This is a public-service announcement, with guitars:
“I’m currently working with the Alumni Association at UCSD to acquire photographs of the history of various aspects of campus to include in a 50th Anniversary book of photography,” writes Stephanie Usry. “Since the Che has been a continually important part of the campus and one that is held in high esteem by many students, we are planning to include historical pictures and we would also like to add some more recent photographs of the venue.
“Do you have any photographs that we may include that you feel represent the identity of the Che (recent shows or events, gatherings there) that we may be able to include in this publication?
“This will be a highly visible book, distributed by UC Press, and it would give the Che some great recognition and exposure on a national level while recognizing the importance of its impact on the community.
“I’d really appreciate it if you could forward on some photographs or give me advice on where I might look.”
Stephanie’s collaborator, Ray Brandes’ friend Jennifer Morrissey, says the group needs the photos by Friday, Oct. 29. She’s given her permission for me to include her e-mail address here so contributors can reach her directly: Get out your photo albums and shoe boxes and help commemorate this historic site!
N.b.: Two reasons they need you to connect, not just me and the Che Underground blog archives:
1. These photos still belong to the respective photographers — I need your say-so before I go handin’ ’em out. 🙂
2. They need high-resolution versions of the photos. Much of what I do have, I’ve sampled down to a Web-friendly 72 dpi, which I don’t think will suffice here.