Hair Theatre: “Meet Me Outside”

Detail: Sergio of Hair TheatreThe first time I heard Hair Theatre was a party at Margarat Nee’s house in Leucadia in the summer of 1983. They came out of nowhere (a k a Carlsbad, a few miles north of my sphere of activity), and I knew from Note 1 that we needed to invite them to join the scene coalescing around the Che Cafe. What an incredible band! What fantastic stage presence!

Making its digital debut on Che Underground: The Blog, here’s Hair Theatre doing “Meet Me Outside.” Listening to this, who else can clearly picture Sergio in action?

Listen to it now!

Noise 292/Hair Theatre?/Answers?? at the Che

Jeff 'n' SergioHelp me reconstruct the back story on these photos, which come from a set of snapshots I’m betting were taken on Nov. 17, 1983, when Noise 292 played the Che with Hair Theatre and 11 Sons. Near as I can make out, Jeff Lowe is playing bass with Hair Theater that night, while Dave Fleminger is drumming for Noise 292 … Or was this a show when Sergio was fronting the Answers?

Oh! And Jeff and I seem to be playing the same bass in these pictures … Was that his? ‘Twasn’t mine or Kristin’s.

Dave Flem 'n' Noise 292

Welcome to the Che Underground!

This site and blog will be the gathering spot for us to assemble the inside story on the vibrant scene that flowered in San Diego around 1983 and 1984 and performed many of its most crucial shows at UCSD’s Che Cafe.

This “Che Underground” encompassed the varied sounds of the Answers, Hair Theatre, Noise 292, the Rockin’ Dogs, and the original and definitive Wallflowers. It spawned collaborations and friendships that have lasted a quarter-century. But it produced few artifacts and monuments, since the participants were frankly too busy enjoying the creative milieu to document it systematically.

We plan to change that. Welcome to the Che Underground!

The Che Underground