Between the band’s San Diego pedigree and Ray Brandes’ definitive biography, punk pioneers the Zeros have a special place on Che Underground: The Blog.
The reunited band’s recent string of West Coast gigs has rallied members of our community. And considering our own recent reunion, I’d like to learn more about how our forebears are faring.
Read about the birth of the Zeros!
Who’s been to the Zeros’ recent shows? How does now stack up to then?
Meanwhile, here’s a taste for those of us who haven’t caught the band in 2009:
Sounds exactly like 1977/78. Which is good, because by 1980 you could kind of tell they had lost steam (and a member).
Went to Gilman, it was great to see so many kids there (i.e.-people under 40).
At the door, a worker was lamenting the crowd at these “reunion shows” as a bunch of old people. HA!
Going to the SF show tonight. Will give a drunken half-assed report later.
If any of you want, you can give a birthday shout-out to Baba here and I will pass it along.
>>At the door, a worker was lamenting the crowd at these “reunion shows” as a bunch of old people. HA!
Yeah, Gilman Street is no place for nostalgia. Yo, door kid: This place is 23 years old! I.e., about the same age as your Pampers.
That attitude reminds me of the Jello Biafra beatdown in ’94. Damn whippersnappers!
I went to the show last night at the Troubadour. Not growing up in the 70’s or even 80’s i missed the Zeros. But last night seemed like they never left the stage. I thought they had a good energy and I expected an older crowd. Surprisingly there was a nice mixture of everybody. The Muffs set the pace with the opening set. All in all it was a good night to pogo and listen to some good music.
I spoke with some of the members afterwards and they informed me that they will be playing more shows, which i was unaware. In August they will be back here in LA, but also down in SD at the Casbah in August.
Given the great press the band has gotten for its Bar Pink, LA and San Francisco shows, the Casbah is sure to sell out fast!
Thinking about all of us old-timers spoiling the kids’ fun with our reunion shows reminded me of this:
Oh yeah, there is some reasonably good footage of the Gilma shows on YouTube. Just do a search on “Zeros Gilman.”
Caught them at Gilman St., and going to see them again tonight. I think I saw them around 1980 but I can’t remember. They are so good now that I propose they are better now then they used to be. So talented and precise. Baba is a powerhouse drummer and they all have so much energy for middle-aged rockers.
well…funny you post this today. the bay area ché faction will be representin’ tonight at the elbo room. i’m sure there will be plenty to report tomorrow. i am super stoked, as i never did get to see these guys back in the day. …beat your heart out…
Tell them to come post on the blog! Otherwise, we shall have to have Simon taunt them until they are provoked into a visit. 🙂
OK, I’ll start the taunting: The Zeros were cool … Until they tried to pass that little blond kid off as “Cousin Oliver.” And Hector moved in over the Cunninghams’ garage.
So how’d the S.F. show go? I was gonna go but I lamed out. I saw them at Gilman St. Before they came on I saw Losin’ Streaks, which were a super manic garage band, then La Plebe, a super manic Spanish-singing punk band with a horn section. When the Zeros came on, although I enjoyed the fast stuff, I found it refreshing to be able to dance to the music. Mexican Ramones seemed apt. I loved their tight, loud, rather innocent music.
Paul: I thought the sound was way better at Gilman St. In a nutshell, The Zeros were great at Elbo Room, but the sound was crappy, it was too crowded, and they sounded a little sloppier than at Gilman (perhaps they had one-too-many before the show). I was right up front but got annoyed by one a-hole who had to punch everyone in the back if they got too close to him while slam dancing.
It was Baba’s birthday and at one point Penelope Houston (Avengers) brought up a birthday cake and everyone sang Happy Birthday to Baba.
Did you notice what they were drinking?
One too many Clausthalers just make you full and burpy.
A link back to the blog (and acknowledgment of Ray’s piece) would be nice, but at least I’m glad all these authors are reading us! 🙂
Eric Rife is the documentarian and scene veteran who shot forthcoming footage of our Che Games performances at the Casbah.
Eric has posted clips of the Zeros at Bar Pink:
Flash: The Zeros are playing one of two East Coast gigs tomorrow night (Monday, Sept. 14) at Maxwell’s in Hoboken.
I pride myself on not leaving my house at night, especially on a Monday night. However … It’s the Zeros!
Is anyone from our NY area contingent planning to attend?
I felt kinda dumb today when I ran into a guy I know from here — whose rock-‘n’-roll pedigree was South Carolina, I believe, and New York — asked me if I’d been to see the Zeros at Maxwell’s in Hoboken … Which I hadn’t.
I explained about my angoraphobia: My irrational terror of fuzzy sweaters kept me home. :-/
Too bad you missed the Zeros.
All kidding aside, I had a terrible case of agoraphobia after I left SD. Didn’t leave my brothers farmhouse for almost a year.
It’s so irrational, but so real if you’re going through it!
Anybody suffering with this contact me; I know the solution. CBT!
>>All kidding aside, I had a terrible case of agoraphobia after I left SD. Didn’t leave my brothers farmhouse for almost a year.
Bruce: I was kind of being a smartass … But seriously now — wow, it’s hard for me to get out to events nowadays. There is considerable anxiety, mostly about giving my family enough attention and getting enough rest, especially on worknights. (One late night, and my circadian rhythm pays for it the next four days.)
Anybody wanna form a Gotham-geezer support group, talk to me!
There’s a Zeros fan page on Facebook called “Bring back the Zeros Fan Page” that’s currently operating as the Zero’s fan page.
The old one was taken down at the request of a nineties era band known as the “purple haired Zeros.” I know about the other Wallflowers, and there is a band in England calling itself the Tell-Tale Hearts. I wonder if there are any Noise 292s or Rockin’ Dogs out there.
There are some excellent rare photos here:
The Original SD punk rockers. Such cool dudes….