- we’re out there. I’m always amazed at how successful the people who survived the punk scene have been. I didn’t have the insight to predict that 25 years ago.
I work with a bunch of 21-30 year olds, and they all kind of trip when a topic comes up and I offhandedly mention that most the kids I grew up with are either dead or in prison. There’s something inherently wrong with that picture, being that I ran with a bunch of somewhat suburban kids. I like to refer to that as the American dream gone way wrong.
>You have been dominating Che since you started contributing. Always a pleasure, man.
THANKS RAY -- hope I’m not overstepping…..
>we may not have all agreed or even liked each other, but we sure did protect each other
THANKS TOBY -- your insight is wonderful.
>Bruce. In 1979 I assumed you were way out of my league.
ROBIN -- nice to see how wrong even you can be.
>>you dominator
We all live on a yellow submarine mission for YOU, baby!
>>How much longer until we dominate CHE??
Bruce: You know, I never actually refereed a thread-off before, but I do believe the Injections may be pulling into the lead under your relentless lash … “Weird SD” (one of our all-time champeens) currently clocks in at 150 comments, while this thread is already at 155.
Other notables of history: In an odd numerological coincidence, the two most popular “Then and Now” pieces (on Gay Denny’s and Studio 517) each have 118 comments as of this count, and the notoriously tangent-filled “This We Dug” piece on X-ray Spex boasts 142 messages.
The Injections may indeed dominate for sheer volume, though the Spex may still have a slight edge based on points. Onward!
>Bruce you dominator you
Damn, seriously, if I had known…
Toby’s right that, until recently, adolescents didn’t have many community resources. The boomers deserve a lot of credit for recognizing that and doing something about it. But then their goal was and is to remain perpetually adolescent. So many of us were left to drift when they were supposed to be raising us. We found out there are times when you really need a grownup. Now we recognize when a kid needs that, and sometimes embrace the opportunity to be that grownup.
What dates are being considered for an Injections reunion?
Good morning, Matt. If I’d known you were up, I would have chosen the nicer bathrobe.
Don’t the Injections get bonus points for defying Godwin’s Law?
>>out of my league
Seriously, I keep all confidences (and trust others to keep mine) … But it’s amazing the number of times I’ve heard this exact phrase since starting this project, as various guys and dolls think wistfully about objects of desire with whom they didn’t connect. And frequently, it’s both sides of the attraction equation who assumed the other party was “out of [his/her] league.”
It’s like we were all playing this vast game of hormonal baseball with mismatched equipment, no innings and the entire county of San Diego as our playing field. Which is why we so rarely got on base …
Hey, that’s actually not even a metaphor! It’s just kind of … Painfully accurate!! Damn. LOL
Have you ever seen a T-ball game?
Injections reunion Farrell’s Hawaii August 8th or Bangkok October 6th
For my Birthday? At Farrels? Yes!
Matt -- from where is sit I think of my lash as benign, even cuddly.
I HOPE I’m not “relentless”!!
I’m bull@#&* over your volume vs. content issue. Come on, Karen, hitler, jesus, eno, tigger, swastika girl, 5’2″ 36D. What does it take to score for content.
I vote for Bangkok, love the bee bong and ban hoi !
again with my e-mail ?
Bruce, babe: Just register! That way, you don’t have to (mis)type all the e-mail info in each time.
One of us! One of us!
I vote Thailand too. Yellow Curry !
Relentlessly cuddly?
Like a fuzzy bear, with brass knuckles….ROBIN will be pissed at this…
Any idea how I can get a hold of these cats !!! Free*Stars, from SD I think??
ok I am going to add this bit about teh brass knuckles.
This is compliments of
Terry and his recollection:
“Also, in the comments on the blog, Bruce (Moose) and some Betty were remembering how he had frightened her with a pair of brass knuckles. They weren’t brass, they were aluminum! Bruce said that he had made them himself. He and Lou were machinists (or something) for the Navy aircraft at North Island. Bruce made the aluminum knuckles in the machine shop on base. I respected that, my dad was a machinist.”
Whose Betty?? 🙂
>Bruce, babe: Just register! That way, you don’t have to (mis)type all the e-mail info in each time.
One of us! One of us!
MATT -- are you saying you want me to be an Honorary member of CHE….sniffle..sniffle…You like me, you really like me!
>He and Lou were machinists (or something) for the Navy aircraft at North Island.
JOANNE -- now we shouldn’t discuss my covert position with the Federal Government on an unsecure site like CHE should we?
You communist!
And now for your listening pleasure here’s proto-punk band Zager and Evans doing their 1969 hit, “In the Year 2525”… hm! A possible injections cover to be heard on the airwaves soon?… Let’s hope so, since music of late seems to have gone back to the doldrums of the late 70’s that spawned great bands like the Injections. Here are links to the legendary Zager and Evans on YouTube, and to Dave Stampone’s band “The Free*Stars” on MySpace. Note: The reference to Zager and Evans as a proto-punk is not to be taken too seriously.
Reference to Zager and Evans as a proto-punk band, that is… woaha!… oh!
I heart the Free*Stars
I can dig it baby!
I knew it would eventually come around to disco.
History repeats itself.
my latest crush
Bruce Injection says: “History repeats itself.”
It certainly does!
6. Actually, I’m wrong about #1. Without the bilabial start to “brass,” “aluminum knuckles” is an absolute delight to say, full of all kinds of yummy palatal action that literally rollllls off the tongue.
7. An amateur ventriloquist would have a much easier time with “aluminum knuckles” than “brass knuckles.”
>Like a fuzzy bear, with brass knuckles….ROBIN will be pissed at this…
Yeah, Fuzzy Bear, I thought we agreed not to use nicknames on the blog.
I don’t understand above post.
I was breast-fed with aluminum nipples. …
>History repeats itself.
Toby -- I was actually making a subtle reference to Hitlers eventual decline based on his “two front” strategy, invading deep into Russia, Stalingrad, the repeated Napoleonic blunder…
But Abba and Ace of Base is definitely more fun!
>bull-goose tangenty comment thread leadership.
Change we can believe in.
Matt -- I was actually arrested for possession of aluminum nipples, my bad!
Matt, re #5 above, not that Fuzzy Bear is looking for any street cred any more, aluminum sheet for aircraft that required machine work to shape would be more than pesky. Less than brass or iron. But quite, quite nasty when combined with bone/cartilage knuckles.
Of course, aluminium nipples are just good fun for the whole family, and the most popular new topping at Farrell’s.
I DO want more street cred…..insatiable.
I want to be more famous than mememolly!
I have almost no body hair. More like a swimmer than a fuzzy bear.
OK, suggestion, then, Sweetie. Never again publicly admit your craving for street cred. Or discuss your body hair. Silently stare in the distance at dark mysteries visible only to you. When questioned, shrug a hint of pity for the party foolish enough to ask. If pressed say, “Not gonna talk about it,” and offer up a smoke.
HA HA HA !! I LOVE your recipe for street cred………..
In this instance I’m equating street=internet, cred=hits, dark mysteries=”no new messages”, visible only to me=delete, pity=…alright, still pity.
Sad huh?? In a kind of modern way.
Is there a difference between body hair and bust size?? Hasn’t exactly hurt your cred!!
>Is there a difference between body hair and bust size?
In a word- yes.
That’s only a fraction of The Recipe. Too dangerous to unleash the entirety on the general public. My policy is to charge for the fragment above. Waived the fee for mi amigo.
>craving for street cred.
The audacity! Telling me about street cred! I had street cred when you were still working on potty cred !
I’m Bruce Injection @*#**&# !!!!!
This thread rocks man!!
At the Annual CHE awards I nominate Robin and Bruce as King and Queen of the blog, respectively. Their relentlant (sic) thrashings have made this thread rule, man!
Anonymous IV
“Starving for Street Cred” would be the best lame white rap act name ever. Maybe rivaling “Plain Brown Rappers”.
>>Bruce, Terry’s PGargoyle-brokered contribution on the knuckles just put you over the top, definitively. Your leadership status for all-time bull-goose tangenty comment thread is up there with Obama’s poll numbers.)
I missed this earlier MATT -- you make me blush more than Robin Carpenter.
Fuzzy Bear worked on hellicopters
I nominate Toby for best menage a trois candidate at the Island of Misfit Toys slam prom.
>The audacity! Telling me about street cred! I had street cred when you were still working on potty cred !
And still working on it now, I see, Fuzzy Bear.
Been there, done that. My view of threesomes is that there’s the distinct possibility that there will be one more disappointed party.
Where the kisses are hers and hers and his, Three’s Company, too!
You’ll see that life is a ball again — laughter is calling for you …
Down in our rendezvous — Three is Company, too!
Oh, Toby, now I have to sob into a pillow and listen to Joni Mitchell. Why, why must you crush my heart like this?
…’K. Sang “Court and Spark” enough to recover.
I now nominate Matt for the prom menage a trois. I think he and Bruce already have a side thing anyway.
My prom didn’t have a menage a trois.
(Actually, on prom night I went to watch “The Kids Are Alright,” then drank on the beach. I may have had a menage a un, though.)
lol…enquiring minds want to know..a menage a un?
>>a menage a un?
Hey, the party’s wherever I am.
I picked up 2 woman hitchhikers on my birthday years ago. Nuff said.
>>I picked up 2 woman hitchhikers on my birthday years ago. Nuff said.
Lou, that could either be the start of a “Penthouse Forum” yarn or a Stephen King short story. Were aluminum knuckles involved in any way?
I am thinking more like Stephen King Meets the SAW XXIII with some Freddy thrown in for good measure.
I know about some of the girls Lou picked up. That is another story. IT all goes back to KFC and missing cars.
Velvet Knuckles
I guess I can tell this now … On my 17th birthday, I picked myself up hitchhiking, drove myself all the way across the Nevada border, plied myself with cheap wine and an Italian meal at some anonymous dive, checked myself into a motel room under the name Smith and … I hope I don’t have to draw anyone a picture. (Some things should remain between me and, well, me.)
So, did I violate the Mann Act?
Robin -- Don’t know about Matt, but insulting to me, (no hard feelings Matt).
Can you see why I played dumb on Fuzzy Bear?? How do we fix this now??
You and Toby and matt should move menage to another thread, this my baby.
I don’t think it’s knuckles but it might be this:
Fukuoku five finger massage glove
Hey, now, Bruce! C’mon — I’m pouring my heart out here. I was just such a smooth talker, I couldn’t resist … Hands all over the place … You know how guys are, but I was pretty naïve back then. I must say, though, I still remember myself with fondness, even if it ended badly.
>>even if it ended badly.
All things end badly, Matt.
“situations have ended sad, relationships have all gone bad. Kind of been like Verlaines and Rimbauds.”
Yeah, I was Verlaine to my Rimbaud. And vice-versa.
You’ve accidentally blurred my message.
Everything since my first “Sonic Youth” post has been deliberate.
My intentions are being derailed !
Wait! I think we’re crafting a glorious God’s eye of tangentry here. Were these pictures part of your junior-high experience?
The best intentions of mice and men___________________________.
“To a Mouse,” by Robert Burns: “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.”
Prior to this I had always attributed that to Steinbeck.
Someone else will have to run with Matt’s strategically placed god’seye mention. I vaguely remember God’seyes right after those clickity-clack glass balls on a string and before pencil-fights.
Can I pet the rabbits, Toby? Tell me again about the rabbits.
>My prom didn’t have a menage a trois.
Dude- this is a nomination for the upcoming Che prom. Eyes forward, Matt. To the bright light of the future.
>How do we fix this now?? You and Toby and matt should move menage to another thread, this my baby.
Oh, Bruce, you know how my knees weaken when you play the Dominator. Show me those velvet knuckles, Che Prom King.
What about Ava, though? More your cup of tea and likely to understand a menage invite before the moment passes.
Etiquette question: Do you bring a corsage to a menage?
matthew, your solo menage makes me think that you have picked up woody allens baton. he needs to shove over for the new king. and about the corsage, nah… unless you bring two. but, the question remains of where to pin them.
bruce, i think it’s safe to say that if you don’t get a pm from time to time or any hits on your site for a period of hours that you still have street cred. just it now seems to be among the geritol set who hit the hay at 9. i should know, i’m one of them!
Will there be 2 Queens for the King at the Che Prom?
Balls! cried the Queen, if I had some I would be King. The King laughed because he had two.
>>matthew, your solo menage makes me think that you have picked up woody allens baton.
Ava: Afterwards, I spooned for a while, but I actually spent most of the night laughing and talking to myself … I even challenged myself to a pillow fight — you know, silly kid stuff. (Crazy! The people in the next room actually sent the desk clerk around to ask me to keep it down! I giggled about that for hours.)
But in the morning … Oh, this is hard to say … I got dressed really quietly and slipped away before I was really even awake. Would you believe I left some money on the nightstand??? God, I guess I was trying to be generous in my own way, but I totally misread the situation.
I didn’t talk to myself for a long, LONG time after that night. I couldn’t even look at myself! But I’d always ask my friends if they’d seen me and who I’d been with … They just looked at me funny or changed the subject. What was there to say, really?
I thought we all understood that it was not velvet knuckles, brass knuckles or even aluminum knuckles but those were all code for the:
(See picture above) Fukuoku five finger massage glove
It helps the King with his balls
or something like that
>How do we fix this now??
Slam dance me Fensta style, Bruce, radioactive def bad boy. Scream it loud: My flavor is spice…Invite me to a duel…I make you hip-hop ’til you drop- Just Slam!
Watching the sky on our world without sound we knit a web.
>>Fukuoku five finger massage glove
All you need is glove.
YAY ! Glove is all you need
Robin -- you’ve forgotten all the rules YOU made for this piece of performance art.
What started as a paean to Karen, skywriting in secret, and of course, lots of history and books, has digressed into Menage a trois and handjobs.
Ask matt for peoples e-mails, then phone numbers, then proceed.
Can’t I continue without ridiculous nicknames, gay references, and shared bodily fluids. THIS is yawn to me………
I could not agree more Fuzzy Bear, Lets meet in Frisco and swap spit.
We had rules? I only remember the nickname one, Fuzzy Bear.
C’mon baby. Git on up and dance. Go ‘head, go’ head, clap parties like ’85, baby. Slam dance Slam dance…My girl’s deadly assassin…My darts be razor sharp…Just slam!
Why you even hear or see anything else right now? Just take my hands and slam. Leave you mute in the aftermath.
Check out their eye contact.
It’s not a handJOB … It’s a handVENTURE!
wipes away a small tear
clap clap clap encore
That was you.That was you in ’80, Bruce. The face was so erased in my memory I hesitated to believe it even after you said you remembered. But I recognize this. This fluctuation between spooky intimate effortless understanding and blank confusion. The sense that any other time I’d just shrug off the confusion and leave. But this time needing to make the effort to clarify. Before even knowing the reward would be a Hindemith duet- learned “the wrong way.” Like there’s any wrong way to learn. Yeah, that could only have been you, unique snowflake.
I joined the Navy to see the world, and what did I see? A world full of Misfits.
a sense of belonging….
I did not mean the Navy, I meant the world outside of it, the one to which I fit, Toby, put it right earlier. A world where Fuzzy Bears wore aluminum Knuckles, where Barber Shop Quartets played while you ate your ice cream sundae. where a rooster road a scooter , a world where a man would have a menage et un. Where woman thought they were musicians and everyone could sing. A world where the sun was always shining and there were rolled tacos around every corner. It may sound like a zoo. I called it HOME.
Robin -- you have saved the thread and left us all a-wonder. The need to clarify is so selfless. Easier to shrug and leave. I, sadly, probably would have. You are more of an Amigo than any of us deserve.
Gee, LOU -- That’s great ! I remember that world and I called it HOME. REALLY miss the three rolled tacos with guacamole at??
where was it?? I loved living in North Park in those early days with Lisa Fecteau. Miss OB, IB, PB….
Why did we leave again?
the planes flew RIGHT over my head.
btw, the nazi conversation earlier on has me intrigued. i just finished the time investment of viewing the world at war (narrated by laurence olivier) and have been a leni quasi-scholar since my days as a sociologist. she fascinates me.
good question, why was she allowed to live to 101?
Ava -- since your a Robin invite I am thrilled that you’re here!
I’m jealous of your viewing of World At War, Olivier. On my to-do list.
Fascinated by Leni for years too. Seen any documentaries or read her autobiography?? Great stuff. Triumph Of The Will is one beautifully filmed piece of propaganda.
Love the Geritol reference. I actually sleep less and less, through the years.
We left for greener pastures, San Diego was on fire. We left but it failed to leave us. You can’t go home. Robertos
Humbertos, Rigbertos,Lebertos,Mibertos they are all left standing….alone….anticipatory….feeling small under the shadow of Robertos
I am suprised it’s not franchised yet …an east coast import.
Lou said: “I did not mean the Navy, I meant the world outside of it, the one to which I fit.”
Is there a page yet here reminiscing the number of people heavily invested in forming the early scene that were involved with the military? Because it seems like there were an inordinate number of military guys early on (who all to this day live in my mind stuck in time as characters from some unwritten Hubert Selby Jr novel.) It seems like the numbers dwindled as the years passed, but there certainly were some cool characters cast-off from the military to collectively give a growing music scene the dose of energy it needed.
Today I know three guys who are in the military but hide it very well as standout gentlemen in the local underground music scene. One is a DJ in his spare time, spinning some very cool vinyl and discs at local clubs. One is a journalist (both for the Army and on the side- he interviewed the Bad Brains last month here:
and the last guy (Danny-boy) shot the photos for that interview. They don’t remind me of the guys in the scene that came from the military- they are very reserved and poised, the complete opposite from what I remember from back then- but the military tie-in is interesting to me. (Especially in a town that seemed to have more than a vague disdain for the new recruits running amuck like it was their first time off the farm. Or first time in six months off the ship.)
The Juanitas in Leucadia was the be all, end all of cheesy taco shops for me. Best tortas ever. I lived a block away and would get home from a show half sobered up and make a midnight foray down for some food to soak up the alcohol. It was never boring going in there at night, the lone punk amidst a myriad collection of latino bad-boy wannabes (and a couple legitimate bad guys here and there.) I used to hear gunshots down there every couple months, but it was Leucadia- kind of weak to be gang-banging in Leucadia.
Man I miss decent Mexican food. My poor kids have no idea that mexican food in Hawaii is a JOKE! Terrible. Care package from El Indio por favor?
No great mexican food in RI either. Man, it WAS Robertos thanks.
Wish we could help out on the Navy issue Toby, but Lou, Joanne, and I never really knew any NAVY folk !
This is something for someone. The inspiration was always in question for most people; laid to rest.
I didn’t just mean Navy- military in general.
If I’d known how awesome the Injections were off-stage, I would have been a more devoted groupie.
I rarely get homesick unless someone mentions either El Indio or Roberto’s. Sometimes I wake up crying for a #3 combination.
Bruce, you’ve never deserved anything but the best.
“Then Wendy saw the shadow on the floor…she could not help smiling when she saw that he had been trying to stick it on with soap. How exactly like a boy!…’It must be sewn on,’ she said…and soon his shadow was behaving properly, though still a little creased.”
How odd- my son and I watched Peter Pan last night. I like the new one.
I was on a flight that went from Tahiti to Oahu to San Diego to Salt Lake City to Jackson Hole, Wyoming (with a couple day stopover in Hawaii.) Somehow at 6:30 a.m. my mom managed to talk her way through the gates and into the gates and almost onto the plane. Instead a stewardess stopped her and brought me this case of beer sized box of El Indio food onto the plane. My mom is kind of tenacious.
>good question, why was she allowed to live to 101?
To show that her opposition would go that long after victory without stooping to her tactics
Holy shit, I thought I mixed my meds again, then realized I found myself reading this thread.
Although frightened, I think I want to have a drink with you people.
You can only find this thread after mixing meds.
first thing after getting off the plane in sd is hitting either la posta or el indio. no matter the time of day. it’s a personal thing. although we have a rad mex place here, a sweet oxacacan woman owns it, so i get authentic here, too. but there is something about sd mex that is totally apart from the rest. and i love taco trucks! to hell with the “ratings” i go for it if i see one. especially here. and i have ryk to thank for that. he turned me on to the truck gourmet scene.
as for leni, bruce, yes, i saw that film about her life. i particularly love the scene where she returns to the arena where a large part of triumph was filmed and speaks softly about what horrors she facilitated with her art. up to that point she seemed so matter of fact about it all. maybe that was self protection? who knows. in any case, she does talk about how she knew it was all wrong. and that she had no choice. i think that is what fascinates me about anyone involved in that era. the whole “no choice” thing.
i recommend the series, bruce, watch it and you will be blown away by the people they interview. albert speer. the man who helped mastermind pearl harbor. home video by eva braun. stalingrad. god, it’s an undertaking. but worth every moment. and the theme music stays in your head. my grandfather had me watch it with him in the 70’s. every sunday night. and i was fascinated. i think this was where i got my itch to learn everything about that time and all the people behind it. lifelong endeavor to know as much as possible. i have a lot of stories about people i have met in my search. someday i will tell them to you.
and btw, i never saw the injections. that makes me sad. but i did find a band on mywaste that is named the same. from what i hear of them there is no way they compare to what i have been reading here. does that make sense?
>>as for leni, bruce
… The most mordantly witty standup comedian the Third Reich ever produced. Klaus Kinski’s interpretation of “Leni” in Bob Fosse’s movie was a tour de force.
matthew… i have to get you to do a cage match with woody. he’d cower in the face of you. truly.
Cage matches are only fun when there’s some question about the outcome. Matt vs. Woody is like puma vs. pupa. No suspense. Skip the cage match and just get Matt to start making movies.
>Although frightened, I think I want to have a drink with you people.
Where are you located, Mark?
yeah, robin, you are dead on. matthew, it’s time for ACTION!
Hey, Anonymous IV. Thank you. You or Bruce will have to prep me though. I never went to a school dance. Unless you count the time I was turned away at the door when security said Mark Chandler’s bathrobe didn’t meet the dress code. Bastards.
Mark -- welcome. Ava -- keep talking I love it. Robin -- I went to one school dance and found it heartbreaking. Not really my style.
Why was it heartbreaking? Did your bathrobe also not meet the dress code?
No… The girl I took, ROBIN Frettolosso left with another boy…
Her bad …. met the prettier Wendy Hall the next day in school and that was that for a while. Actually until SD !!!!
>>the prettier Wendy Hall
There were two? Did Lou ever pick them up hitchhiking?
ok, b, here is one that stands out…
when i was first a mother i attended the local UU church. there was a woman there who latched on to me and my kiddo as a kind of grandmother figure. she was much older and had a distinct accent. french with a sort of germanic tinge to it. we became friends and spent a lot of time talking about life, motherhood, the past. it came to pass that she finally felt at home enough to tell me her story.
she’d been a member of the french resistance during the war. her family was polish, she was a french citizen and had a husband who was german. she was a nurse. during the invasion of france she worked with her husband doing seriously dangerous things like sabotage and leafleting of cities under siege. she gamely provided hope for the hopeless while putting her life in serious jeopardy. during one particularly terrible incident she had to give poison to her charges rather than see them taken by the nazis. the doctors she worked with were angered by the possibility of their patients being used for experiments or for gas chamber fodder. so they euthanized them. she moved to the us in the late 40’s not long after the war. to oregon in the 60’s. and never spoke about it at all until the late 90’s. to me and a few other people. i did an interview with her for a sociology class i was in and we talked at length until she was exhausted by the memories. i can’t really detail it like she did, but suffice to say, she still sees their faces. or at least she did. she passed on a little while ago. and i hope she is at peace. what a life to have lived.
Jesus, Ava…It usually feels like we’re all in a room together. Sometimes I can almost taste the party food, ask to borrow someone’s jacket if it gets chilly. Then you go and post something like that, something that demands a reaction more primal than cyber. There’s no emoticon for that. No witty repartee. No words that qualify as any kind of valid response. Only eye contact. Seeing goosebumps rise on someone else’s arm. The electric discomfort of witnessing that the impossible is not. Shuddering together in the dark. Jesus.
There was ONE Wendy Hall, Matt…. prettier than the heartbeaking Robin Frettoloso.
Ha Ha…..Trying to move on from last posts….
>>The Juanitas in Leucadia was the be all, end all of cheesy taco shops for me.
Time to cross-reference our earlier Juanita’s chat. Send carrots! New Jersey needs spicy carrots!!!
(I once picked up some Juanita’s spicy carrots hitchhiking on PCH. I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.)
>There was ONE Wendy Hall, Matt…. prettier than the heartbeaking Robin Frettoloso.
(Nudge with harsh whisper) He knew that, Bruce. (Eye roll)
“This is the way we were in our growing up and in our marrying and in our living and in our dying…Oh, Earth, you’re too wonderful for anyone to realize you. Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?-every, every minute?…Look at that star…A star’s mighty good company.”
-Thornton Wilder, “Our Town”
Lemme borrow your jacket. Anyone know a good slow dance song?
Trying to move on ROBIN !! Nudge, whisper, and eye roll.
Have you ever heard the song “Our Town” or “My town” by Iris Dement????
That food thread makes me hungry!
Why won’t my personal email work?????
Trying to get a hold of St. Anthony, and Crumb. AAAARRRGGGH!!
Why can’t I make time stand still??? I’ve tried…..
b, maybe we should email each other… that’s how toby and i decided to deal with our side conversations.
and yeah, sorry for the mood drop.
No mood drop AVA. My Father fought and was wounded in France WWII. He still loves a good Mel Brooks film………..
We have the ability to turn horror into humor -- strange evolutionary species, these humans.
Dude, didn’t you know? This is the side conversation thread.
>sorry for the mood drop
Please don’t be. Witnesses who tell the truth are our only hope.
And, I submit that if this thread survives your post, Matt and Bruce are webmasters of the universe.
Of course, Ava, now you are responsible for playing us a good slow song.
Bruce, it’s my e-mail not yours. I think I fixed it.Try again.
>Trying to move on ROBIN !! Nudge, whisper, and eye roll
Duh. I can only do that with facetious exaggeration. 30 years and he still doesn’t know. (eye roll) Seriously, gimme the jacket. And look up. The Pleiades.
I do a mean rendition of “Lili Marleen.” In German, even.
Danke Schoen
>>And, I submit that if this thread survives your post, Matt and Bruce are webmasters of the universe.
HEY MATT -- “I’ve got the looks, you’ve got the brains. Let’s make lots of money”.
Robin is a trip, huh??
“There are the stars- doing their old, old crisscross journeys in the sky. Scholars haven’t settled the matter yet, but they seem to think there are no living beings up there. Just chalk…or fire. Only this one is straining away, straining away all the time to make something of itself.” -T.W., Our Town
exasperation. not exaggeration
long day
verbal skills eroding
and here is the best i think i can do for you all…
wait… where’d my post go?
I’m not sure what you’re trying to do, Ava … Send me a note.
Klaus Kinski -- One of my favorite actors. Fitzcaraldo, Burden of Dreams, Aguire, Wrath of God, and my favorite -- re-make of Murnaus ‘NOSFERATU’.
Great reference MATT.
Anyone up for Fritz Lang??
Strange but lovely.
our town.
Bruce. Bruce, Bruce, Bruce. Fritz Lang, Emmylou, and Our Town in one breath? What, ‘d you stay up last night reading all my old letters, planning how to shred my heart? You are a dangerous man.
Sweetheart, I was not braced for memories of Fritz Lang movies at the Ken.
Just when I really don’t have room for any new crushes, you bring me Iris Dement. Thankfully, Emmylou is willing to share a room with her.
Make me an angel that flies from Montgomery. Bring me a poster of an old rodeo. Just give me one thing that I can hold on to.To believe in this living, is a hard way to go.
Someones email just doesn’t work anymore !
anonymous bruce
Bow down before Iris, realize your own insignificance. Watch Emmy-lou, her admiration/adoration.
Can anyone watch all 5:10 of that video and not be destroyed??
I read all your letters when you said hello.
Gimme Danger, Little Stranger.
Put those letters back where you found ’em, cowboy.
“So what in the world’s come over you?
And what in heaven’s name have you done?
You’ve broken the speed of the sound of loneliness”
…and I’ve got a heart that burns with fever
and a worried jealous mind??
But it only used to be a mighty mean and a dreadful sorrow.
Now…now it’s sort of a fuzzy bearish thing.
Back then, I slept under this 27″ x 40″ poster:
We have SO many words to say……….
bruce IV
PLEASE have a crush on Iris…she needs it. And we need to add her to the Karen file of heartbreaking souls. How could you not LOVE some things.
Today is the day I learned the cyber version of loaning a jacket is to converse in John Prine lyrics. I shall circle this date on the calendar and observe it annually from now on.
>>The electric discomfort of witnessing that the impossible is not. Shuddering together in the dark. Jesus.
Jesus is right!! For the love of God Montressor.
Ah, look which pot is calling a kettle Montressor.
When did the Injections thread start veering so close to the Tell-Tale Hearts?
Ha Ha !
The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge.
It was the Amontillado.
Anyone else dying for a drink?
Mark, you bring any?
Robin says: “Anyone else dying for a drink?”
Now that’s a funny double entendre. Yes- quite possibly. and from the very first one.
Oo, you do know how to Slam Dance Fensta style, God in Zilla, Cold chillin’ radioactive bad boy.
So few can back that shit up.
Baby, I offered you the 300th post for 11 minutes; greedily took it myself.
>>Cold chillin’ radioactive bad boy.
Oh. Thank you, Jim, I didn’t know. I was waiting for you. Sold my hairto buy you a watch chain.
Slam dance! Dance to the drummer’s beat, go ‘head, go ‘head
I sold my watch for you.
I slam dance with Iris every night -- usually breakdown by the 4 minute mark.
Ah. But waited 11 for me. I do have some ranking at least.
What great music.
Dying for a cigarette.
Need the diversion of World At War.
“From a little spark may burst a flame;” “Beauty awakens the soul to act.”- Dante Alighieri
Cigarettes lie. They’re not really what you want when you feel uncontainable.
Matt -- Please make a movie !!!! I would be honored to be involved in any way. Writer, caterer, grip, best boy, walk-on, star, personal assistant???
I’m no Leni reifenstahl.
Bruce, my lung collapsed
Lou -- please explain !!!!!!!!!!
I was rushed to the hospital Monday night
Please share more ???????????????
What happened, how are you????
Hey, Lou, I am so sorry! Are you still in the hospital?What’s your prognosis?
It sucks. I am out of the hospital. It came out of nowhere. I have always been healthy. Google it. There is no predicting it. It can happen to healthy people any age. They stuck a tube in my chest and gave me morphine. I guess its appropriate for an injection. My future is unclear. There is a more than 50 % chance my lung will collapse again. I am just waiting. For a few minutes in the emergency room I felt like a fish out of water.
Dude -- If you ever need ANYTHING you should call me ! You only live an hour away, I’ll be there in 50 minutes !
I’ve had a shitload of medical problems in the last 3 years. Glad to be alive.
We need to talk soon.
Jesus. Praying for you, Lou Skum. That lung gave me hours of listening pleasure.
It gives me new understanding to the ” you never know” thinking
Saint Bernardine of Siena is the patron saint of lungs …
Lou, yeah, I’m…intimately familiar with that feeling. The good news is that if you heal, life becomes even more indescribably delicious.
Thanks for the St. Bernardine tip, Matt. Love the Catholic pantheon. Time to talk to my old friend St. Anthony, patron saint of the lost, especially causes.
Thankyou Robin and Matt and Bruce, I am not sure writing all this on the blog and facebook is the correct thing to do. I do think it is a good reminder to us all that sometimes the other person that things happen to, is us. Life is to suffer and die they say, so enjoying the times in between is crucial. The clock is ticking ” send not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.”
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
# Robin Says:
March 8th, 2009 at 10:14 pm
>good question, why was she allowed to live to 101?
To show that her opposition would go that long after victory without stooping to her tactics
ava Says: {as she describes a woman she knew}
March 9th, 2009 at 3:15 pm
“…during one particularly terrible incident she had to give poison to her charges rather than see them taken by the nazis. the doctors she worked with were angered by the possibility of their patients being used for experiments or for gas chamber fodder. so they euthanized them.”
Do you see the flaw in your logic, Robin?
May Jesus heal you, Lou.
Yes, the Injections thread is the Everything Thread, indeed.
I see that people create circumstances that go far beyond the confines of logic or fairness- my version or anyone else’s. I see that evil can grip a society and lead a devoted healing woman to believe that the kindest, most just thing for her to do- the closest thing to salvation that remains- is to kill people. And any compassionate, life-loving person would find themselves hard-pressed to argue with her. Things happen, people make choices that defy justice. Sometimes there is no way to “win,” no happy ending. You can stop damage, but never fully heal what has been done. And when you find yourself face to face with that, when it is too late for logic and justice, you decide who you are and what you will do. You accept that a question like: Why did Leni Reifenstahl get to live out a long life? has no reasonable answer. So you do your best to ask instead, why are you here and how is your time justified. Then answer it with how you take your next breath.
>>Do you see the flaw in your logic, Robin?
Terry: It’s often difficult to confront evil without coming terribly close to the thing you fear. And wow — sometimes that line is not so clear.
If my only choices were those confronted by this woman and those doctors … It would be horrible. However, I can see a moral difference between euthanizing those people or sending them to be vivisected. I don’t think that invalidates our capacity for victory over darkness.
Lou, get well man. My thoughts and prayers are with you. We need you!
>I don’t think that invalidates our capacity for victory over darkness.
Depends on your definition of victory. The Allies won WWII. The death camps closed. But that didn’t undo the fact that they had been open. Didn’t return those tiny shoes to the kids who left them in neat piles at Buchenwald. Evil had had its day. And is right now in Sudan. Of course it’s still right to fight it. Of course you still hope and work for something better than a government that trains kids to kill each other, or that pays suicide bombers. But deciding to jump in and wrestle means finding some way to get through a day knowing some victories are impossible. Wrestling means finding a definition of victory you can believe in after confronting the horror. No amount of work, or vengeance, or dealing out justice will return those tiny shoes their rightful owners.
lou, sending love and healing hopes your way. many and for as long as you need.
robin, matthew, bruce, i think that one thing that sets us apart from a lot of people in this world is that we don’t ignore the injustices. we pay attention and try to help in any way possible. it’s the difference between being a member of the masses who turn a blind eye and being the one who jumps in, fearful but strong, to give what we can.
i struggle with this a lot. my inability to just jump on a plane and go help in kenya with refugees b/c i have a small person who relies on me. so instead i work from here to make as much of an impact as i can. part of being the thinking people we are is knowing when to act and when to REALLY act. and that we cannot ignore the problems of this world.
Being a good mom is part of having an impact.
Wendy’s mom used to say, “I do at least as much to improve the world in one day of doing my best as a mom as you do in a month of protest rallies.”
Every time you teach your kid to be kind you’ve done something. Every time you teach your kid when and how to be strong you’ve made an impact.
my son, who loves animals, babies and honors the elders, is a beautiful human. and i agree with wendy’s mama. it’s true. he gets the best of me every day.
teaching him to paint and to write and to express himself. and to be humble in his world. he knows from humility and integrity. it makes me proud. i love that guy. what a good human.
Today is my son Tucker’s birthday, he is 10. I teach him to value what God has given to us. To be happy for what we have. True, what Matthew said about a thin line between good and evil. They are constant companions in a beautiful yet sinister world. Camus said ” when the guilty don the apparel of innocence, it will be the innocent that will be called upon to justify there existance” I thankyou all for your prayers and kind words. I will be fine.
I always knew Matt was deep but sometimes the stuff he says just blows me away.
Happy Birthday, Tucker!
Before my younger daughter’s 10th birthday, she actually said she was sad about “turning the Big One-Oh.” Dead serious! 🙂
“…any compassionate, life-loving person would find themselves hard-pressed to argue with her.”
Did the patients argue with her?
“We know what’s best for you,” said the nurse.
“We don’t want you vivisected,” explained Dr. Rothenberg from over her shoulder.
“Just let me live!”, pleaded the patient, “If they kill me, it’ll be their fault and not yours.”
Tiny shoes, holocausts…
We salute mothers…
What’s your opinion of Roe v. Wade?
Before you answer, Robin, remember you’ve been wrong before.
Thou shall not kill
Hi Terry. I’m taking a break from THE blog…..BUT.
Please…Roe V. Wade ??? I’ve never met ANYONE who is pro-abortion and I hope you’re not insinuating that on us.
Roe V. Wade is about EQUAL access to health care; that’s it !!
More killing has been done in the name of God than for any other reason. From the Childrens Crusades to 9/11.
How this thread evolves from the ridiculous to the absurd….
why is it typically men who disagree with choice?
Wow ! Good point Lou! Why are we in Iraq? Why did we kill 2.5 million people in Vietnam. Perhaps because of the Gulf Of Tonkin?
Why did the U.S. drop an atomic bomb on two civilian targets in Japan.
Do you really believe, as Americans, we have GOD on our side??
and how can people be anti-choice and pro-death penalty and pro-war?
AVA -- Because men HAVE choice.
I was raised a feminist by my sisters.
Women still make less per hour than men for the same work.
Get up, Stand up…don’t give up the fight.
word. feminist men make me happy and hot. karen finley would agree.
AVA -- we are responding at the same time. Christian conservatism,
George Bush, womens rights…….. same page?????
We kill people to show that it’s wrong to kill people.
Feminist men scare men.
I’ll never forget my capacity for being wrong, especially in the presence of people who knew me at my worst.
I didn’t say everyone would agree with the nurse’s choice, or that it’s the choice I would make. I believe Ava indicated even the nurse struggled with it. What I said was that I agree with the nurse that there are times when the choices are so horrific, none can be labeled “right.” But the situation remains and choices must be made. I believe parents who teach their children about this can help us prevent situations that leave only those kinds of choices. I believe one of the most valuable thing Christianity offers is asking us to confront our capacity to crucify.
When I find myself forced to choose between evils, I pray. And when I’ve chosen, I pray for forgiveness.
God bless you, Terry Marine.
Lou Skum Says:
March 12th, 2009 at 10:01 pm: “To be happy for what we have.”
…or “Thankful for What We Got”
Lou, if this doesn’t turn into a clickable link, copy-n-paste.
Bruce Injection Says:
March 13th, 2009 at 12:30 am: “Get up, Stand up…don’t give up the fight.”
The Injections should’ve done some version of “Just Be Thankful…” Like when you covered “Fwd Jah Children” by Jacob Miller’s Bruce and Lisa could have helped Lou on the vocals.
Lou Skum Says:
March 13th, 2009 at 12:11 am
“Thou shall not kill”
Lou Skum says? I thought God gave that to Moses on Sinai, anyways…
Robin, Wasn’t “Nurses’ Choice”, a “lover’s rock” tune by Gregory Isaacs? When we have to choose between two evils…use the book of rules, it’s never wrong.
Bruce, In Orwell’s “1984”, there’s a passage where the regime changed their story again. The less intelligent man simply accepted what he was told, the very intelligent man dealt with the conflicting statements by using “double-think”.
Quote: Ava: “why is it typically men who disagree with choice?”
I’m emotionally split on the issue (as I feel that so often the woman is left with the burden of decision), but I tend to side with pro choice 90% of the time. For me it really depends on the situation- I don’t feel there can be a blanket law that deals in generalization- there are many different instances that can come up in which I feel abortion would be more than warranted.
As far as religion and spirituality goes, I’m supportive of everyone to find their own path and hope that they too can let me find my own. I think it’s outstanding that so many people find so much in the Christian Bible and I’ve known plenty decent people who call themselves Christians. Historically (since I was an adolescent) I found that I naturally seem to have more in common spiritually with Buddhists and Taoists, which is fine with me. But I really don’t see too much difference in the general message of most religions- it’s the vehicle that everyone seems to get so caught up on.
>>What I said was that I agree with the nurse that there are times when the choices are so horrific, none can be labeled “right.” But the situation remains and choices must be made. I believe parents who teach their children about this can help us prevent situations that leave only those kinds of choices.
Robin: Wow, I am so with you. I don’t know for sure what I’d have done in those people’s place … I feel very, well, blessed by the luxury to sit in this comfortable house, with 65 years of distance, gnawing at this as a philosophical exercise with my virtual homies.
If I were truly in the midst of it, I’d … I would hope I’d respect the wishes of any sentient human being who was going to be subjected to the gamut of horrors ahead. That’s my best answer so far, and it already presumes a lot.
Terry: Seriously and specifically, what would you do in this situation? I’m curious if you see an obvious moral choice, how you arrived at it, and the specific actions that choice would impel.
If you answer, “Choose life,” say, I will ask you which option represents life. (Perhaps there’s a third that I’m not seeing, that doesn’t involve time machines, robot armies or other CGI wizardry.)
Not to get all Godwin’s, but yeah: Most of my grandfather’s family lived in Ostrow, a little town in eastern Poland, and were among the population of 3,000 Jews, all of whom were sent to death camps in October 1942.
I’ve been there … I saw the street where my great-grandfather’s bakery stood. Pretty place — would be a great town for a family reunion, but, uhhhhh, there’d be NOBODY to invite.
So please, tell me how you’d help my family in this situation. I’m trying to figure it out myself and definitely would appreciate some clear, specific guidance.
Hey, Matt, you’re not asking me, and this isn’t an answer to exactly the question you’re asking. Still, the response for this morning is: to recognize and appreciate the legacy you represent. You are here and a parent. You returned to honor your ancestors. You just celebrated a birthday. You are how they escaped through time. L’chaim!
Since you have demonstrated your ability to defy Godwin’s Law multiple times, let’s see if this thread can survive a Bible quote:
Genesis 32. When no rule is clear, God asks that we wrestle with him without letting go, all through the dark night.
matthew, precisely what robin said is my response. you are the reunion, YOU. and your amazing ability to see the world, love it in all it’s flaws and beauties is what makes me care for you. think buying a banana split in hamburg with pfennigs. all pfennigs. reveling in the joy of our ability to be where we were, healthy, young, strong, intelligent.
as for the religion side of this conversation, i feel that somehow the messages of all deities have been skewed and stretched to fit the strange views of the few. otherwise how could anyone take, say, the bible, and make it largely vitriol and anger toward anyone not straight, completely adherent to the “message” and “guide” those entirely willing to subjugate anyone who is outside that narrow parameter?
i wonder how we came from the teachings of a very caring, apolitical man like jesus, who carried flaws and humanity, to the fire and brimstone interpretation so present in todays “christians”. keeping in mind that the pendulum swings this way and that over centuries. the gay marriage issue has become the new civil rights movement and those who voted for a ban on it seem to be the beginnings of the new klan. how christian is that?
Robin, Ava: Mazel tov! (Robin, that Bible verse speaks volumes. “God asks that we wrestle with him without letting go.” Yes. Ava, Sweet Virginia did make the BEST banana splits, didn’t they?)
Terry: I respect your time zone — maybe you’re not awake yet — nice how most of us have the luxury of sleeping without constant fear.
But I’m afraid the clock’s ticking. It’s 1942 NOW, and the guys in the lab coats are going to show up any minute, flanked by heavily armed camp guards. We don’t have a lot of time, and my whole family is waiting for your guidance … My aunts, my uncles, my little cousins. What do we do NOW?
re: choice
until a man can become pregnant..he has no choice
unless the relationship warrants it
“God asks that we wrestle with him without letting go.”
That is so dated. Everyone knows that god does Brazillian Jiu Jitsu!
But anyhow- I think many times the message doesn’t seem to most to be as important as their interpretation of the word “god”. I believe in “god”- lower case- I just don’t follow the books of men literally and to the letter of the word, as I’m a rational, thinking human being who can realize that it was men who dictated that book, in an ancient time, and men who translated it, with all of their human flaws and political agendas.
Toby: Hey, I’m a word guy! … Metaphors are powerful tools, and the Bible has some incredible ones. 🙂
Toby- God also enjoys jeet kune do. And hap ki do.
That’s exactly why that’s my favorite chapter. It’s the Bible, which never claims to have been narrated by a deity, saying (and Paul repeats this throughout his sections), I’m not a magician’s handbook; I’m not a prescriptive cookbook; I won’t give you every answer laid out like a map; all I can promise is a lifetime of wrestling that will leave you wounded in ways from which you can’t recover. What an invitation.
Ava- Can’t agree with Jesus as an apolitical figure. That’s a story of a guy who rose to power partly because he was expected to unite a divided kingdom and restore political power to the house of Kings David and Solomon, but made a public choice instead to wash lepers’ feet and be crucified. And the reader is left to figure out why.
Regardless of where and how you place faith, it’s an interesting story that presents an interesting set of questions. It’s a story about the nature of power.
I agree. and it’s always interesting to hear someone well informed on the topic talk about the bible from a more objective, forgiving (to us philistines who are listening) standpoint. It just becomes such a vitriol fueled, inflammatory topic with so many people. I have one sister who is atheist, another who is very Christian, and my brothers and I sit somewhere in the middle. Also my pop went to a different church every sunday for the longest time, and was pretty well informed on both history and the bible- so when the conversation got to spirituality and religion at our house it was always a long and interesting conversation.
And I’m going to get this back on topic by saying that I listened to the Injections religiously.
(God is probably super-smooth at Aikido. Just saying.)
Dude, if you practice hap ki do, aikido is a totally snap. (no pun intended. Who am I kidding? Totally intentional).
It alarms me how close-minded, mean interpretations of Christianity push other approaches into the closet. Harsh fundamentalists tell you you’re going to hell. Everyone else assumes you’re mean, or bland and clueless. Bland clueless stories don’t get told for millennia. Also, Jesus was pretty clear about what he thought about vitriolic stone-throwing. He asked his followers to cut that shit out.
Injections! Yeah! Lou, get better. Sing at a reunion. Tear down the walls!
The Nurse was wrong. Where there is life there is hope. When could the murder of unborn children be acceptable? Or do they not count when there are no little shoes left behind? If the Nazis were on the way to my home I know what I would do. Hind sight of the Holocaust does not prevent what happened but is a poweful reminder to stop it from happening again, yet it is happening, and has happened since. Jesus is our saviour, Heaven Exists, We are only human, imperfect are we all. The Pope spoke at length last year in Yankee Stadium, he summed it up in one word…………………PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I think she felt wrong when she was doing it. And wrong when she was not doing it. She felt trapped by a set of wrong choices. And responded with her imperfect best. God love her.
>>If the Nazis were on the way to my home I know what I would do.
What would you do? I personally would try to get away. And then I would try to fight. Unless other innocents — and certainly my family — would be further endangered by either choice. (And I’d switch the order of responses if other innocents — and certainly my family — had a chance to escape if I were to stand and fight.)
Let’s see. Prayer sounds good, too. I’m essentially agnostic but not atheist … And it sure wouldn’t hurt, and it would probably lend some cadence to my fleeing and fighting. (Both of which could use all the help they could get at my age and weight.)
Hmmmm … Plumb out of ideas after that! Suggestions?
I’da been trying to start a revolution with all my neighbors since that cold November night when all the broken glass hit the temple floors and 38,000 people disappeared. In one night. And my kid would have been sent far away so being with me would not present a danger to her. I hope from far away she’d be proud about how I stood up. I pray I wouldn’t shut up and feel safe if they were only going to your house and not mine, Matthew. I hope I’d never let you walk alone.
Thanks, Robin. I got your back, too. 🙂
Quote: Lou Skum:
“The Nurse was wrong. Where there is life there is hope. When could the murder of unborn children be acceptable? Or do they not count when there are no little shoes left behind? If the Nazis were on the way to my home I know what I would do. Hind sight of the Holocaust does not prevent what happened but is a poweful reminder to stop it from happening again, yet it is happening, and has happened since. Jesus is our saviour, Heaven Exists, We are only human, imperfect are we all. The Pope spoke at length last year in Yankee Stadium, he summed it up in one word…………………PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Line item rebuttal:
1) The pope? I feel like any response would be a cheap shot.
2) Yeah- nobody prayed before the holocaust- if they did it obviously wouldn’t have happened.
3) When would abortion be a possible solution? When a father impregnates a daughter, when a mentally ill person rapes and impregnates someone, when childbirth may kill the mother bearing the child. For instance.
The Pope, God’s representative to us.
I do not understand number 2, prayer is not going to thwart evil, but it helps. #3 father rapes daughter kill unborn child problem solved, every thing is fine now?? Victim of Mentally ill person kills unborn child, another solution to a problem??. Childbirth may (or may not) kill expecting mother, lets cut our losses and kill the unborn child??
Are you blaming GOD for the Hollocaust? Wasn’t satan found responsible?
Don’t believe the hype!
I’m just playing the Devil’s advocate.
Hitler tapped into the evil which was present. The Bible is both the Word of God and witness accounts of miraculous occurrences. The Pope is not a messenger per say, but a representative of the message. The Catholic Church is far from being the largest corporation on earth, and land ownership. You are a fountain of misinformation, a lost sheep. As for Catholic Priests, evil is always close where there is good, 2 female hitchhikers, Jesus would have stopped and given them a ride, and wished them a Merry Christmas if it was his birthday.
And you, my friend are a parrot. I have little use for zealots and I run into them all the time.
But I’m going to leave this as it is out of respect for the actual topic at hand and for Matt’s efforts here. It doesn’t really matter if you and I agree, and we probably wont. Ciao.
Polly wants a cracker
Matt, I’m sorry I’m late. I just got back to my computer. To answer your question, I have to give you the Gospel. The Book of Matthew, Chapters 5, 6, and 7 contain the “Sermon on the Mount.”
I’m too much of a doubting hypocrite to actually practice any of that… but Jesus is Our God, even when obeying His Word makes absolutely no earthly sense. I have come to discover that obedience is what Our Lord requires from us so we… can go to heaven.
You see this world and our life upon it is temporary. Life with God is eternal.
I know! I know! I sound crazy or stupid. I am both, ask The Injections.
Your family is alive and safe with Jesus. If I sound simplistically ignorant, I am also cowardly. Robin predicted that. I also hope I would not look away if they took you away.
And what would I do if someone actually did come to harm you; Matt, my brother? That seems to be the question. Hmmm… Like fight or flight? That’s what animals do. Those who have been sharing on this blog are all very intelligent and in some way represent every side. We would talk. In any event, we would follow Jesus.
Terry: Thank you for the well-considered answer … I appreciate the thought you put into it and the spirit in which you delivered it.
If my family’s with Jesus … He comes highly recommended — I’ve read all His books — and I’m sure they’re having a lovely time. Thanks!
back in 1996/97 i took a seminar course on jesus at 2000. how he was imagined as a man by scholars. a common belief that ran through the entire event, which was given credence by the presence of such persons as marcus borg himself (a deeply devoted jesus scholar and seminarian), was that jesus would be the first to admit that his past teachings were not hard and fast, black and white gospels. that his care for the world and the humans on it extended past the era during which he lived. the overwhelming majority of us admitted that his short time on our planet was a graceful honor, just as it is an honor to behold each of us in our flawed humanity. i cannot claim to know what his thoughts on abortion, gay marriage, and other hotbed issues would be. neither can any of you. but i can imagine that his compassion extended past the narrow views so adhered to by the zealots who make true conversation nearly impossible.
as for my friend, who lived during a time which none of us can possibly begin to fathom, she is now gone from life. so to speak ill of her, her choices, the way she did or didn’t do what YOU deem is right seems both unfair and, as i said before, unchristian. i would ask that you refrain from judgment of someone who so clearly had to face the proverbial devil and the deep blue. because to look in her eyes, to hear her voice and to know how much her heart still suffered is to know that she did not enter into her situation lightly.
Toby, I finally watched “Tokyo Breakfast” I understand, we all understand. You knew us. I have a story. Here’s what happened.
It was in 1993. I was living in the Trolley Court Residential Hotel in San Diego. If you have never been in there, the rooms on the inside all face into a big courtyard, so that the hotel is sort of hollow inside. I lived in one of the inside-facing rooms. You could hear all the sound from those rooms echoing in that courtyard.
It was the middle of the afternoon in the summer. Everyone’s windows were open. Suddenly, for no reason, I was filled with a rage. And hatred.
I screamed “N_____!!!, N_____!!!, N_____!!!” for about ten seconds. All the noise from the hotel’s daily activity stopped. There was hesitant, wary silence for about three seconds.
“What’s the matter with you?” shouted a black man.
“I got a demon!” I answered.
“Get that demon out of you!” He shouted back.
Toby, the rage went out. I felt relaxed and calm.
“Thank you!” I called.
“Umm Hmm,” was the response from a black man that I could see in my mind, but not with my eyes.
You said that I reminded you of a Father somebody-or-other in a Robert DeNiro movie. I’m not all that. Neither am I Father Karras in The Exorcist.
But …remember “Tokyo Breakfast”? Get that demon out of you.
Tokyo Breakfast was a parody on both white America’s penchant to indoctrinate anything into our pop-culture and Tokyo’s penchant to take that and push it one step further, not realizing the gravity of the action.
Sorry if you misinterpreted what I said. My memory of your physical appearance coupled with your chiding me to stop saying “goddamn” in print reminded me of Father Bobby from Sleepers, a favorite paternal character of mine. Having not seen you or heard from you for twenty-odd years, I have no idea who or what you are actually like. It was merely a humorous comment.
I refrain from using the word “nigger” conversationally because it shows a certain lack of imagination and is in my opinion both obnoxious and hackneyed. But I found the characters in Tokyo Breakfast using the word (the characters assumably not knowing it was anything beyond American pop culture and slang) to be funny. It was absurd. Absurdity works for me.
AVA -- when are we going to talk about the war???
Matt did you get my email?????????
Bruce: Just did — ‘sall good, yo! 🙂
‘sall better than good from where I sit. tanx.
I’m a bit disappointed where the Injection thread has gone, as we push 400 comments. ‘member when it was fun and giggly too?????
I always liked Negroes
I feel you, Bruce. But I got to respect Matt for taking a moment to make complacency impossible. Good practice. And showing the topic doesn’t need to be an angry yelling match.
Too bad the public dialog has become so contentious and loaded we can hardly even hear each other any more. No, Terry, that response didn’t sound so crazy. And I think the pope was saying something worthwhile. And I am hardly going to judge Ava’s friend. When the pope said pray, he wasn’t saying sit passively, mindlessly following an empty ritual, then feel good about yourself without doing anything. He was saying search your soul, ask for what you need to be something better than you are on your own, recognize hard choices for what they are and make them with faith in values that are bigger than you. Recognize that compassion and generosity can be difficult and require sacrifice. Decide they are worth it. That ultimately is what leaves Hitlers and Pol Pots ranting alone with no followers while the Rothenbergs light their shabbat candles at home.
::stands up and applauds robin::
that last sentence makes me like you even more, robin. for when we collectively ignore the trolls, the despots, the hot air of vitriol and hate we disallow the power.
bruce, i am about to delve into the reparation and nuremberg trial part of world at war. i took a week break, too much info, my head was full. want a play by play after i watch?
did anyone see “watchmen”?
March 9, New Yorker gave “Watchmen” a terrible review. Sounds too graphically violent for me.
Now, back to something more warm and fuzzy. NUREMBERG. AVA, would love to hear about what you’re watching.
Do you like Civil War history? Picketts Charge, Shermans March??
civil war history gets me in a deep way. my grandfather had a friend in chicago, a neighbor, really, who was a civil war widow. she left him all kinds of things in her will. i have used bullets (smashed up bits of steel and such) from the seige at vicksburg. and a paper from that same siege, where they used wall paper since they had run out of supplies. it’s in a double paned frame as old as the hills. but my interest in the civil war is rooted less in battle and more in personal struggles of the time. so many books out that outline such lives.
I’m late again, as I composed that last entry, I see Bruce and Ava are not flirting. Carry-on, sailors.
You obviously do have the brain power- always have. Feeding my ego works, though- I’m oftentimes think of myself as the dumbest Gibson.
But three was worded a little unfairly. It could have said:
I live my life. I choose my battles wisely. Not everybody can go fight a revolution (though I think that might have validated my life and given me some sense of purpose in the grand scheme of things, for my generation the revolution was preempted by pop-culture.)
It’s odd that you find my casual use of the word “god” so surprising. I’m agnostic- I don’t play by the same rule book as you do. But in this, I am not alone. even self proclaimed christians seem to pick and choose the passages from the bible that they opt to follow, leaving most of it idle.
In Matthew 6:5-7 it pretty clearly states that you shouldn’t stand on the street-corner flaunting your religion but rather should keep the proselytizing humbly to yourself. Of course the original text may at one point have been passed on verbally, and it was at one point interpreted from ancient Hebrew- so there’s no telling what the original intent was.
Anyhow- I feel a little villainized here for having a viewpoint that is not religious. It’s pretty obvious we’re just supposed to flirt and play grab ass. Grown ups have conversations that broach many topics and (in some circles) can handle having viewpoints different from one another. Tossing in a barb here and there is a hazard of the course. It’s not “contentious”- it’s being human.
Thus far, Terry, myself and Lou have had a discussion about their individual religions and my non-religious nature (the four walls and a roof kind anyhow) and it seems like we’re all still calm and having a conversation. If you cant stand the heat you have a choice to make between calling me contentious or call yourself too thin skinned (that was Viktor Frankl taught me that whole “for every stimulus you get to choose a response” thingy. )
I wrote, “talk about rock-n-roll,” then I did. Never mind me, I’m an idiot. GET EXTREME EVERYBODY!!!
Toby, It would take me a day-and-a-half to come up with an entry like yours! You had that up there 14 minutes after my post!
You’re not a villain. The name you use, “Tobylifehater”, doesn’t make you a villain any more than mine, Terry Marine, makes me a hero. (You and I know that I was no hero.)
You’ve read the Bible. When I hated Christianity, I didn’t. You’ve absorbed Bible history. You’ve pondered verses.
The same chapter I recommended to you tells us to keep our mouths shut. Touche’. Or that’s how some people take and twist it. Jesus Himself got out there and talked it up. If I’m doing it poorly, let me know; I respect your judgment.
>”It’s pretty obvious we’re just supposed to flirt and play grab ass.” Oh? Why?
Remember back in the mid-eighties, when Reagan was doing a sound check for a speech, he jokingly said, “Launch the missiles?” The Soviet Union heard that and prepared to launch theirs. Are these jokes or something more?
You are free to say (to me or anyone else) whatever you like. But fight for something worthwhile. Maybe you are fighting for freedom: even the freedom to say racial slurs to the people involved. Maybe they would respect your freedom, and not take offense. But they would know that you are wrong.
Maybe Bruce and Ava are flirting but we’re certainly not preaching, yawn………..
And jesus was a sailor
When he walked upon the water
And he spent a long time watching
From his lonely wooden tower
And when he knew for certain
Only drowning men could see him
He said all men will be sailors then
Until the sea shall free them
But he himself was broken
Long before the sky would open
Forsaken, almost human
He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone
Jesus was just one cool Jew. ‘nuf said.
I dont mind preaching..it serves its purpose.
I will take my preaching with a dose of humanism and justice, the right ( humane) and the wrong ( inhumane). I reject the the type of preaching that states how this is sin and that is sin and this is the way to live and this is the way not to live. Those are lessons in futility. We all know this.
There are reports that Jesus showed some humaness ( that he was acting in the role as a mere human) a few times particularly with mary magdelene who by some accounts was rumored to be a prostitute. There are more rumors that say she was possibly his lover and that they had a child or two.
Robin wrote something way back in the beginning of this particular strand of the thread:
“It’s the Bible, which never claims to have been narrated by a deity, saying (and Paul repeats this throughout his sections), I’m not a magician’s handbook; I’m not a prescriptive cookbook; I won’t give you every answer laid out like a map; all I can promise is a lifetime of wrestling that will leave you wounded in ways from which you can’t recover. What an invitation.”
This Jesus was a radical. Jesus, the one that I understand , would be considered a radical.
I understand the word evil and the concept. I also understand the word sin and sinner. They are both bigger than ONE person. For the record sin and sinner are not used in my vocabulary.
Terry wrote:
“Maybe you are fighting for freedom: even the freedom to say racial slurs to the people involved. Maybe they would respect your freedom, and not take offense. But they would know that you are wrong.”
I think this everytime I hear people struggle with the idea of gay marriage or gay rights. They say being queer is a sin…or that gay marriage is a sin.
As you wrote Terry I know they are wrong. I will respect their freedom but will take offense.
and for the record: please stop speaking in parrotness…its too loud.
Bruce, you must give credit to Leonard Cohen for your diatribe.
Three injections in a row!! Yayy!! On an injections thread !!
Joanne you rule.
leonard Cohen is my pilot.
If only Lisa could comment, Do you think they read the Che blog in heaven?
Thank you Lou….all four injections in a row. First time in 27? years?
I must say Lisa had a hard life and I hope is at peace somewhere. I hope to play with her again ….someday.
Maybe THIS was the final intent of the INJECTION thread.
God loves the sinner, but hates the sin.
I am a sinner. He loves me. So He sent, and at the same time, came as Jesus to die for my sins.
He only asks that I believe that and repent.
We are all sinners. You are a sinner.
“Lord Jesus, help everyone accept You as Savior. Amen.”
yes to channel Lisa and have her weigh in. I would like to ask her about heaven. and other things. all of a sudden I feel a profound sense of loss…stirrings
Lou and Bruce and Terry,
Don’t wait 30 years again !
short tangent:I flaashed back to 30 years ago and the thought of these kinds of conversations happening fueled by alcohol and other things…. FRIGHTENING….PTSD
You introduced me to the work of Leonard Cohen all those years ago. Today, I can truly appreciate him since they used some of his music on the L Word 🙂
Seriously , he is an amazing artist.
Love you Joanne. Leonard Cohen IS amazing. Read his novel “Beautiful Losers” someday.
Chanelling Lisa is important, I’m afraid she has been forgotten. I wonder where and how her child is?
Pardon my ignorance, what is the L word?
Lesbian !!!!!
HEHE that is it Bruce.. the L Word was on Showtime…a program like Queer as Folk about a group of LESBIANS in LA who had lots of drama. the series just ended.
the l word is a fabulous show on tv.
and that whole love the sinner hate the sin stuff makes me cranky.
I know . didnt she have two kidlets?? They must be in their late twenties . I keep wanting to talk to DTand ask him about Lisa again. He was the one that informed me that she had been sick and passed. He had run into her brother and he told him about Lisa.
I felt this appropriate. Posted by someone on facebook who is on my friends list
:The Lord Jesus has taken over my body with his almighty force, and has me instructing all of you to go out and buy yourself some fine art this evening.
Thanks AVA, couldn’t agree more. It’s an easy way out if you ask me. BUT, have you noticed how much more fun this thread is when we talk about people we know, kids, shows, music……??
I would love to talk to Lisa’s kids some day and share my memory of her as a loving person and a great musician.
I still wonder what her illness was and why she’s gone, so early….
bruce, i never knew lisa, but i am sad to hear she left kids behind. that’s dreadful, i can’t imagine. my son is the center of my universe. he’s just simply rad. entirely and wholly cooler than i have or ever will be. he embraces his geekiness with relish and salutes everyone with the star trek clingon hand signal. i took him to comicon a few years back and he felt right at home. he’s a great fan of vintage films, techno tunes, and wants to learn the bagpipes. yeah, he’s really our kind of person. funky, groovy and smart as hell.
Sounds like you have quite the little man there. My daughter has been my life for the past four years. It’s amazing to watch them grow and see their personalities develop.
The bagpipes? As a former elementary music teacher I would say start him on the Soprano recorder first and see if you can tolerate that !!
My daughter wants to play drums !!
awwwwwwwwwww…..you two are so cute with the lil one stories. they both sound so amazing.
They have those cute little drum sets for kids. they are pretty sharp!
Quote: Terry: “Toby, It would take me a day-and-a-half to come up with an entry like yours! You had that up there 14 minutes after my post!”
I had to pee really bad!
I am never fighting for the right to use racial slurs- especially when they are used hatefully. But I also dislike censorship and find it dangerous, and I don’t like to be preached at too much, and I don’t like the attitude of “you are all wrong because I am right” that is so prevalent in conversations revolving around religion or politics. I do like the general message of Christianity and I do think Jesus was obviously a phenomenal philosopher and leader. I hold him up there with Siddarta Gotama, who I also find to have been a very wise person. Being agnostic, I think the religious world should be happy and satisfied that I’ve gotten as far as I have with those characters.
I tend to be a little callous in my verbage sometimes- but in my mindset I am not. I refer to two Jewish punks I know as “yid-core” (they actually turned me on to that term) but I am far from anti-Semitic. I am also neither hyper conservative nor a bleeding heart liberal. I laughingly call myself a realist (though I’ll be the first to admit that reality is totally subject to interpretation and your own paradigm, my own which has again and again proven to be fallible.
I love the twists and turns this thread has taken, just because it has been so strange.
Hopefully at some point we’ll touch upon the mating habits of the South American bullfrogs.
Joanne -- if she turns out to be a crazy lesbian drummer, well… that’s OK with me. Some of my best friends are !!
sud americana bullfrogs? o hell yes, let’s talk.
will do the recorder thing first, to be sure. i love a good bagpipe, but from a loooong way away. haha.
Rising from the dead, curing leprosy , Curing the blind and cripple, raising the dead, and giving his life so as to allow us a chance for eternal life isn’t bad for what you call a philosopher.
He didnt help your lung ..it still collapsed. 😉
TOBY -- Please bullfrogs !! Anything other than HE or HIM !!
Maybe the big guy or girl should be given their own thread, seems like.
I will pray that you will see
If I see HIM on another thread I will start to believe my prayers are being answered.
This thread is over
hey, look! chocolate covered south american bullfrogs!
this is relevant i suppose. It mirrors the world in which we live. The things that people invest themselves in and not.
I was thinking that ava’s son on the bagpipes and your daughter on the drums would rock it !
Its not over until I sing and that isnt going to happen.
OR, for adults. Dig.
wait wait wait… matthew can see us??? damn, bruce, hide…
i have a hope that my son will take after his dad in that he picks up the guitar, flute, bass, whatever instrument he touches and goes for it. he’s truly creative in many ways, so there is a chance that will come in time. but for now he’s all about writing and reading and creating rube goldberg machines for snapping ruber bands at the walls and passing cars. an intellectual hooligan, that guy.
How old is he Ava??
I spray painted the lens so Matt can’t see anymore. I’m actually a little shy.
almost 11.
and good thinking.
more derailment
Quote: Lou: “Rising from the dead, curing leprosy , Curing the blind and cripple, raising the dead, and giving his life so as to allow us a chance for eternal life isn’t bad for what you call a philosopher.”
Chocolate covered bullfrogs! That will never hold up in court! And anyways- holy resurrections predate Christ by at least a thousand years. Christ was late in the resurrection game, and that resurrection is pretty much the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Babylonia, Egypt and India all had resurrection stories that predate Christ. All of these ancient nation-states had virgin sons of gods who performed miracles.
(Borrowed): Krishna, the crucified Hindu savior, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. Attended by celestial spirits, amid the wondrous illumination of heaven and earth, Krishna, the savior of men, slowly rose from earth to Paradise, while witnesses exclaimed with joy: “Lo, Krishna’s soul ascends its native skies.”
Also the Buddha and Christ (purportedly) have many common historical instances, one which is that the buddha was (purportedly, by some accounts) resurrected, his coverings were unrolled from his body and his tomb was opened by supernatural powers.
There’s a lot of information out there and this late in the game it’s hard to separate the hype from the conjecture, so I just live well and be fair and have a little hope. I could never worship a vain god that would condemn a man for getting the particulars wrong while obeying the general message, so I just have to have a little faith, the same as anyone else. And no matter how much we proselytize and argue, none of us were there and non of us can either prove or disprove anything- that’s why they call it faith.
I am with you, though- it’s painful going getting ourselves through the hardships of life- man seems to have an inherent need to have something beyond the “end”, and I’m no different- we all need a little faith- it just comes in many shapes and colors, and some can live side by side and get along and some dont seem to be able to. I just don’t need the details- I have faith that there is something there, and that is good enough for me. I don’t try to explain the miracle of life and creation- it’s not necessary to me. Life is beautiful- I see it, it doesn’t elude me, even though at times life has been difficult and painful- there has definitely been some sort of “angel on my shoulder” that got me here when stronger men didn’t make it. Call it god, faith, chance, karma, destiny- in the wise words of Maurice Sendak, “There must be more to life!” I just try my best to be a good resident of this world while I’m here and to not harm others, lie, cheat, steal, etc.. The shit we knew when we were eight that lots of people forget by the time they are 18 and have to learn all over again the hard way.
In the words of one of my most inspirational icons of spirituality, tenacity and good stuff: “Be happy, well and peaceful”. G’nite- Toby
Great ! I agree with everything ! Now can we please allow Joanne to redirect us, back to FUNTIME.
There is a lot of diversity in people, ideas, religions, etc.. on this blog.
I don’t want to get beaten over the head with anymore bullshit fundamentalism !!
Why is it the only people that have all the answers INSIST you have theirs??
Thanks for BETTY BLUE Joanne. Oh, Clockwork Orange too. That’s actually how the Injections started basically. Crashing a DINETTES gig dressed as Clockwork Orange. Man, the locals didn’t like us then. Mods, surfers….some time after this my ex-wife found out that was us and said ” you guys were such assholes”, in that perfect OB twang.
Wow ! What great advice from Iggy.
“We don’t need no heavy trip
we just do what we want to do”.
betty blue was an amazing film. diva, too. i loved that director.
have any of you seen delicatessen?
Bruce--thanks for the Blondie. Never seen that one!
Cool RAY ! I’m a stay at home dad…quite often too much time on my hands. I have found loads of rare videos, read lot’s of NICE books, (like Bleak House), play/study hours of music, and spend way too much time on CHE.
Blondie was SO New York. I don’t know how or if that ever translated to the west coast.
Imagine taking your shirt off on Dinah Shore c.1977 !! AND the thin white duke on keys. He already looks way ahead of the fashion,(david), kind of Roxy Music-ish.
Same year as “Never Mind the Bullocks”? And Talking Heads ’77. What a rich time for music!!
“god save Martin Borhman? and all the Nazis on the run
they wasn’t being wicked, God, they was only having fun”!
Great Train Robber -- Ronnie Biggs -- So. America -- Great rock and Roll Swindle.
Punk Rock.
Betty Blue is my all time favorite movie. Its the kind that sucks y ou in and takes you up and down. Way down.
Tobylifehater Says: “I had to pee really bad!”
March 14th, 2009 at 11:07 pm
You whiz-kid!
::insert comedy drum riff::
continuing on with the betty blue theme….
I enjoyed watching this..
Thanks Joe -- keep it coming !!
oh betty
Don’t be so bawdy, Betty. I can’t even open it! LOL
hehe its probably becuase you have to click on the thingy and do age verification . I wondered about that…if it would work or not…
I’m so glad your still the same old JO!
Do you remember Shari Fredericks by any chance. I drove a motorcycle then………….
Of course I do ! She and I were talking about starting a band called pumpkin or something. Her mom picked the name. Obviously that didnt happen and she then started playing bass for personal conflict. By the way that little youtube beauty is very sweet and is given that rating unfairly by the youtuber peeps.
I dont know how to direct you there.
I will give this one too but you must see the one above .Its beautiful.
Ava, Joanne can play the comedy drum-riff if you will play the cheesy sax. Yikes!
Thanks Terry !!
Buenos noches, ninos!
Hey, Toby, ’bout a billion comments back- I wasn’t calling you contentious. I said the public dialog is contentious. Sets a tone that makes it hard for e’eryone. You’re only curmudgeonly. Which can be charming when you’re smart.
And I got nothing against your agnostic way of life. You watch Peter Pan with your kid. Which makes us practitioners of the same religion as I understand it.
Bruce, really? Civil War geekin’? What the hell, dude? I’m not really ready to be out of the closet about it. But- the Bruce Catton trilogy? Charles Sumner. Pickett’s Charge- Sure. But what about Little Napoleon at Little Round Top? I live down the street from where Phil Kearney lost his arm. Where did you come from, really?
Shari Fredericks? Was she, by any chance, a short, shaggy vivacious brunette who was in love with her motorcycle? I’m not sure of that Shari’s last name.
Little round top, Big round top, devils den, hornets nest. Shiloh, Sherman, the sorrowful day of Picketts charge.
Shelby Foote said the greatest outcome of the Civil War is that it turned the United States from an “are” to an “is”. Wish I’d said that!!
Shari Fredericks= Brass knuckles. Got your interest up yet, Captain??
>>Do you like Civil War history? Picketts Charge, Shermans March??
… Pickens merch!
(I do like Civil War history.)
D- Your messages received, mine rejected. Call or text tomorrow. Lemme know when e-mail is back. CP
The greatest outcome of the Civil War was calling attention to the dynamic tension between minority rights and majority rule. Meet me in Antietam and I will buy you the best iced tea in Boonesboro. The cafe overlooks an actual babbling brook.
email worky fine.
MATT -- let’s get some civil war Injection style going. Meaning contentious, loud, tangenty……..
I just happen to be going to Antietam tomorrow, meeting Sarah Vowel.
drinks by a babbling brook? talking civil war history in boonesboro would be awesome.
i think i will take up the sax just to meet that drum riff.
email worky fine.
Matt -- LOVE civil war stuff. Let’s do it injection style. Loud, contentious, tangenty……….
I just happen to be going to Antietam tomorrow, meeting Sarah Vowel.
Ava -- I think Tin Whistle or Fife might be more appropriate.
An’ this ain’t Bible, but no more talkin’ bout Suzie’s OB twang, yew Yankee!
D- It’s as if your address has been set up to reject messages from mine.
The battlefield should be bleak today. Have a thoughtful walk down Bloody Lane. Jarndyce.
Ava- You are welcome to the Boonesboro tea with any instrument you choose.
yeah! and robin, when may rolls around, we have to take a walk down the north park avenues. i hear that they have gentrified madly (kristen tells me that university and 30th is a crazy gallery/shops/cafe zone now), but i am sure things are still the same in some pockets. i miss the place. hell, i miss sd. as it was, not as it is.
I miss San Diego of 1968. Breathing room on beaches. All the moms smelled like Chanel No.5 and aquanet…No, no, need to stay present-tense and complete work. I don’t know if I can get there in May. I just started a new job and it’s a hard trip to make. If I do, I want to hang out with you and Kristen. And the tigers in the zoo. And the starfish on Sunset Cliffs. If not in May, later. I may be out in September.
I liked the really weird dusty shops around 30th and University. That sold things like jackalopes and shooting gallery ear plugs. Dusty old shot glasses that told corny jokes and table cloths embroidered in the 1920s. And the botanicos. I miss the smell of botanicos.
Right. Back to work.
D- The Captain made a submission to the new address. Notify if you received.
i miss those shops, too. i loved the bookshops and oddities and endities of the area. me, you, kristen, it’s on. i just wish i wasn’t in oregon so that i could be there faster, with less hassle, and more frequently.
bruce? where are you?
I used to live above a dry cleaner and a pawn shop on 36th and University…gun shops, the Canada Steakburger..the Star and Garter
Smart and Final (do they still have those?)
back in the early to mid 80’s
there were some pretty interesting stores there back then
Robin, are you coming to visit in May?
Good news: Controversial Bookstore is still alive and well.
Nothing yet C. Got emails from T. and A. though….sounds strange ?? FIX your end since I’m receiving from everyone else.
Kristen- Don’t know. Wouldn’t go over well to ask for time off now. The new admin urgently wants health care data reports. Not a time to talk about taking breaks. Depends how soon they’re willing to let me catch my breath, and what plane tickets cost. If I can’t, I’ll slam dance with you from this time zone. I’ll play the old vinyl Tell-Tale Hearts and turn on the disco lights.
D- Mine is sending and receiving from everyone else. I think the change would have to be on your end since it’s your address refusing mine. -CP
Captain -- PLEASE fix your #@&$ computer. I’m all alone here with strange people from another time and place !!!
Back later.
Apologies to innocent bystanders: Just sent 2 more test balloons, D.
Thank you, Toby. I hope you are well aware that you are a very smart Gibson.
The other Gibsons are SUPER DOOPER SMORT.
As are you, Mr. Lifehater.
I hadn’t heard Hatin’ Life in a surfer twang in years. I’m returning that to the rotation today. Oh, dude, I am Hatin’ Life. (Guttural on first syllable of hatin’, desperately pull hair to back of head, manic eyes)
What I’m digging most about this thread is that each day it is becoming more and more like the Reader personals, circa 1978:
“The battlefield should be bleak today. Have a thoughtful walk down Bloody Lane. Jarndyce.”
“D- The Captain made a submission to the new address. Notify if you received.”
To the girl in the OP shorts:
“The spiral horn on the middle of your forehead pointed to the heavens
Your blue eyes stared at me like your were staring straight into my soul”
i just read an interview with sean penn about his timeline and characters. he loved being spicoli b/c he could ape the guys he knew in school without getting his ass kicked. love it.
Walks on the beach……
Reader personals from some parallel universe maybe !!
Too much Bleakhouse, Jarndyce, Devils Den, Captain type shit for your average “personal” person !
Great observation though.
No, no, The San Diego Reader personals! They weren’t average. People who would never consider responding got that paper just to read the personals.
I learned the word “hirsute” from Reader personals.
The personals were definitely their own alternate universe. There were people who would carry on full-fledged cryptic conversations from week to week, with responses of only a few words. They were really fun to try and follow. But there was also the stalker element at work. You can find a similar vein on Craigslist sometimes. They have a section called “missed connections” or something like that, in which delusional people try to make contact with total strangers they imagined were making googly eyes at them in an airport or grocery store somewhere.
if you want real stalkery freakshow stuff check out the missed connections for my area. medford ashland in oregon. it’s kind of scary. in fact most of the craigslist here is downright frightening.
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that made me vomit in my throat a bit .ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Oh geez- you live right near Dierk Laughery (see Harold Gee’s photo of Dierk, Lloyd and I at 517 c1983) and Scott Kelly (from Neurosis.) Is the Ashland/Medford area like punk mecca?
Bruce, Joanne,
I was thinking… Lou almost died a few days ago. But when he tried to share of few words with you about his faith, you really shouted him down. Have you contacted him at all about this? Or could you say something here on this forum?
Actually Terry I think it was you that were first to invoke the name of Jesus as a religious icon on this punk history blog, not Lou. Just to get the history of the conversation in the correct order. (though the name was used casually throughout the conversation in various ways.) YOU tried to share a few words about his faith- Lou jumped into that very late in the game. And Lou handled it quite well, as I believe you did too. But why dredge it up unless you’re looking for an argument, right?
I don’t go on a religious site and post about punk. Just saying.
I did and he said that ” God was upset”.
oh and cehck out his facebook page .Lou plays his bass and its very charmed.
i think this area drew a few of us because it has the laid back feel of the north county with the right amount of funky edge.
i lived in eugene for 5 years before moving here, though. i took the leapfrog away from sd by degrees. first la, then sf/berkeley, then eugene, and then one step back to ashland. it’s actually quite lovely here.
I am sure it is . I was referring to the stalking thread you referenced…the cl missed connections thingy. the thought of the stalking was what involked the feeling of wretching.
I have heard that OR is gorgeous. Also, those folks from Little People, Big World live there and it looks amazing on their show.
Portland I hear is a mecca of fun.
I love the coastlines of Northern California, Oregon and Washington- as long as it’s relatively warm. Beautiful places, all of them. (and those islands between Vancouver and Washington- super cool!)
portland is just rad. there is no other word for it. it’s the perfect city.
This is fun watching
that nick cave, always with the light hearted melody and candy fluff lyric.
Ha its on.
Bruce, dude! You just mentioned Jesus in Hitler in the same post with no loud music or jokes. Is tempting fate your hobby?
Hey, everybody, look over there. Unicycle riding circus clowns handing out $100 bills and free Injections singles! Wheee! And, now, please join me in singing Tony Orlando’s “Candida” as loud as you can. Git on up now.
“Who am I?Just an ordinary guy. You know I’m trying hard to win me first prize.
Oh my Candida! We could make it together.
The further from here girl the better-
where the air is fresh and clean.
Whoa-oh Candida, just take my hand and I”ll lead ya.
I promise the life will be sweeter. It says so in my dreams!”
Whoo! One more time! “WHOA-OH, CANDIDA!…” Louder! That’s right, shake it! Clap your hands now. “Whoa-oh, Candida!”
Have you all forgotten ??
Happy St Patricks Day.
Again Robin brings some, (slightly crazy), life back to the thread !
First, I only said The “J” word and Hitler. Second, I certainly didn’t say Jesus “IN” Hitler. That’s just plain disgusting !!!!!
BTW Candida is no joke to a lot of us gals…
Voltaire would have said that all that’s happened in this thread is “for the best”.
Plain Crunk
Jesus and Hitler have never been spotted in the same place. Just sayin.
sorry about the disappointing YOUTUBE link….
I don’t know Toby, wouldn’t HE have been there for Hitler more than anyone??
But Voltaire would have been sardonic. A. Pope would have been sincere when he said my sleepy typo served the greater purpose of the Cosmos. Voltaire would have done a funnier little dance to “Candida.” More likely to sing in an Ethel Merman voice.
Come on, one more round, “Whoa-oh, Candida! We can make it together.” Let me hear those tambourines!
Sardonic is a DH Lawrence word, to me. Like when he refers to “she who was Robin”.
Wouldn’t Voltaire sing more like Edith Piaf than Ethel Merman???
Certainly. But if Alexander Pope, Voltaire, and D.H. Lawrence had a contest to see who could do the best Ethel Merman, Voltaire would totally win. Especially if the song were “Candida.”
“for I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be;
“knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers and I linger on the shore,
and the individual withers, and the world is more and more.”
who ??
Have to put pic of what people say I look like now on this thread. I don’t really know how to scan REAL photos yet.
Here’s an Injections story. Part of it you’ve heard, but here is a little more:
“Eldridge Cleaver” (or “Panther Anthem”) was recorded at Accusound. They also recorded, “My Sister Died” that day.
Accusound hated Lou, that’s why he chose to record at their studio. That is how Lou reasoned.
Lou had a reputation for dropping microphones. He dropped an Accusound mike at a Skeleton Club show that Lou and I had promoted.
I’ve seen mikes dropped with no damage; but of course, when Lou dropped that Accusound mike, it flew apart. Two huge goons immediately grabbed him. They wanted him to buy the mike. I think they were watching Lou to see if that would happen. They may have given him a rigged mike.
The Accusound engineer was snotty. He was imitating Lou’s singing in a mocking way; and said something like, “Let’s finish this pig,” when they were recording “Juan is Driving His Car to California”. He also looked at Lou and said something about, “driving his face.”
Maybe that’s the attitude Lou was trying to create. I don’t know, I never really understood his reasoning. What do you think?
One of the lyric lines on “Juan” went: “The land of the free??? What the #*@# is that?” The Accusound engineer argued with Lou about that line. I guess Lou wasn’t free to say that we’re not free. The sound engineer should have remembered that he wasn’t working for free. We are all slaves to something, I guess.
Bruce said that he wanted his guitar-break on “Juan” to sound more … he was thinking of a fast, jangly Flamenco like on “Panther Anthem”. He said that his guitar solo sounded, “Red Spanish”.
“Red Spanish?” questioned the Accusound engineer. Bruce said, “Yeah, there are all kinds of Spanish guitar.” Lou laughed.
Jim Wood (Honolulu Dogs, Bop Martyrs, Cokers) was there to help with production. But Lou did all of the production himself.
For example, when Peter Zo came to add a keyboard track, Lou trimmed down the elaborate playing to a percussion vibe. Jim Wood complimented Lou on that. Brian Eno.
Lisa wrote and sang on a song called, “Blind Man”. Bruce didn’t want the song dropped from the Injections’ set. He planned to add a rhythm guitar line that sounded like “I Wanna Be Your Dog.”
Still Lou wanted that song dropped from the set. Although I agreed with Lou at the time… they should have let Bruce and Lisa try that song.
Right before the Clash released their monster-hit, “London Calling”, Lou and Bruce had an almost identical-sounding song called “City of Hate”. Bruce said that he didn’t copy The Clash, and I believe him.
When we used to find similarity between his and others’ songs, he always used to say, “There are only seven notes in music.”
It was hard to get the Injections to play after spring 1980. Usually Bruce didn’t want to. I don’t know why, ask him. I wish they had played more and recorded more. If they could create a song like “City of Hate”, before The Clash…
John Prine is currently on tour. He will be in San Diego on April 18, 2009. http://www.jpshrine.org/ontour.html
Tennyson, Locksley Hall
“Make me feel the wild pulsation that I felt before the strife,
When I heard my days before me, and the tumult of my life;
Yearning for the large excitement that the coming years would yield.
Eager-hearted as a boy when first he leaves his father’s field”
‘t’s true. We only hear do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do. We like that I-IV-V-I progression. In 3/4 or 4/4. Overlap’s bound to happen.
Who, and for what holiday?
“My petition and my request is this: If the king regards me with favor …let the king and Haman come tomorrow to the banquet.”
Esther… Ruth. I’m not sure what you are quoting, but of course you know mine.
12 tones. serial. I-vi-ii-V-I, lately. OR, perfectly, 1-4-7-3-6-2-5-1.
My favorite song now, “Robin to The Greenwood Has Gone”. Not on YOUTUBE, don’t bother. Incorrect.
Did you go see John Prine?
I’m too old to try to sneak into shows, Joanne.
ha. I see 🙂
Matt mentioned Purim on the “comments down” thread.
In “Esther”, it wasn’t an angel that saved the day. It was a change in official position.
Esther 9:12, “And the king said unto Esther the queen, “The Jews have slain and destroyed five hundred men in Shushan the palace, and the ten sons of Haman; what have they done in the rest of the king’s provinces? Now what is thy petition? and it shall be granted thee: or what is thy request further? and it shall be done.”
The king was against the Jews, then he was for the Jews.
The king could have sent the army to stand between the two warring sides. Do you see any good guys in this story?
Then let’s decide what Robin meant by creating the unicycling clowns and singing “Candida”.
Matt’s silent-film star whose name rhymes with “aluminum knuckles” is Fatty Arbuckles. He was tried for the murder of a young starlet named Virginia Rappe (of all things).
And Robin’s “eager-hearted boy first leaving his father’s field,” is the parable of the prodigal son; who in the parable comes crawling penniless back home to dad.
Are you all prophets?
I hope you all know this will be a part of your permanent record…a record that will follow you for the rest of your life.
I have a couple of those.
goddamn, pat, you summed it all up rather well, i think. and especially with this:
Punk Rock was about being your own best Christ, not your own best Hitler. The best of us knew that all along.
i now truly grok why you are still the man in my eyes. your brain is an intricate, lovely lace.
yes brilliant. despite all the twists and winding turns in this thread there are postings such as Patrick’s that make me believe that all is well with the world. I do hope that I might be introduced to you at Che Games if you are there.
> Patrick Works Says:
March 21st, 2009 at 2:43 am
I hope you all know this will be a part of your permanent record…a record that will follow you for the rest of your life.
Excerpts of Patrick Works Says:
March 21st, 2009 at 12:26 pm
I am seperated from Jesus by a single elm tree.
Son, you sound sort’a Southern. Is this here an altar call? You ever “walk the aisle”?
Patrick Works , I applaud you.
Terry…’jus Southern California…but raised in part as I’ve said by my dear Grandmere from Goodwater Al. She used to say she was from the up north. Goodwater is near to Tuscaloosa. LOL
Lots of that rubbed off. Lots did not. Mostly it gave me a real disdain for wimpy women. I have a picture of my Grandmere breaking rocks with a sledge hammer wearing a skirt. She carried the home front during the duration of WWII and Korea while my Grandpere was off flying, so she learned to be tough and self-reliant.
As for walkin’ the aisle…I am a free agent. I pray with everyone. With all the different faiths in my family there’s really no other way to operate. I walk the aisle every single day, bear witness every single day, but I don’t do it in anybody’s church. Guess all that anti-establishment stuff rubbed off too.
Lou…I’ve applauded you in the past, so it’s kinda poetic to get some back. Funny. Thanks.
There’s an opening vocal from a cut called “Bo’s Bounce” on the seminal album “Bo Diddley and Company” with Bo calling out:
“Help out I need some HELP! Everyone turn to page 29! All together now LET’S GO!”
Then it’s a wild instrumental breakdown in truest Diddly Daring Style. I think this message is still my favorite witness…give credit where credit is due, and yes I got a lot in church, but make your own point, don’t just rattle off what you heard somebody else say or play. And yeah…the rectangular guitar…let ’em know up front you’re not part of the mob.
That was the whole point wasn’t it? Isn’t it?
BTW just for grins…if’n you’d like to see a picture of a REAL woman in the spirit of my dear departed Grandmere, check my blog http://www.patrickworksphotography.blogspot.com and there’s my dear wife Robin behind a plow.
She’s amazing.
Happy Spring, Patrick Works!
The world’s an aisle. You walk it well.
So good to know there’s at least one farm where the goats are held affectionately and the land is plowed by hand.
The baby goats are so cuuuuuuuuuuute.
yo tengo mucho respecto
love the photos
i see angels
that eagle looked
looking forward
to meeting
your family
really enjoyed
your above remarks
reminded me
of the upstairs place
not to long ago
sitting around with folks
burning chesterfields
Heh. Religion is a crutch for people who can’t handle God.
I’m Black, and I’m proud!
Pass the scones please !! 🙂
How about I take that crutch and break it over your freakin head?
Pat: I would love to see that picture of your grandmere -- and it takes a real woman to handle a plow. kowtow to robin. and to you pat. i learned about inclusivity from you -- robert johnson and i ching hexagrams -- anything can be spiritual according to our point of view.
That there was spiritual !
so was that
Lou, get that demon out of you.
Jeremiah, in the comments posted on March 13th, Robin and Toby discussed “wrestling with God”, and Genesis 32. In the story, Jacob wrestles with a man whom he believed was God. The man injures Jacob’s hip. No, he couldn’t handle God.
Did Jacob (now named “Israel”, or “struggles with God”) use a crutch after that? Maybe.
The rod and the staff are symbolic of Christ as authority and support.
You are right.
Hence the saying, “Christ on a crutch”?
I misread that as crotch…DOH
>>Religion is a crutch for people who can’t handle God.
Oh! Oh, thank you! It’s all so clear now. I have been completely delusional about the rituals and symbols in my life, thinking they helped my focus and understanding, added depth and connection. But NOW it is clear that they are empty and leading me away from what really matters. If I were smarter and more sincere I would see how unnecessary my religion is. I am humbly corrected and will renounce my mindless silly traditions immediately.
Oh..wait, that wasn’t really for me, was it? It was just a one-sentence way to congratulate other like-minded people.
Actually I think it was someone teasing Terry because we’ve already been all through this. Kind of like one of those “jokes” when people “laugh”. 😉
I still maintain that God doesn’t wrestle. God would undoubtedly practice Wing Chung and Jeet Kun Do.
You have convinced me. I think you should consult with Zondervan on new translations and update “wrestle” to Jeet Kun Do. God would definitely use maneuvers like the Crane and the Tiger. Do you think, for fun, God might speak with dub effect- sound but no lip movement and vice versa?
For the record, Terry came second. Whatever. We did resolve the big stuff and can now debate fascinating details like God’s favorite martial art. Jeet Kun Do. Designed to incorporate the best of all cultures and individual styles. With the most wailin’ kihap.’Cause, you know, God can smite with just a kihap.
Hey, this is an Injections thread and we still haven’t heard how Lou and Bruce met.
Indeed- how did Lou and Bruce meet?
And maybe Terry could explain the chicken necks?
” How did Lou and Bruce Meet”?
That’s a little like saying “Where’s Bill”?
‘K. Which question would you rather answer?
Crutches are useful to help people walk when they are wounded. What’s wrong with wanting a little help or guidance? It takes more courage to ask and admit where our shortcomings are than to stand and say “I got it all figured out”.
I think all religions have aspects of beauty. Anyone ever see the movie “Baraka”?
baraka is one of the most beautiful films ever. right up there with koyaanisqatsi.
I like Jean De Florette, Aguire, Wrath of God, Fritz Langs “M”.
Meeting story will come tonight.
Jeremiah is right about the crutch ….Kristen is right about the crutch.
Patrick is right about this thread being a “written” story. Please let me cast you all and start the screenplay.
i’m game. i think we have a good story, period. the whole damn scene.
i was serious about doing a sociology study on us if no one else has.
Kristen: I love that! I’ll be quoting you on that many times. That’s insightful. Muchas gracias.
P Gargoyle was right about the crotch.
This off the latest subject, but I had the day off and had some time to myself so I went to check out some record stores, I went into Thirsty Moon records in Hillcrest and saw a bloodstains across california comp, as I looked it over I noticed that injections were on it, I am pretty sure they were they only Dago band. These bloodsatins comps I think are put out by record collecters whom do it themselves.
I am sure someone would put out those Injections tapes or you could do it yourself and maybe make some $.
$1,200 is about the going rate to print a 1,000 cd’s, sell them for $10.00 you get your money back after you sell alittle over 100, but you have other cost, mastering ect….. I do not think it would be hard for you guys to get distrubtion, as Toby says DIY packaging is very important. Sorry to crash this thread but thought you guys might dig my insight.
Yeah- stick to the topic! What exactly does any of that have to do with Jesus, Hitler or Kevin Bacon’s sister’s uncle’s brother’s cat? 😉
Thanks Dylan -- Injection stuff is popping up everywhere and the ironic thing is we sucked ! I appreciate your input and must get that master tape listened to soon.
NOW let’s resume our regularly scheduled programming on degrees of separation because of elm trees, and Jesus, Hitler,……………
How was Newport, fine ,feathered, friend?
I met Bruce one day at the candy store, he turned around and smiled at me, get the picture? I never knew where Bruce came from , he kind of swished into town stayed all alone, never said much, was kind of quiet and shy, and when he spoke at all it was just to say HI! Some say Bruce came from New Orleans wher he had a social group called the cage and the queens, some say
Hollywood or Beverly Hills where he got arrested for passing $3 bills. Well every day at practice you could see him arrive, he stood 6’6″ wieghed 105, narrow at the shoulders, narrow at the hips, a curl in his hair and a smile on his lips thats Bruce, Big Bad Brucey Wucey.
Newport was a blast, pissed off Pete Seeger and changed the face of rock n roll all in one day:-)
As for god and Kevin Bacons dog, I find myself leaning towards Thomas Paines way of thinking but try to be respectful of other folks and there ideals.
I met Piggy Gargoyle perched on the side of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
I met Lisa Acid in a flashback of a trip I had years before we met again.
And that is the story. Was I eating pate and drinking red wine? Was that before or after I had relieved myself?
Nice stuff Lou Skum. I think that enough years have passed where the truth can now be told though.
THE REAL STORY (rough sketch)
We were working secretly… for the military. Stationed deep in the jungles of Myanmar, ( it will always be Burma to me). Project name Experiment IV, site designation, House of Atreus. Our code names were Agamemnon, and Menelaus. We worked with pre-punk photographer F. Stop Fitzgerald and correspondent Margaret Wise Brown.
Our assignment was theoretical at this point. Create music made for pleasure…music made to thrill. This is what we did until they told us what they actually wanted was a sound that could kill someone !
We took the painful cries of mothers and agonizing screams; we recorded it, (with my demonic guitar riffs and Lous’ G. Gordon Liddy vocal tracks), and put it into our machines.
Lou said the music could sound like falling in love… it could sound so bad… it could sound so good… it could sing you to sleep. I just prayed that that someone somewhere could pull the switch.
Lou and I didn’t want to be blamed for creating this frightening aleatoric audio device. Creeping out of South East Asia we were abducted by government agents, drugged, and returned to the states.
We wound up in the Hotel Hunter S. Thompson on Broadway. We were up on the eleventh floor and watching the cruisers below. At this time the beauty parlors were filled with sailors and the circus was in town.
We started playing Andy Warhol music in strip clubs and navy bars. I wore a Gene Vincent button on my shirt. Lou wore a frock coat and a bippity-boppety hat. ( oh god I could have done better than that)!
We also performed with the Vozamarak brothers at soul clubs. Everyone drank Schlitz malt liquor and smoked Kool menthols. They called me eggy.
One of our first major gigs was at the Korova milk bar in the downtown area. We opened for the notorious punk band Fleur Des Mal.
After that the original injections burned out. Lou went off bumming cigarettes…I was purportedly seen wandering around OB sniffing drainpipes and reciting the alphabet.
That’s how I BELIEVE it all started…
Can I Get An Amen?
Now if only Terry would come clean about the chicken necks.
no but you can get an amends.
LOU you can always get an AMEN from me !!
How about a Hallelujah ??
The Lou and Bruce story should be first interpreted by resident intellectual ROBIN. Only she can discern all references.
Dylan, you the man,… but sadly not the fine, feathered friend of whom I inquire in regards to Newport.
Joanne -- golden…wait ’til I get to you and Lisa !
Lou- remember the brothers watching us in awe??
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The House of Atreus begins with Tantalus. Tantalus initially held the favor of the gods but decided to cook his own son Pelops and feed him to the gods as a …
Agamemnon was the son of Atreus and the brother of Menelaus. He was the king of either Mycenae (in Homer) or of Argos (in some later …
Menelaus was the son of Atreus and the brother of Agamemnon. He was married to Helen, and became the ruler of Helen’s homeland, Lacedaemon; …
“Experiment IV” is a song by the British singer Kate Bush. It was released as a single on 27 October 1986, in order to promote Bush’s …
Experiment IV lyrics by Kate Bush
What we are doing: Music made for pleasure, Music made to thrill. It was music we were making here until. They told us. All they wanted …
… Our experiment in sound, Was nearly ready to begin. We only know in theory. What we are doing: … It could feel like falling in love. It could feel so bad. But it could feel so good. It could sing you to sleep …
Aleatoric music (also aleatory music or chance music; from the Latin word alea, meaning “dice”) is music in which some element of the composition is left to …
Pierre Boulez applied the term aleatoric music to his own pieces to distinguish them from the indeterminate music of John Cage, …
Margaret Wise Brown (23 May 1910 – 13 November 1952) was a prolific American author of children’s literature, including the books Goodnight Moon and The …
Hunter S. Thompson (1937-07-18 – 2005-02-20) was an American journalist and author and was regarded by many as the author of the “greatest book on the dope …
The Korova Milk Bar (korova is Russian for “cow”) appears in the novel and film A Clockwork Orange
Korova Milk Bar 213 East Post Road White Plains, NY 10601 (914) 949-8838 info@korovamilkbar.com [map]. subscribe to the newsletter: …
Korova Milk Bar: About Us
The Korova Milk Bar® has now opened in the city of White Plains, New York. Centrally located, the bar is easy to drive to and within five minutes of the …
Korova Milk Bar -- Manhattan/East Village -- New York, NY
“Very sad to hear this place is closed. It was totally kitschy but a great place to take out of town friends.”
This edition of Les Fleurs du mal was prepared after Baudelaire’s death by two … by the Marquis de Sade, Georges Bataille, Thomas De Quincey, and others; …
“eggy” is the Patois’ pronunciation of Iggy. Bruce lined up shows on various Caribbean Islands saying that he was Iggy Pop. They believed him too.
G. Gordon Liddy kept some of the gold he found in the hotel and is selling it on Fox News.
The closest I could get to “Vozamarak” is an online game. Since “voz” is Spanish for voice, is it a song title? Lyric? Is “marak” a typo for “Marat”?
If F. Scott Fitzgerald had a camera, he’d see “f-stops” on the lens settings.
Tobe, ol’ buddy, if you are referring to Patrick Works’ blogsite, I didn’t kill his chickens. That pigeon-looking thing did.
“I thought I saw an eagle, but it may have been a vulture. I never could decide.”
Bruce, mon fleur, there is no stopping on this side of paradise. Only howling at the be-bop moon.
What is the Joanne and Lisa story?
Beautiful, Babe… thanks. You know this long winter… has been an age of jazz..out here on west eggy.
Dare I write the Joanne and Lisa story. I’m afraid….very afraid.
Write Vozamarak in big letters on paper…hold up to mirror. Jeez….
How dare you cast aspersions at prosthetic penis shaped chicken bits! They were innocent McNuggets dangled for the sake of art!
You prefer Leonard or Judy on that?
Napoleon avait cinq cent soldats; Napoleon avait cinq cent soldats; Napoleon avait cinq soldats marchant du meme pas!
The Germans were at home, they say to me, “resigns you,” but I am not afraid; I took again my weapon. I changed hundred times of name, I lost woman and children but I have so many friends; I have whole France. An old man in an attic for the night hid us, the Germans took it; he died without surprise.
Napoleon had five hundred soldiers; Napoleon had five hundred soldiers; Napoleon had five soldiers walking of the same step!
I love you my girls. Sisters of Mercy. I wish you knew each other.
>>Les Allemands étaient chez moi …
After PG’s resourceful Babelfishing, I feel compelled to provide a quick translation, not doing justice to the rhyme or meter:
The Germans were at my home,
They told me, “Give up,”
But I wasn’t afraid,
I took my weapon up again,
I’ve changed my name a hundred times,
I’ve lost wife and children
But I have many friends;
I have the whole of France.
An old man in an attic
Hid us for the night,
The Germans took him;
He died without surprise.
yes yes the old babel fish I thought it might prompt proper translation. Thank you.
Any you kids remember “Plastique”???
Thank you Matt. Didn’t get to Plasteek in time for re-direct….all the better to have your words here again.
I am the sword, the wound, the stain
the scorned, transfigured child of Cain.
Sparks 1977. all Injection influences.
and this !!
and of course this:
Yeah!! Injections cover !! This is all stuff we were listening to in ’75,
’76 ’77. The same year the Eagles were at their zenith!
Joanne …. I wish you and Robin could have some one-on-one conversations. You are my favorite peoples.
Here’s an Injections story:
M.R. had a big revue at the Lion’s Club in 1980. It was supposed to feature lead singers from several bands joined together to make a super-group. The singers played the instruments.
Lou showed up, uninvited, carrying an old acoustic guitar with three strings. They let him come up onstage, where he was told to stand off to the side without a mike.
But he came to play. Lou held the guitar up to an instrument mike to make feedback. It would have been deafening. He kept playing and singing with a deadpan expression after the songs ended.
Somehow, it was his crowd that night. After two songs, the crowd was responding to Lou. When the songs ended, and Lou kept playing, the crowd waited for Lou to finish; then they cheered loudly. The other singers were upset (and upstaged). They walked off and left Lou onstage alone.
Lou picked up a mike and came to the edge of the stage. I started to sing “Blowin’ In The Wind”, but Lou silenced me; and began “Kum Ba Yah”. The crowd joined him.
We set fire to the place to toast marshmallows; which Hitler refused, because they were made with non-Kosher gelatine. Jesus, however, liked the music.
I think God was upset
I watched the Iggy interview (with Dinah Shore) on TV in 1977. She informed the audience that Bowie agreed to appear, but would not be interviewed. Bowie wanted all questions to be addressed to Ig. At the beginning of the interview (not shown) she asked if she could call him Jimmy. “Jimmy’s ok,” he agreed.
Also not shown is the rest of the show. After Iggy’s performance, Dinah Shore had on a pop-soul group: The Spinners or somebody. They lip-synched something; and sat down on the sofa to be interviewed, with Iggy sitting on the end beside them.
She asked them if they did any covers. Iggy spoke up, “I do ’96 Tears’ by ? and the Mysterians.” The four black six-foot tall big-daddys all turned their heads and looked at him. In their suits, they looked like four vice-principals at Martin Luther King High School staring down a small, scared bussed-in student.
“What!?” they demanded. “Ninety-six tears,” said Ig. “Oh Yeah!” the big-dads cheered up. “We remember that song!”
The 5′ 6″ tall lost puppy in that video clip, shivering as he clutches the jacket wrapped around his skinny bare chest, is different from the fire-breathing dragon who appeared at Montezuma Hall in Oct 1977.
Iggy came out wearing only a leotard top, displaying side-of-beef thighs, and spit on the crowd. He looked about six-feet tall and 200 pounds. Lisa Walsh was there. Some friends of Garris came wearing Nazi army uniforms. My ex-wife hated it. “It was sick!!” She complained, “And that sick, sick man up there!” Eventually she decided that I was also sick, sick.
>Joanne …. I wish you and Robin could have some one-on-one conversations. You are my favorite peoples.
I read some of Joanne’s posts and wonder how we could have been in the same scene and the same time and not been friends.
I grew up with the Judy version of that song. There’s something about Leonard’s voice that really hits it right.
Judys’ version of “the Partisan”, “story of Isaac”, or “hallelujah”??
Everyone found Leonard Cohen late in life, but I was lucky to have older brothers who turned me on to him in the late ’60s, early ’70s.
He also wrote a great novel, “Beautiful Losers”.
Recently inducted into the “Rock n Roll”?? Hall of Fame by Lou Reed. How cool is that??
Lou Skum sings the best version of “Famous Blue Raincoat”.
second best.
“The Partisan”
My parents’ Judy and Leonard albums
I was about 5 or 6 when they bought them new.
Wow… we have another connection, although I was about 11 years old when I first heard that voice. People made fun of me for listening to that morose music at such a young age. It always stayed with me…even the Injections covered LC !
Lou you’re being modest…your version is haunting in its’ own way.
LC induction into hall of fame w/Lou Reed. Skip to 5:20 to listen to him read Tower of Song. Great stuff !
Are your parents named Judy and Leonard??
No. Mom was a fan. Not surprising you and she liked the same voices in the same songs.
Why not surprising?? Same voices…same songs ??
The uncanny similarities between your life experiences and my mom’s would lead you to have things in common like listening to Leonard Cohen sing “Sisters of Mercy.”
My brothers took me to see Leonard Cohen in Boston when I was about 12 years old. It was a snowy night and the magic of his songs, his words,….backed up by the sisters of mercy…still ring in my ears.
Everyone left that concert changed, in some way.
I don’t know about our life experiences, but the connection and relation to you and your family has startled me.
Did your Mom listen to the tragic Sandy Denny and Fairport Convention as well??
I wish I was your mother
I wish I’d been your Father
and then I would have seen you
would have been you as a child.
Oh brother!
Hey Brother!
Ian Hunter, after Mott The Hoople, with Mick Ronson, (RIP, He took it all too far, but boy could he play guitar). Ian Hunter has a strange BLOG called From the Horses Mouth, or something like that… He still has a HUGE fan base.
I saw them, original Mott The Hoople, w/Overend Watts on Bass and Mick Ralphs on guitar in ’75 at Providence Civic Center. Great glam band with tons of presence.
But where were the Spiders?
“had Ziggy on vinyl since it first came out”
I actually had the songbook once. So cool… with all the words, chords, photos, etc..
Probably available on Amazon ?? What a gift that would make for a birthday present !!
I really enjoy your posts, Terry. More and more so with each one.
Truth be told, we are ALIENS!
I never saw Bruce drunk. But I did see him sick. Once Lou and I went to beg, (beg I say!) Bruce to play a show. Suzy stood between Bruce and us and said adamantly, “BRUCE IS SICK!” Bruce sat in a chair. He said, “I’m sick.” He spat on the floor. “See, I’m sick.”
I seldom saw Lou drunk, and then, not too drunk. Back then generics were in every supermarket. Food Basket had an aisle of yellow-wrapped products with black block letters that read only “cat-food”, “laundry detergent”, “green beans”, with no other writing or pictures. Mayfair had plain white cans labeled only “BEER”. Lou called it “bee-ah bee-ah”; like the name of the beer was “bee-ah”. It was his favorite beverage, which he drank only in responsible moderation.
I never saw Joanne drunk or raging out of control, although she may have accepted a beer-beer if offered in an appropriate, socially acceptable setting.
Truthfully, we all had our problems, but I never saw any of them getting violent, or dumping those problems on anyone else. That’s not to say they could do no wrong. Once Lou tore my mail-box off of the wall and handed it to me as he entered my apartment. You have mail.
Do any of you remember the ABC pool-hall that was next door to Greenwich Village West? It was near the Zebra Club. Once Lou went into that pool hall to use the restroom. In the restroom, Lou was struck by several sets of fists, while other hands rummaged through his pockets. I think he said they found five dollars. Lou was usually in the role of victim rather than victimizer.
Lou took a girl with him on the Greyhound to ride from San Diego to NYC. She was about 18 and amazingly tall. Lou carried his hollow body bass, uncased, the whole way: a cross-country tour. When they got to NYC, the girl saw gargoyles and sculptures on the architecture. She whispered to Lou, “There are FACES on those buildings!”
Joanne said she bought her first drums without cymbals. But also, Lou had told her that he didn’t want her to use cymbals. Going back to the Herman Ave days, I once found a tambourine in a utility room, next to the kitchen. When Lou saw me examining it, he said, “I hate cymbals, and look at all the cymbals on that thing.” True, but they were only small ones.
Lou never had a car the whole time he was in San Diego. He would get rides from whoever would drive him. Anything anyone gave to Lou, he would leave in the car of whoever drove him. If it was Lou’s he’d lose it.
Once David Rinck and The Wildflowers played in the basement of Greenwich Village West. Joanne sat in on drums. She seemed to know the songs; and was very good. She was better than good. One song ended, but Joanne continued to play. There was so much driving, compelling energy in her drumming, that the band picked up the song again.
Respect to David Rinck and his life of important accomplishments: musical, intellectual, and humanitarian. I was not worthy to be your friend. Signed, the stupid ape, Terry Marine
Terry, I had a 56 Chevy and a three on the tree ford with a huge marijuana leaf painted on the hood, It also said Lou Reed on the side and YOU LOSE in big letters on the back. If Matt would let me upload them to this site I would.
>>If Matt would let me upload them to this site I would.
Lou: Mail ’em to cheunderground@gmail.com. 🙂
From Lou: ” Here are pictures of my 66 Ford and my girlfriend Karla, 1978, San Diego.”
(I like the shot of the LouMobile in front of that Navy airship thingy.)
What are you drinking there- Chianti? Nothing says seventies like a little Boones Farm.
i have a great story about that car if Lou gives me permission to write about it 🙂
Jeez Matt -- It’s called an airplane. An airplane.
Probably a P-3, Lou knows better.
I love the LUE REED (sic)
Who’s Karla?? I thought we shared everything Dude. come on…only in So. CA.
‘member my Jet Black Javelin…great punk mobile. Easy to spot when robbing stores though.
Thanks Matt, go ahead Joanne.
Its a jet hellllllllllllo
Iknew we would get to this eventually
It’s nice to see all Injections on an Injection thread sometimes.
Let’s make Matt an Honorary Injection. Our first.
Back in the day I use to love to go to music stores to drool over drums and guitars. I happened to be at one in the downtown area and there was a woman hanging out too. I guess she liked to look and drool too. Well I don’t remember how exactly we started talking but I did invite her to come to an Injections practice. She came over and from what I remember shewas not so impressed but she stayed around anyways. This was so long ago some parts of this story are fuzzy but I do remember that she and I and Lou ended up at his apartment drinking malt beverages. Not the Mayfair beer beer but I think it was a night of splurging and we invested heavily in the king of malts. This new woman who was blond and had really nice cleavage seemed to be thrilled to be partaking with us. I guess all of this fluff was in her honor. I was the first to “go to sleep” and I remember waking up in the morning with a freaked out Lou. The blond bombshell at some point during the night had taken his beloved Lou mobile. Apparently she had gotten the munchies when we were both “asleep” and gone to KFC. How do I know this?? When the police found his car there were remnants from KFC littering the interior. She was never quite the same after that .
>>She came over and from what I remember she was not so impressed but she stayed around anyways.
Wasn’t that the generic reaction to all who came into our lives?? Not very impressed but they always stayed with us anyway.
Love your story Joe -- What apartment? Couldn’t have been Herman Ave or Front Street??
She being Lou’s car.
they used all the young dudes in that film juno. i cracked up. it’s the song that turned my ear.
that car kills me, lou. and the girl? check out the waist on her jeans, total granny pants! 70’s styles were truly awful. just terrible. but she looks like a cool lovely lady.
hey, you guys, speaking of vinyl, i want to get one of those turntables that turn the discs into mp3’s. what do you know, what do you think?
>>all the young dudes
When confused voting by ostensibly Democratic Florida retirees arguably helped tip the balance in the 2000 presidential election, I walked around for several weeks singing, “Oh, all the old Jews … Carry the news … “
People like Sarah Silverman helped give us the Obama Jew vote….not to mention cool songs like Jewish people driving German cars.
Maybe something a little fuzzier is needed now. Juno.
juno made me happier than any movie i have seen in a long time. that and superbad.
Sweet film. Mott the Hoople and Sonic Youth soundtrack too.
If you liked Juno PLEASE rent “Toto The Hero”. French film that makes you feel the same way.
>>Let’s make Matt an Honorary Injection. Our first.
Bruce: I am indeed honored!
An honorary Injection is like a henna tattoo at an Indian wedding: not deep, but worn with great pride.
>> Bruce: I am indeed honored!
The honor is all ours in this cosmic Radioactive bad boy jam.
>> not deep, but worn with great pride.
Why not deep? Maybe very deep?
Mott the Hoople saved me from a life as an angry young punk rocker.
what’s wrong with journey???? when did you stop believing, b?
Ha ha ha………..In a way “Don’t stop believing” and I’ll raise you an
“I can’t fight this feeling anymore, I’ve forgotten what I started fighting for” !!
bruce, you are such a jukebox hero! you even have stars in your eyes!
I bought a beat up guitar and wore it slung low.
You called me a dork! Only a dork would do that!
no shit.
but a dork would also secretly play “roundabout” at home when no one else was around. and i KNOW you did that. didn’t you.
Call it morning driving through the sound and in and out the valley-ey-ey. In and around the lake. Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there.
What? What is everyone looking at? So what if I still like Rick Wakeman? Whatever. I don’t owe you any explanations.
Lalalalala la la lalalalala la la (keyboard breakdown)
Whatever. I never claimed to be a purist. I was Paul Howland’s date to Black Sabbath.
Ten true summers we’ll be there and laughing too
No. Honestly not Roundabout, although all my friends would. Too progressive for me. Maybe early Eminem??
I like Astrud Gilberto, Wayne Newton, Dolly Parton….
Do you mean THEN or NOW??
Can’t believe you outed yourself on Roundabout.
At least Dokken or Scorps…give me something !!
No fair. I told you about Eminem in confidence. All the other Slim Shadys are NOT the Slim Shady.
Dude, I am so happy about every day I get to wake up alive. I left caring about cool in a ditch so many years ago it’s eligible for a driver’s license. No musical skeleton has to stay cooped up in my closet. I blast “You’re the Reason God Made Oklahoma” and sing along with all the car windows down. Carpe F’in’ Diem and embrace your inner nerd while you can.
Scorps never hit that nerve for me.
I was so happy the first time I heard Metallica, though. Because they actually kept promises made by Iron Maiden’s album cover art.
Exit light, enter night, we’re off to never never land
Damn, Jason Neustadt is a wonder
I hung out at a disco and did the bump.
Feel the rhythm, check the ride; come on along and have a real good time/Like the days of stopping at the Savoy/
Now we freak! Oh, what a joy!
Someone stop me before I hurt myself.
Bruce? Bruce? What was our secret sign, for- no joke, put me in a cab and take me home?
robin, that comment about leaving cool in a ditch so long its of age is hilarious!
there is no shame in loving eminem. i get tears in my eyes hearing some of his stuff. but it’s NOT the lyrics. there is something about his beats that get me. just like with kanye. mmm, but i sing along with him. and common.
then again, my mom bought me ohio players “fire” when i was 10 and i rocked that shit. inside, outside and upside down. like diana ross.
Robin went sleepy sleep. I just read her Goodnight Moon.
So, secretly, leaving cool in a ditch is another way of saying, GOD I hope people think I’m cool. She’ll understand my ridicule, always has. ‘member when you guys hassled me about cred??
BTW, I started the talk about Karen Carpenter and eminem. I’m always getting ripped off by my diminutive genius friend. She’s too busy working hard to think about this bullshit all day.
On the other hand…I daydream for about 20 hours a day…then dream.
Ohio Players got the funk. That bass line on Fire should be the hold music on suicide hotlines.
Young new Metallica made my heart race.
Bruce, that was distinctly not putting me in a cab home.
Ow, we need the funk. Dadadada. Give up the funk. Ow, we need the funk. Let’s consent to tear this mutha up. Ow!
Fine, Bruce, fine. I will testify. I have witnessed men attempting to establish street cred through third or fourth degree associations with you. I remember a 1982 incident in which a guy mentioned having a conversation with you like it was supposed to impress people. When other guys dressed up, they were dressing up to resemble you.
Just don’t ask me to start calling you The Fonz. You’ll always be that nice Arthur to me.
I must sleep so that I can do your tax dollars justice in the morning.
SHIT ! The little ones are always waking up after beddy-bye! And what little ball-busters they are !
I tucked you in safely…that’s a pretty good cab ride if you ask me.
I’m not sure if any AMA shit is doing justice to the working poors’ tax dollars. I ,personally, don’t have an actual “taxable” income.
I always tell you how cool you are and you always tell me how cool I’m not. ha ha …………
sweet dreams
word that fire should be the suicide hotline hold music. that and brick house.
if you ask me, the world would be a better place if funk held a much higher place in society.
george clinton for president!
P FUNK ! Bootsy Collins Parliament Funkadellic
African American Punk.
I agree !
and the shows??? holy hell. talk about showmanship.
YOU rock joe.
Ava I thought you went to bed at 9 ????
aw shuddup, bruce! can’t a woman break her own rules now and then???
“All The young Dudes” is one of those songs, like “Sweet Jane” that, while I think I get it, I’ve never quite been sure.
This has bothered me my whole life…
This isn’t for AMA, it’s an ACS community organization specifically for the medically underserved.
Ah, the name is Bootsy, baby.
>I always tell you how cool you are and you always tell me how cool I’m not.
Bruce, you are the only male, ever, I have referred to as out of my league. And, in public, no less. What more do you want, Mr. Injection?
Jesus is right Robin. I’m SSSSOOOOO kidding about the importance of your work.
Also, some chick just told me to shuddup….can you kick her ass for me??
I always thought we were in the SAME league. I am always flattered to be in your company, and I say this in public, no less…..
bruce, don’t you know that robin and i would have coffee and talk over how out of range you are? she’d never kick my ass.
well, at least not for ribbing you.
dave, i hear you on the young dudes.
A day without Ava taunting Bruce is like a day without sunshine. If I kicked her ass, my Internet world would be lonely and hollow.
Oh god, I don’t need TV when I’ve got T. Rex.
That was the line when tall Mary would throw back her perfect blonde mane and stomp.
t. rex… honestly, the memories of the glam, the funk, the vinyl!
james harrell has the hands down best taste in tunes and has, from what i recall, a kick ass collection. i would love to get a few mp3 discs from him. james, get a turntable to mp3 translator and i will kick down for the postage and blanks!!!
Robin -- you are so full of it. “my internet world would be lonely and hollow”. Isn’t that the definition of an internet world !
David changed the lyrics on “All the Young Dudes”, from “marks and Sparks” to “unlocked cars” or something like that after he got pissed at the store. little trivia…
Ava, what does out of range mean?? I don’t speak disgruntled middle-aged women vernacular very well.
Why must I be like that? Why must I chase the cat? Must be the dog in me.
bow wow wow yippee yo yippee yeah!
Bow Wow Wow. They weren’t very nice to us.
what did they do to you?
Bruce, where did you teach music? Please say it was in public school, not private lessons. Did your students know you had been in a punk band? What did you teach them? Why don’t you teach now?
I just know that “All The Young Dudes” and “Sweet Jane” are both about important things that concern me. I even once considered buying “The March of the Wooden Soldiers” and checking it out, just in case…
Now, T Rex is clearer. I mean, Marc Bolan was a hippy right?
>>I even once considered buying “The March of the Wooden Soldiers” and checking it out, just in case…
Dave: I would like us to have Stutz Bearcat rides at the Che Games.
I was going to suggest a “Rousseau verse” writing contest, but I just now discovered that that was a mondegreen, alas.
Ava -- They were “rock stars” if you know what I mean.
Terry I taught regular public school K-5 elementary music. Sing, clap, dance, etc…. also a LOT of private guitar lessons. Some musical theater stuff. Still involved with it a little…. Moved on to teaching sailing to kids and adults.
Riding in a Stutz Bearcat jim,
Those were different times.
i am so, so glad you put that in quotes.
’nuff said??
Who’s going to contribute/help with the article, thread, story, whatever on the impact of the military on Punk in SD??
I think this is Matts baby…needs to be done though.
Maybe we can get David Sedaris, Amy Sedaris, Ira Glass….involved. ha
don’t ha that. it’s possible!
Anyone who knows me, knows that this kind of thing gets me off!
Matt can you post the picture of Terry Marine and me?
>>can you post the picture of Terry Marine and me?
Lou: Here ’tis … I put the rest of your photos in the “Turning Points” thread …

Oh my goodness- I see Bigfoot, a couple ghosts and the shroud of Turin in that photo! Who ever would have guessed?!!
No! Really? Where?
Bruce, music influenced all of us, no doubt. What did you teach your public school students? “Sing, clap, dance” would have been enough for the kindergartners, but the fifth-graders would have needed something more sophisticated. Also, did the older students know that you had been in a punk band? Did a conversation about this ever ensue?
I didn’t know Bruce was in a Punk Band. I thought he was in a folk band. What is more sophisticated than sing,clap, dance? The Shroud of Turin and Bigfoot, I only see the ghosts. You can only see, what your mind will alow you to see. See. Edward G. Robinson
Who’s your Moses now?
That is a great post LOU ! Truly one of the worst casting jobs in movie history. Edward G. Robinson “Where’s your messiah now?” in gangsta-speak, and John Wayne ” Surely this is the son of god” in long, drawn out, western-speak.
Some of MY favorite actors BTW: Edward G. Robinson, Peter Lorre, Claude Rains, Humphrey Bogart,Sydney Greenstreet, Lauren Bacall,
James Cagney.
Bruce, PLEASE tell us about teaching public school! I’m sure you had age appropriate lessons, with increasing levels of sophistication for each grade. Also, did your older students know you had been in a punk band? What kind of conversations took place?
Fritz Langs” “M”. Great in Casablanca too. “M” was his first starring role. I think he was like the first Steve Buscemi in a way.
Fuzzy Bear as Bruce Perreault in the Injections. Seargent Snyder as Terry Marine in Sand Die Go, Piggy Gargoyle as Joanne Norris in girls, girls girls, Robert O’Neill as Lou Skum in the brig. Toby as Saul in the Bible.
🙂 will there be sequels to girls girls girls? like girls, girls , girls and the magical snake?
I feel honored.
Happy Easter, remember that Easter show we did? Fuzzy wore the rabbit suit, and Boyd Rice threw eggs. What was the name of that place? The E-Club? What about the show at the Cuckoo’s Nest and Blackies in Hollywood? Those were the days. Johnny Vomit walked up into a Mexican Resteraunt carrying a dead pigeon he found in the gutter and said “look what I found in my taco”. I stayed with Shawn Kerry, and we cruised in her 1957 Chevy Bel Air along Sunset Boulevard, we later made love for 24 hours straight. I miss that.
Ohh Lou thats not true. IT was me and shawn. There was a stain on the bunny costume, for real. I thought the dead pigeon was actually a rat, I msut have been totally out of it. Too much generic beeeeeer for easter.Boyd Rice was egged on by you.
I spoke with Shari yesterday..there is a chance she may find her way here
I did say hello to her Joanne..like you had asked..
this is as good a reason as any to bump this thread 🙂
that is wonderful !! Thank you !! I hope that she finds her way here :).
she has limited access to a computer…but I think she will find her way here some time soon
Invite her to the Your Sister Reunion BBQ.
She is invited
Your Sister 2009 world tour with Everybody Violet and Noise 292.
Calling Bill Bored
Lou are you singing and playing ?
here is our opener
John Shaw Magic, Mystery, & Mayhem
“Lou Skum Says:
April 13th, 2009 at 6:11 pm
Invite her to the Your Sister Reunion BBQ.”
when and where is it?
lou wont know until the day before where it is at…its the 24th in normal heights
the rest is priviledged iformation
I dont like to feel underpriviledged…
Shari is still in San Diego..I’m 2300 miles to the upper right…
arent secrets for people with something to hide?…
Bruce did you grow up in RI? Cause I knew a girl by that name there…
Bruce Injection Says:
March 9th, 2009 at 2:23 pm
No… The girl I took, ROBIN Frettolosso left with another boy…
Her bad …. met the prettier Wendy Hall the next day in school and that was that for a while. Actually until SD !!!!
3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead. Isn’t that a book about the Hell’s Angels?
Mike- you knew her?? There could only be one in this small state. Wait…which girl? Frettolosso or wendy?? Frettolosso was so beautiful…that was long ago.
Give P Gargoyle Shari’s #. I will be in California next week, for the Your Sister Reunion at the Casbah.
Frettoloso NK
OMG ! Alright, how did you know her ! I grew up with her. Where are you from?? Is this Madmike or another Mike.
I went to school with her all through junior high and high school. Dated briefly…better not go any further until I find out your connection.
Well you might say aI grew up with her as well.. but in the same house LOL.. I am her cousin/sort of baby brother. Trying to remember way back to the days if I recall any one named Bruce?? She dated a Guy named Jeff forever and Bucky.
Mike -- Alright, I need to know some things. We BOTH grew up in Wickford, I lived up the street from the town beach, walking distance to you. My whole family worked at the Harborside at one time or another. Went to Wickford Elementary, JH, NK High class of ’77. Members of St. Pauls, Wickford Yacht Club, etc…Got in trouble senior year, got sent to Navy, San Diego.
Had a massive crush on your sis for…forever, always had a boyfriend. We worked at the harborside together, with Wendy Hall and my brothers. After my….incident…went to bootcamp. When I came home on leave I took R____. out on a date, to Newport. We had lobsters. The IRONY was her Dad was one of the cops that busted me, yet he OK’d me dating her when I came back to RI on leave???
Where were you all this time?? What became of R____.?? What on earth is your SD CHE connection??
Please share any memories. I knew Jeff and Bucky too.
LOL you would be shocked Bruce but lost track of most of them including Robin oh abut 15 years back at least they all moved to Maine. I was actually googling names out of boredom… and there is one hit for her name You mention her first and last name twice on these posts!
Mike -- so there is no SD CHE connection for you?? You DID grow up in Wickford though, right?? Was just there today, walking around town with my baby. LOVE Wickford, still….
Where do you live now?? How much younger than R____. are you??
I’ve lost track of most of my family too…it happens.
“Lou Skum Says:
April 15th, 2009 at 9:11 pm
Give P Gargoyle Shari’s #. I will be in California next week, for the Your Sister Reunion at the Casbah.”
Lou..Shari doesnt have a phone…you would need to send me a phone number to pass along to her..and for her to call you
Joanne…feel free to send me your contact info..I will pass it along to Shari
if you would like?
see did seem somewhat interested to get in touch
hey Mike,
I will ask matthew to pass my email along to you and send you info.
Thanks…I’ll get your info to Shari…soon as possible
Yes Bruce no SD connection except that I lived in SD in 91 for a summer LOL. Grew up on Poplar Point!
Bruce n’ Lou…where you two chowderheads been hangin’ out at nowadays? I’m hold up in San Carlos (a tiny bedroom community located in the crotch of El Cajon and La Mesa). We’ll have to get together and talk story soon. The the Tiki Bar is always open.
MIKE- Poplar Point all the way. You in RI now?? I live in Providence, have for years. Was supposedly a punk rock icon once, or some shit…
TERRY X- WOW! One of the real deals alive and well! I’m “hold up” in Providence RI. Playing classical, Jazz, and recently big time Ska band. I think us outlaws say “hold up” rather than “holed up”?? or typo. You guys really rocked us all once…I hope you are well.
Read the whole Injections thread when you have a free night, LOL !!
isnt Poplar a tree?
Indeed…Poplar is a tree and Poplar Point is an area in Wickford where Mike and I grew up. Home of the beautiful R________.
“Home of the beautiful R________.”
let it be known..I suck at guessing games
j/k btw
Gee MadMike. I was referring to she who was Robin F. Not even close!! Ha ha.
A girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Born as many years before as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.
“Gee MadMike. I was referring to she who was Robin F. Not even close!! Ha ha.”
see, I told ya I suck at guessing games Bruce
but that doesnt seem to stop me…lol
Ha..MadMike. Maybe you need to read the WHOLE Injection thread some night when you’re REALLY bored. It’s all guessing games!
Say hi to your sis for me if you ever talk to her.
I got to spend time today with Lou and last night too. The bbq was fabulous. We shall ahve to do it again soon. More reprots soon. There were great stories being shared.
Can’t wait to hear, Joe! LOU called me from Herman Ave. All over Deja Vu again.
great good hugs from god or by M. Webster et. al…
God, esp. when conceived as omnisciently directing the universe and the affairs of humankind with wise benevolence
Or when considered and reflected by Patrick (late of SD and lately not)
the current locale of his dear dad, first spiritual guide, and hipster par(ent) excellance…James Ford
preacher, zen guide, owner of cats, husband of the librarian to the blind
When Delia Hale needed an exorcist, she called my dad. The bathtub ghosts were sent away with their pointed tails betwixt their scaly legs. Swear.
You guys are lucky, he’s currently got a shop and a congregation in Providence.
So if you’re chicken of your demons, or your chickens turn to demons come home to roost,
who you gonna call?
This Eye Dug
Patrick Works
Is James Ford your Dad?? What is your Providence connection??
We are also the city where Edgar Poe came to court his lady…on Benefit street. H.P. Lovecraft is buried here…at Swan Point.
A. Gordon Pym, your dad, Lovecraft, Andre the Giant, Talking Heads, Farrelly Brothers…cool city…lots of ghosts too.
Bruce you were missed. I heard a copy if the Italian comp of our songs. The titles are wrong for about 4 of the songs. That stuff still makes me smile.
James Ford is my step dad. He pretty much raised me. We used to build churches together. Congregations ackchully. Write poetry and make flyers and run around in a VW Van in SD and post them all on phone poles with the flyers. Crazy stuff.
We have no real Providence connection. Joining a big church (which he finally did after decades of little house churches) is a lot like joining the service…you go where you are told. So he’s had congregations all over the US.
His thing now is the Unitarian Universalists, to whom he’s brought alot including his expereience with Zen and his writing. This was a HUGE hit in his first congregation outside the seminary which was a place called Mequon Wisconsin. Evidently the dairy farmers really like contemplative discipline early in the AM…fits in well with their chore schedule. He got them all sitting Zen and got their congregations to do service work for poor people in Cuba and such. Trouble maker my dear dad.
The “mother ship” of UU congregations is First Unitarian in Newton MA where he was asst. pastor for a bunch of years. He got his own church in Providence earlier this year so now he’s an Islander. It’s a good gig. He was elected unanimously. He’s built up a great rep in yankee land for his preaching and his writing.
UU practice is very liberal for a lot of christian folks, but in the NE they have a long and respected history going back before the revolution. Nice to see him doing so well in such an active ministry. He was looking for something like this all through my childhood.
Patrick Works
Son of the Preacher Man
We bought one of our homes from a woman who is part of your Dads congregation….small world. Especially here in Providence.
New England has such a great tradition of thinkers. Thoreau, Frost, Melville, Emily Dickinson, Louisa May Alcott, Emerson….to name a few!
Just yards away from my beach house on Narragansett Bay is where RI colonists burned the British ship GASPEE. The first real act of the Revolutionary War. Little known fact.
now we’re talking, bruce. tell me more about the gaspee.
Ava -- you only engage in the strangest topics! There is a full account of the GASPEE all over the net, but LOCAL lore is more fun!
From where I’m typing this I can see where the British patrol ship GASPEE (1772?) was sailing, right off my beach. Local colonists lured the ship into the shallows, (local knowledge), and proceeded to board the ship and take the crew prisoner. They then set fire to the ship as it lay aground.
This was referred to, in a letter to King George?, as an act of terrorism, and may have been the first modern use of this term.
As bad as modern terrorists are, bombing cafes and flying planes into buildings, I think things like this give perspective. Sometimes defending oneself or ones ideals are perceived as heroic by one side and cowardly, terrorist, by another. This is really just the USS COLE 250 years earlier! I’ll look up the full story tonight, but I think this is VERY close.
I thought a “gaspee” was someone who liked to be smothered.
Everyone knows ‘gaspee’ is a propane leak…up hyar in the hills anyway.
bruce, one mans insurgent is another mans freedom fighter. right?
i am intrigued by things like the gaspee.
(haha, matthew, patrick…)
We call Americans who defend their country Patriots. We call Iraqis who defend their country terrorists.
Ava -- Matt and Patrick are funny but you are peculiar. What about the story of “King Phillip”?
there always seems to be a “john brown” involved in uprisings.
peculiar? nah. just way too mired in academics.
Are you referring to Kurds, Shia or Sunni’s ?
Terry X are you still with Lydia????????????
Bruce, come to Boston, to practice for Che Games !
OK. I’ll come to Boston tomorrow. We’ll practice our whole set for the games!! Then we can hitch-hike, we used to call it “thumb”, out to California.
I know Joanne is ready and I have Glen Matlock on standby. Just be sure to tell Matt that we are headlining and tix for our show are $100 a piece. Malcolm McClaren gets, like, half.
Man, we’re gonna tear that that shit up out there. These CHE posers are going to hear you tell them “This is what it’s all about”!
Will Terry Marine and Toby provide security??
Remember our deal, no photos, film, or recording of us. We want this to be UNdocumented…mythical.
Can’t F#@#&’n wait.
sorry bruce but I have already been working on promo photos..I think that solo look of lou has such mystery that we should keep it. I have some great pictures of lou in some rockin glasses…I am sure Terry and Toby are down for security patrol. I have been in negotiations with the zeros and the remaining Germs…..they stated that would open for us. I doubt if Matt has room on the bill for all of that in May but maybe we could do a secret show at bar Pink or is it Pink Bar in October.
Security will be provided by the HMS GASPEE or Al Qaeda or cops or bouncers or whoever still wants to fight.
shshsh shiaaaaaaaaaaaa
oh wait that is chia
There is no security, only oppurtunity, McArthur
Macarthur oops
Hey Lou how are ya?
Jigger where is bill bored ? He missed the Your Sister reunion parteeeeeeeeeeeee.
Hey Joe -- who is Jigger?? After my time??
I have to LOVE it each time someone asks “Where’s Bill”? One of my favorite lines…and it takes like, four hours, to get to that question.
Jigger Jackson, is a legendary master of unrelenting musical prowess. A whizz kid at Berkelee school of music in Boston, Jigger, a La Jolla native, has gone on to creating musical productions for the film noir elite. This mastermind of notation, has singlehandidly changed the way music is heard and interpretated. He was before, during, and after the music scene in San Diego, and is currently working with James Gandolfo on a musical Sopranos special.
That is SO cool… BUT who is Jigger Jackson.
He is also the 4th cousin removed of Joe Jackson.
OK…I’m assuming he’s someone from the “Your Sister” period?? I’ll stick with that until you two return to planet earth.
Jigger Jackson is a ghost writer.
I”M a ghostwriter too. Let’s talk about Baudelaires translations of POE, or Arthur Schindler, or bring Hitler back to the top. How about Gilgamesh or Le Chanson De Roland….
how can you bring up ghost writing and not include Casper?
casper. I had a crush on casper.
no, I think that was Josie
casper is andro.
wow..this threw me for a loop. I am still swingin.
Lou, you are HILARIOUS! Thanks for setting everyone straight on who I am (who am I again?) Hahaha!
And Gargoyle, I don’t know what happened to Mr. Bill Bored. Sorry he missed the YS reunion & sorry I missed the YS reunion. I should log in more often -- I don’t want to miss a beat. I have his contact info if you are interested.
Keep swinging girl!! Found anyone you know in my post??
Jigger can you send matthew your contact info as well as Bills??
Bruce, I could not decipher for the life of me. My head is stuck in the tilt position.
Happy Mother’s Day from Your Sister.
Where is Robin? The girl wonder.
Praying for your lung, Lou. How is it?
And working my butt off at a new job.
Hi Gargoyle
I don’t know Matthew -- is the guy who runs this blog? Are you friends with Lou on facebook? I am. That might be the best way to exchange contact info.
Hey Lou -- what was the address at Herman?? Just kidding…I thought it might help Joey with a riddle.
800 posts
Joanne…had you heard from Shari yet?
no I havent
“no I havent”
I spoke with her on mothers day..she said she was going to write you..I did give her your number though
soon perhaps?
I hope so !!! I will keep waiting.
sorry it’s taken so long…
you would think we have been communicating via snail mail..
did I send you her E-mail address?
Hey joe -- I wonder where Lou is and if he’s alright?? Haven’t seen him here in a few days…maybe just busy??
My lung is fine Robin, Everything here in Boston is just peachy. I was in New York Monday for the NYU graduation ceremony at Radio City Music Hall, that is the place to play! Then had lunch with the singing waitresses and waiters at the Starwood Diner. Life is grand!
Lou why were you at NYU??
Glad to hear it, Lou!
MATT -- if we were to start a guitar, bass, drums /musician thread how do we go about it??
>>MATT -- if we were to start a guitar, bass, drums /musician thread how do we go about it??
Bruce: There are a number of posts in the blog archives about musicianship … Here’s one we can disinter. And of course, the forums are always open to start new topics.
Do you have a specific angle for a blog post?
MATT -- I haven’t really thought it through, but it seems like there are probably a lot of guitarists, etc… that may like to share information about performance, repertoire, methodology, gigs, equipment.
There may not be enough interest for this to be a thread here on CHE though. There are already SO many Blogs and Forums devoted to this.
We can always just, ( I like to use the word “disinter” ), other threads when we have a comment related to such things.
My Niece graduated.
From Where..with what??
Lou, where have you been. Are Suzie and Kathleen back from their cruise??
Just when you thought it was over Bruce, you learn it isn’t. I went to TAANG records again.
Congratulations to your niece Lou!
Joanne -- tell me more…and come BACK and talk in our private place.
Clay was looking for this thread…hard to find for some reason.
I’ll put it up top for a while so he can find it.
from the position of my scroll-bar it appears as if i’ve only about 650 posts to go. good thing for tangents as i was having some time understanding how we could have 800 exclusively injection-related posts.
600 i could understand or maybe even 690 but 800 would be certifiably
i used to get scolded at sites for going off-topic so kudos to you ALL for accepting the beauty of and allowing for the occasional random tangential-thought to creep in….or be blurted-out as might be the case.
(i love the swastika-girl arguments especially)….
Ironically, swastika girl just appeared on Facebook. I’ll try to ask for a link to post…don’t want to “out” her anymore than I have to. BUT, how cool is it see her face right after you mentioned her????
Clay, you are a trooper if you truly intend to wade through all this!!!
wow….good to hear you’re doing well lou.
i lost a lung once too for a couple days.
i was so in love with this woman and we falling off the bed etc and we both drank considerably and she smoked and so when in rome i smoked too….i was probably under a lot of stress since she wasn’t yet divorced (promises promises) then wham…..
i knew something was terribly wrong.
next day i was in the hospital with a collapsed lung nearly died from a heart-attack.
that woke me up a bit….
this was some 10 years ago and i’ve made countless adjustments since then. i haven’t seen a doctor since and my lung hasn’t failed me either….thank goodness.
get well man…..do get strong again….you will heal in no time.
it’s good to see you @ the che….>terry marine too!
things just get better from here.
palindrome names on che:
random tangents:
three feet high and rising.
lou, i hope all is well with you.
glad to be back in here. I went to the zeros and it was a blast from the past in some ways. The zeros played so well. Were we on the same bill with them new years eve 1980 bringing in the new year at the skeleton club? That was so much fun. At the zeros show I was introduced to swami from 94.9. miggs introduced us and he told me how he plays the injections on his show. He was very cool.The biggest and most controversial news will come later. mancalledclay don’t know if we have ever met but nice to meet you.
Someone has posted more of Carpenters Australia 1971 show on YouTube. Excellent for old, live, video and audio.
Also an actual pic of Swastika Girl appears in Lou Skums photo gallery, those of you that can view this.
>>Also an actual pic of Swastika Girl appears in Lou Skums photo gallery, those of you that can view this.
Bruce: Wherezit?
MATT -- It’s in a photo album on Lou’s Facebook page. I don’t know if I should say her name…should I?
Photo 33 of 51 under “Photos of Lou and Me.”
Tony, Andrea, and Judy in front of Skel Club before one of our shows.
belated greetings to p gargoyle…..not sure if we ever met officially but
we were frequenting many of the same shows and parties at one time…..so yes nice to meet you.
>>Tony, Andrea, and Judy in front of Skel Club before one of our shows.
Funny how you can remember certain nights, and even specific moments. For some reason I remember that night more clearly than I remember last month.
Playing the Skeleton Club was always a thrill. So many people are already gone from that time. Chucko Tony, Marc rude, Chris, (Battalion Of Saints), Lisa Astin, (our Bass player).
Sure wish someone could get KATHLEEN to post all of her pics of Skel club, Front Street, Lions Club, etc….. She was always there with a camera and I think the only person who’s seen all her photos is LOU.
wow, this thread is still alive???
nice picture of Tony Chucko.
and yeah Bruce
it sucks losing friends…
I was really close with both Chris and Tony
>>wow, this thread is still alive???
MadMike: A thread never really dies … Not as long as there are people who believe in it! (I’m getting a whole “Peter Pan” vibe going here.) 🙂
Bruce: Is someone in touch with this Kathleen of whom you speak? (Not sure I know her offhand.) It would be my pleasure to host some more photos.
Joey requested I add this to the thread:
(That video makes me think of Mac Heald.)
Has anyone been watching the addition of all the new SD Punk photos (’78-80?) on Ciff Cunninghams Facebook page?
Lot’s of rare Injections, Battalion of Saints, FONO, TM, etc………
My first wife, her friends, Penetrators, even, (again), more swastika girl….
It’s GOLD!
>>Has anyone been watching the addition of all the new SD Punk photos (’78-80?) on Ciff Cunninghams Facebook page?
Bruce: I have, and I even tried to link them up here — but I think Cliff’s privacy settings are blocking that.
I’d very much like to share anything people are comfortable with!
Yeah, Cliff just happened to be there at the absolute beginning of SD punk with camera at hand.
My ex-wife is trying to get her friend Kathleen to post pics, (somewhere), from her massive collection of all the original shows and parties.
It’s a historical goldmine.
Just found a great photo of Swastika girl from David Goodes photos-’80’s, photo#5. Linked through Cliffs photos.
He labels her as “unknown blond girl”…says “I was in love with her”!!
I got to love her…SCORE!!!!!!!
Speaking of love. There are new versions every time I go on youtube
Thanks matt. I thought if the INJECTIONS would have ever made a video it would be in that vein.:)
or vain
Had to post this for the pure reason that I heard it today….God bless Eno.
Hey Bruce!
Richard Carpenter was on Fresh Air with Terri Gross yesterday. Here’s a link:
>>Richard Carpenter was on Fresh Air with Terri Gross yesterday.
I liked the part when he said, “If those Che Underground punks mention me again, I’m coming over there to kick some ASS!”
RAY!! You are THE MAN. Funny thing is I catch Tom Ashbrook and Terri Gross almost everyday…almost better to find out this way!!
Matt…you have some connections…come on…ask dear Richard to come to CHE!! ha
I DO want to meet Richard…and Brian Wilson before I die, or on my deathbed.
Nice to see this Huge, computer crashing thread alive for a moment!!!
Thanks RAY
Just listened to the whole Terri Gross piece w/Richard Carpenter on NPR.
I usually LOVE her show, but I agree with most of the NPR blog comments. She was so weak…trivializing the music, asking questions that are old and redundant, she really lost an opportunity to dig deep and find a story from the most private band.
What a shame…I hope he does other interviews with someone who can engage him on a musical and intellectual level.
>>I DO want to meet Richard…and Brian Wilson before I die, or on my deathbed.
Bruce: Taken literally, this is a very strange tableau … One that I envision executed larger than life size as a truly disturbing hyper-realistic painting. “The Dying Bruce Injection Is Visited by Richard Carpenter and Brian Wilson.”
Literally…hyper-realistic??…I thought maybe Dali or Bosch??
Are you talking, like Norman Rockwell…or better…Edward Hopper??
I’m open to suggestions!!!haha
It is my dream though…wow! I have a dream! Never really knew it.
Bruce: In a 1994 issue of the zine Raygun (San Diegan David Carson was the art director, and it was VERY arty; the Bryan Ferry interview had an unreadable typeface) Steve and Jeff McDonald of Redd Kross, interviewing Richard Carpenter, “noticed that the tribute record [If I Were a Carpenter] is comprised of 90 percent ex-punk rockers.” Any thoughts?
First…WOW!!. On second thought…why not??? Maybe it takes “ex-punk rockers” to see the “cool” behind things.
I don’t doubt a lot of ex-punkers love ABBA, Wayne Newton, Tony Bennet,….you name it.
Thanks a bunch for bringing this up!!
Happy Holidays Gentiles!!!!!!
just the genties??
Gentiles, Jews, …. even “genties”, (whatever that is) ??
Here it is…historians from Front Street!!
I saw some of the schwagg. 🙂
Genties. I apparently didn’t have my glasses on.
Thanks to Tom G., and Lou Skum, there are lots of good new photos on Facebook and some good anecdotes about the scene being revealed.
It’s amazing the photos and documents some people save!
all is an illusion
well you guys sure work hard at keeping your thread alive! lou is it really true that you are now a republican and a bush supporter? Or are you still trying to be lou scum and stir shit up? or are you bobby o’neill? face up and be a man…enough of the bullshit…everyones tired of it.
My Dear Mr. Heffern, I have been a registered Republican since the age of 18. I support the President of the United States no matter which party they may be affiliated with. Lou Skum is not my real name, It is Bobby O’Neill. Why the anger?
no anger…just want the truth…there you told it. thanks…like the song says “mommies little monsters have turned into republicans.” just checking out a theory.
Proud to be an American
Lou, what made you decide that was your party of choice when you were 18 and what do you like about it now?
Excellent question. Can anyone remember the old quote (I’m thinking either Churchill or Mark Twain, tho’ it may be Lincoln or Ghandi) along the lines of “people should be liberal when their young and conservative when their older, and anything else would just be plain silly”? I’m paraphrasing, of course….
“Not to be a republican at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.”- Georges Clemenceau (frequently misattributed to Churchill or George Bernard Shaw)
Churchill always was conservative, I think.
I am enough of a geek to check the Yale book of Quotations:
Francois Guizot (1787-1874): “Not to be a republican at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.” (In the old French Republican sense of the word)
French Premier Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929): “Not to be a socialist at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.”
I remember having a choice when I registered to vote, I would always listen to the candidates speeches, more times than not, I found myself agreeing with Republicans. Maybe it was from growing up and reading TIME magazine. Now, I am strong in my belief for the Right to Life. I am certain that abortion is murder, I feel sorry for those who choose to argue this, and back themselves up with what ifs?
Hey Lou!! Wish you were back on FB. I also believe in the right to life, the right for women to make their own reproductive choices, and the rights of all the women and children murdered in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Iraq.
I think right to life should include a wider spectrum of dignity and respect for all life…not just right to fetus life?
BTW, I know you know this, but pro-choice advocates aren’t pro-abortion.
Thanks for the straightforward answer, Lou. That’s interesting. Is that a central enough issue for you that you might register with a pro-life party if one emerged? Or, would you stay Republican because of a broader spectrum of issues?
Oh God help us! Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are in the hou-ouse!!
A Republican broad spectrum of issues…a contradiction in terms.
“The first duty of love is to listen.” -Paul Tillich
“As I get older, I’ve learned to listen to people rather than accuse them of things.”-Po Bronson
>>Thanks for the straightforward answer, Lou. That’s interesting. Is that a central enough issue for you that you might register with a pro-life party if one emerged? Or, would you stay Republican because of a broader spectrum of issues?
Robin: And thank you for asking an interesting question that often gets drowned out because issues like abortion are so damn volatile.
In the past, I’ve considered doing a post on exactly this theme: What political convictions did you have as a kid, and why did you have them, and how have they evolved?
I always assumed that everybody I knew leaned left, even though few of us were doing anything more overtly political than playing the odd anti-draft benefit. A big factor in that assumption was the household in which I was raised, though.
I’m handling political dynamite that’s blown up on many people over the decades, but what the hell: I am absolutely in favor of the reproductive rights of women — and especially since I don’t happen to be one, I think it’s not my choice! I do not personally believe that an early-stage fetus is equivalent to a person. And I’m going to jump of this soapbox right now, but suffice to say that I have pretty strong opinions on this.
However … If someone genuinely believes that human life begins at conception — and I do know and care deeply for people who do believe that — there are some extremely powerful corollaries that follow from it. If that’s where you land, I can understand basing many, many other decisions on it. And I’m damned if I can envision a solution that spans that philosophical divide. (I’ve tried many times.)
As for party politics, I think the Republicans saw an opening with Roe vs. Wade and played it like a Stradivarius. I don’t believe abortion policy is a fundamental moral tenet for most Republican politicians, as opposed to the people I know and respect who hold that specific position. I think it’s cynical and political.
I personally think that party’s tactical use of wedge issues like abortion has been (a) incredibly effective since the early ’60s and (b) egregious and degrading to the nation’s political discourse. It’s my least-favorite thing about the post-Eisenhower GOP. And I do have a list. 🙂
But that being said, Robin’s question is still compelling: If a party stakes out a position on an issue that you feel is clearly on the far side of a bright moral line central to your beliefs, is that enough to keep you in their orbit?
Lou, I asked some questions because I’m interested in your viewpoint, regardless of whether we agree. You’ve mentioned your party affiliation a couple of times without elaboration and gotten a few negative reactions that could only have been based on assumptions. People choose the Republican party for a lot of reasons, including its anti-slavery roots. You’ve said some interesting things. I’m more interested in learning your perspective and priorities than in telling you what they are and criticizing you for them based on prejudice.
Matt- Green party.
I agree, wedge issue manipulation is insulting and frustrating. All ’round. Like when some people equate conservatism with bigotry and greed. The liberal claim to intellect and compassion is as bogus as the conservative claim to owning God, country, and family. People’s individual hearts and minds are so much more interesting and lovable than the confines of group identity.
Republicans = right wing, racist, nazi, gun loving, holy rolling, woman haters…why couch it in poetry?
“people choose the Republican Party for its anti-slavery roots”
Yeah…and the earth was created in 7 days and is magically delicious.
neutrality is our most dangerous stance
forget about the earth
save the people
by the way
i love jazz
Rock on Louis Damian! ( jazz is like, really hard…)
>neutrality is our most dangerous stance
An equally dangerous false corollary is equating respectful listening with neutrality.
Shorthand on my views:
Democratic politicians’ posturing, especially on social issues, often coincides with my own beliefs.
Republican politicians’ posturing, especially on social issues, almost never coincides with my own beliefs.
Candidly (with some honorable exceptions) I have no real faith that either party as a party is committed to much more that propagating itself … But there’s enough incremental difference (i.e., Supreme Court picks) that the Dems get my vote.
I have respect for true conservatives who are genuinely committed to the benefit of all. I can engage with those people because our differences are fundamentally tactical.
When you’re responsible for actually getting something done, the partisanship becomes a real obstacle, not just annoying prattle that makes you turn off the TV/radio/web site. Amidst and behind all the posturing, stuff actually does have to get done, with tactics of some kind. By multiple people. With multiple viewpoints. Who ultimately have to listen to each other and focus on the task, not the mic.
Yeah…the supreme court picks are quite defining. That becomes an important, and partisan, issue.
AND the idea that stuff actually does have to get done is really at the heart of everything. We have no choice but to work together despite differences: a tactical nightmare of monumental proportion.
I like Lou Damien’s benchmark.
I register as a “Black Panther”. I had to vote green, tho’. Obama kills too many mother’s babies for me to keep from vomiting when his name is mentioned.
Over 700 of us, in California, voted for Cynthia McKinney, in Nov ’08.
Damn! She’s crazy! But it was Miss Cynthia -- or jus’ go home.
How does Obama kill mothers babies??…Am I missing something??
8 is goodluck
I’d be very interested to hear how Obama is killing babys as well.
does that mean Reagan killed babys to?
how does one reason killing babys to presidents?
since abortions have been going on for quite some time
under a lot of presidents, both Republican and Democrat
explain please
Mike -- the fetus fanatics would have no response for you. They have an insane fetish for the fetus. It’s actually kinda sick.
Imagine being obsessed with what may, or may not, have ever been
rather than focusing on what is? There are so many children in need and ignored all over the world…I don’t hear any pro-life obsession with helping the children who are in actual need.
Oh, Matthew, a happy un-birthday to you, too! There’s the flow. Clinical guidelines here we come. Who’s afraid of a little warfarin?
Every day I look at my little boy, and I smile. I never really think of what may have or may have not been. I only think of what is. Thankfully.
Oh, and what can be
It’s killing the babies already walking the earth, that churns my stomach.
Keep the “change”…
Jeremiah…that’s what I’m talking about, yo! Priorities!!
helps keep a conscious clean
music is the only thing that
makes sense
and if you have a problem getting home
just do a
6-flat 9
that will bring you back to 1
werks evry time
LOVE the jazz lingo Louis… vi -- ii -- V7 -- I
You made perfect sense the first time. And again the second.
is Jeremiah blaming the current president for starting the wars?
or is it the continuation of them?
Jeremiah, do you believe that if we decided to stop all aggressions in our current wars and walk away, that the killing of innocent children and people will stop?
I dont believe so, though I agree with you and feel very strongly about the loss of innocent life.
I dont see how our current president is responsible for the hornets nest he was handed
What could be more innocent than an unborn child?
Maybe 42 million unborn children
“What could be more innocent than an unborn child?”
MAYBE an actual BORN child??? Pretty innocent! 🙂
FYI…up to 20% of all RECOGNIZED pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion. The key word being “recognized”. This does not include all the pregnancies that self terminate prior to recognition.
Statistically, GOD, (the creator of all things, right?), is responsible for WAY more abortions than man. Why would he abort all those innocent babies????
Yes, and God created Man, so he is the one responsible for all abortions. Thanks for setting me straight……… Not !!!
That seems logical
MadMike- You really distilled it down to the central point. It’s easy to say you’re against something bad- like killing- and congratulate yourself on choosing good over evil. But once evil won’t back down and you find it infused in all of your choices- not so easy. I used to be a pacifist. I still am mostly. But real life requires more than bumper sticker thinking. Now when I see “War is not the answer” I want to know what is. Because, like you said, sometimes the alternative is more innocent people dying. I don’t envy anyone who has to make those choices.
Anyone else having fun fighting over health care today?? I am!!
with who Bruce?..and which side of health care are you on?
if you dont mind my asking
Oh…on the correct side Mike! I want health care for ALL punks!!
Let them pay like everyone else
Since this is the Injections thread:
Listen to your brothers’ calls!
“California, in Financial Crisis, Opens Prison Doors”
Thanks Paul…let’s let the crack heads and non-violent criminals out.
“Why put them in chains, why destroy their good brains, 90% of the guilty are free, break down the walls with me”
Crack heads arent much fun…..
they really arent
Crack is wack
Here is Jim Wood founder of Radio Active Records web site, loaded with his music. He is currently in State Prison. http://www.darklyabsurd.com/music
AND on FaceBook!
Jim would like people to send him letters in jail, he has been there over 9 years, he was very influential in the San Diego Music Scene in the late 70’s early 80’s ( both good and bad ) Any and all communication with the free world would be greatly appreciated
Saint James Wood T-30027
P.O.Box 8101 / CMC 6254
San Luis Obispo, CA 93409
I know Jim…
thanks for the info Lou
“Miss Cynthia – or jus’ go home” does she carry a big fat whip and wear stilletos??
Oh if so she has my vote no matter her party affiliation.
The sudden passing of Gary Heffern is quite a shock.
Rest in peace Monotone
Lou,is this an April fools thing?Please tell us it is.I’m so glad I got to speak to Gary and see him perform in February,but i want to see him again.
Yes, it is an April Fool
God bless you,Lou,you trickster.God bless Gary too.
Join the Injections’ Facebook group!
1) Joanne…what a young ‘un!
2) Rehearsal “Post-punk” version of Injections, probably 1981…after returning from RI, Jail, Brig, Rehabs, etc…I can tell by the guitar, haircuts, clothes…
3) Rick Fortune, what a great guy, (FONO), standing with some unidentified cat!
Two questions:
1. New band name -- Osama Bin Sherman??
2. Too soon??
Bruce Injection
Charles Shields is alive and well…on FB!!
What a find. An original artist and pioneer of the original SD punk scene. Witness to the truth.
Rumor is that 1000 new copies of Prison Walls, re-mastered, with original artwork have been produced in New York.
If anyone is interested contact Joanne, Lou, or myself.
Thanks to all who contacted us regarding the new re-issue. As of today we have the new VINYL 45 w/original artwork, delivered.
We would like to divide up all copies between Lou, Myself, Joanne, and Lisas kids. PLEASE…we need help locating Lisa Astins children. Does anyone in SD know what happened to her kids..where are they…FB???
Anyone interested in obtaining a copy contact Lou or myself for now.
I’d be interested…what’s the cost?
Perhaps no cost…have to talk to Lou first.
Yes, but of course, The Injections music has always been free