Portrait of my life as a young San Diego punk rocker

(Blake, a k a Matt, Wilson, revisits his history in the San Diego scene.)

Detail: Matthew Blake Wilson (collection Matthew Blake Wilson)I got into the Southern California punk scene with my friend Jesus Reyes, a kid from Tijuana living in Bonita, in about 1981 through the older punks at school; school being Bonita Vista in the South Bay, the punks being Matt Hemlin; Adam Morgan; Anna Stjerne; Cindy Vitalich; and mostly Scott MacDonald, who was my best friend’s older brother.

Scott was in the SDSH, which eased the way a bit as a kid in what could be a pretty intimidating scene for a 15-year-old. Mike Stobbe was a year ahead of us at the junior high, and he was into the same scene, but we weren’t tight. I used to ride my bike into Chula Vista from Bonita to buy records at Licorice Pizza at Broadway and H Streets when Bart Mendoza, Peter and Donnie worked there. They had a little “Punk/New Wave” section, and I think we bought most of it.

Read morePortrait of my life as a young San Diego punk rocker

A message from the Wallflowers

Wallflowers David Rinck, Paul HowlandAs the Titans of the Che Underground suit up for their 25-year reunion at Che Games for May (May 29-31, 2009, in San Diego), vocalist Dave Rinck and bassist Paul Howland of San Diego’s original Wallflowers took time out to videotape their personal invitations to the event.

Be sure to catch the Wallflowers along with the Answers; the Gay Dennys (featuring members of the Tell-Tale Hearts and the Crawdaddys); Hair Theatre; Manual Scan; and Noise 292 at the Casbah May 30, 2009!

Got Che? Check out David Rinck, Dave Fleminger and Paul Kaufman’s musical promo!

The Che Underground